Table of Contents
$ cat --version | head -n1
cat (GNU coreutils) 8.25
$ man cat
CAT(1) User Commands CAT(1)
cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output
cat [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Concatenate FILE(s) to standard output.
With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
- For below examples,
files contain 3 fields delimited by TAB - To avoid formatting issues, TAB has been converted to spaces using
col -x
while pasting the output here
- One or more files can be given as input and hence a lot of times,
is used to quickly see contents of small single file on terminal - To save the output of concatenation, just redirect stdout
$ ls
marks_2015.txt marks_2016.txt marks_2017.txt
$ cat marks_201*
Name Maths Science
foo 67 78
bar 87 85
Name Maths Science
foo 70 75
bar 85 88
Name Maths Science
foo 68 76
bar 90 90
$ # save stdout to a file
$ cat marks_201* > all_marks.txt
$ # combining input from stdin and other files
$ printf 'Name\tMaths\tScience \nbaz\t56\t63\nbak\t71\t65\n' | cat - marks_2015.txt
Name Maths Science
baz 56 63
bak 71 65
Name Maths Science
foo 67 78
bar 87 85
$ # - can be placed in whatever order is required
$ printf 'Name\tMaths\tScience \nbaz\t56\t63\nbak\t71\t65\n' | cat marks_2015.txt -
Name Maths Science
foo 67 78
bar 87 85
Name Maths Science
baz 56 63
bak 71 65
$ printf 'hello\n\n\nworld\n\nhave a nice day\n'
have a nice day
$ printf 'hello\n\n\nworld\n\nhave a nice day\n' | cat -s
have a nice day
$ # number all lines
$ cat -n marks_201*
1 Name Maths Science
2 foo 67 78
3 bar 87 85
4 Name Maths Science
5 foo 70 75
6 bar 85 88
7 Name Maths Science
8 foo 68 76
9 bar 90 90
$ # number only non-empty lines
$ printf 'hello\n\n\nworld\n\nhave a nice day\n' | cat -sb
1 hello
2 world
3 have a nice day
- For more numbering options, check out the command
$ whatis nl
nl (1) - number lines of files
- End of line identified by
- Useful for example to see trailing spaces
$ cat -E marks_2015.txt
Name Maths Science $
foo 67 78$
bar 87 85$
- TAB identified by
$ cat -T marks_2015.txt
- Non-printing characters
- See Show Non-Printing Characters for more detailed info
$ # NUL character
$ printf 'foo\0bar\0baz\n' | cat -v
$ # to check for dos-style line endings
$ printf 'Hello World!\r\n' | cat -v
Hello World!^M
$ printf 'Hello World!\r\n' | dos2unix | cat -v
Hello World!
- the
option is equivalent to-vET
- the
option is equivalent to-vE
- If
are not available, see How to convert DOS/Windows newline (CRLF) to Unix newline (\n)
$ cat > sample.txt
This is an example of adding text to a new file using cat command.
Press Ctrl+d on a newline to save and quit.
$ cat sample.txt
This is an example of adding text to a new file using cat command.
Press Ctrl+d on a newline to save and quit.
- See also how to use heredoc
- See also difference between Ctrl+c and Ctrl+d to signal end of stdin input in bash
$ whatis tac
tac (1) - concatenate and print files in reverse
$ tac --version | head -n1
tac (GNU coreutils) 8.25
$ seq 3 | tac
$ tac marks_2015.txt
bar 87 85
foo 67 78
Name Maths Science
- Useful in cases where logic is easier to write when working on reversed file
- Consider this made up log file, many Warning lines but need to extract only from last such Warning upto Error line
- See GNU sed chapter for details on the
command used below
- See GNU sed chapter for details on the
$ cat report.log
blah blah
Warning: something went wrong
more blah
Warning: something else went wrong
some text
some more text
Error: something seriously went wrong
blah blah blah
$ tac report.log | sed -n '/Error:/,/Warning:/p' | tac
Warning: something else went wrong
some text
some more text
Error: something seriously went wrong
- Similarly, if characters in lines have to be reversed, use the
$ whatis rev
rev (1) - reverse lines characterwise
is used so frequently to view contents of a file that somehow users think other commands cannot handle file input- UUOC
- Useless Use of Cat Award
$ cat report.log | grep -E 'Warning|Error'
Warning: something went wrong
Warning: something else went wrong
Error: something seriously went wrong
$ grep -E 'Warning|Error' report.log
Warning: something went wrong
Warning: something else went wrong
Error: something seriously went wrong
- Use input redirection if a command doesn't accept file input
$ cat marks_2015.txt | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'
name maths science
foo 67 78
bar 87 85
$ tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' < marks_2015.txt
name maths science
foo 67 78
bar 87 85
- However,
should definitely be used where concatenation is needed
$ grep -c 'foo' marks_201*
$ # concatenation allows to get overall count in one-shot in this case
$ cat marks_201* | grep -c 'foo'
$ less --version | head -n1
less 481 (GNU regular expressions)
$ # By default, pager is used to display the man pages
$ # and usually, pager is linked to less command
$ type pager less
pager is /usr/bin/pager
less is /usr/bin/less
$ realpath /usr/bin/pager
$ realpath /usr/bin/less
$ diff -s /usr/bin/pager /usr/bin/less
Files /usr/bin/pager and /usr/bin/less are identical
command is NOT suitable for viewing contents of large files on the Terminalless
displays contents of a file, automatically fits to size of Terminal, allows scrolling in either direction and other options for effective viewing- Usually,
command usesless
command to display the help page - The navigation commands are similar to
Commonly used commands are given below, press h
for summary of options
go to start of fileG
go to end of fileq
search for the given pattern in forward direction?pattern
search for the given pattern in backward directionn
go to next patternN
go to previous pattern
- See
man less
for detailed info on commands and options. For example:-s
option to squeeze consecutive blank lines-N
option to prefix line number
command is an improved version ofmore
command- differences between most, more and less
- less Q&A on unix stackexchange
$ tail --version | head -n1
tail (GNU coreutils) 8.25
$ man tail
TAIL(1) User Commands TAIL(1)
tail - output the last part of files
tail [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Print the last 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. With more
than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name.
