This Looker Open Source repository is released under the MIT license. This tool helps customer do self-evaluation of Looker Core migration. The tool is written in Go and uses the Looker SDK for Go. There are several commands:
- Compute Usage command to retrieve some looker usage data.
- File System Performance command to assess the performance of the file system where Looker is hosted.
To use the script, you can run the following command from anywhere that can access the Looker instance:
go run main.go --command=compute-usage --api-id=<api_id> --api-secret=<api_secret> --addr=<looker_instance_address> --output-csv=<output_csv_path> --ssl=<ssl>
It will automatically output a CSV file with the usage details of the Looker instance.
This script shows the size and file count of individual model-related directories, along with a disk write speed test.
Execute the following shell script on your instance only. This script also assumes looker as the username and that the installation took place on the user's home directory like we describe on our documentation
To use the script, you can run the following command:
go run main.go --command=file-system-performance --output-csv=<output_csv_path>
It will automatically output a CSV file with the file system performance of the Looker instance.