With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
Consider this sample file, with line numbers prefixed
$ cat sample.txt
1) Hello World
3) Good day
4) How are you
6) Just do-it
7) Believe it
9) Today is sunny
10) Not a bit funny
11) No doubt you like it too
13) Much ado about nothing
14) He he he
15) Adios amigo
- default behavior - display last 10 lines
$ tail sample.txt
6) Just do-it
7) Believe it
9) Today is sunny
10) Not a bit funny
11) No doubt you like it too
13) Much ado about nothing
14) He he he
15) Adios amigo
- Use
option to control number of lines to filter
$ tail -n3 sample.txt
13) Much ado about nothing
14) He he he
15) Adios amigo
$ # some versions of tail allow to skip explicit n character
$ tail -5 sample.txt
11) No doubt you like it too
13) Much ado about nothing
14) He he he
15) Adios amigo
- when number is prefixed with
sign, all lines are fetched from that particular line number to end of file
$ tail -n +10 sample.txt
10) Not a bit funny
11) No doubt you like it too
13) Much ado about nothing
14) He he he
15) Adios amigo
$ seq 13 17 | tail -n +3
- Note that this works byte wise and not suitable for multi-byte character encodings
$ # last three characters including the newline character
$ echo 'Hi there!' | tail -c3
$ # excluding the first character
$ echo 'Hi there!' | tail -c +2
i there!
$ tail -n2 report.log sample.txt
==> report.log <==
Error: something seriously went wrong
blah blah blah
==> sample.txt <==
14) He he he
15) Adios amigo
$ # -q option to avoid filename in output
$ tail -q -n2 report.log sample.txt
Error: something seriously went wrong
blah blah blah
14) He he he
15) Adios amigo
tail -f
and related options are beyond the scope of this tutorial. Below links might be useful- tail Q&A on unix stackexchange
- tail Q&A on stackoverflow
$ head --version | head -n1
head (GNU coreutils) 8.25
$ man head
HEAD(1) User Commands HEAD(1)
head - output the first part of files
head [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Print the first 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. With more
than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name.
With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
- default behavior - display starting 10 lines
$ head sample.txt
1) Hello World
3) Good day
4) How are you
6) Just do-it
7) Believe it
9) Today is sunny
10) Not a bit funny
- Use
option to control number of lines to filter
$ head -n3 sample.txt
1) Hello World
3) Good day
$ # some versions of head allow to skip explicit n character
$ head -4 sample.txt
1) Hello World
3) Good day
4) How are you
- when number is prefixed with
sign, all lines are fetched except those many lines to end of file
$ # except last 9 lines of file
$ head -n -9 sample.txt
1) Hello World
3) Good day
4) How are you
6) Just do-it
$ # except last 2 lines
$ seq 13 17 | head -n -2
- Note that this works byte wise and not suitable for multi-byte character encodings
$ # if output of command doesn't end with newline, prompt will be on same line
$ # to highlight working of command, the prompt for such cases is not shown here
$ # first two characters
$ echo 'Hi there!' | head -c2
$ # excluding last four characters
$ echo 'Hi there!' | head -c -4
Hi the
$ head -n3 report.log sample.txt
==> report.log <==
blah blah
Warning: something went wrong
more blah
==> sample.txt <==
1) Hello World
3) Good day
$ # -q option to avoid filename in output
$ head -q -n3 report.log sample.txt
blah blah
Warning: something went wrong
more blah
1) Hello World
3) Good day
- Despite involving two commands, often this combination is faster than equivalent sed/awk versions
$ head -n11 sample.txt | tail -n3
9) Today is sunny
10) Not a bit funny
11) No doubt you like it too
$ tail sample.txt | head -n2
6) Just do-it
7) Believe it
For editing text files, the following applications can be used. Of these, gedit
, nano
, vi
and/or vim
are available in most distros by default
Easy to use
Powerful text editors
- vim
- vim learning resources and vim reference for further info
- emacs
- atom
- sublime
Check out this analysis for some performance/feature comparisons of various text editors