Threatelligence uses feed configuration files to fetch data from HTTP/HTTPS sources on the Interwebs. The configuration (.ini) files have a number of options to tell the fetcher where the data is, what the data is and how to parse the data.
Example configuration file:
feed_name: BlocklistDE_Botnet
temp_file: /tmp/blocklist_bots_tmp
final_file: /tmp/blocklist_bots_sorted
regex: \d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3}
regex_value: ipaddress
severity: high
type: botnet
url: <URL source where the data resides>
feed_name: <feed_name>
temp_file: <write files to this location, must end with _tmp>
final_file: <after parsing, for debugging writes details to his file>
regex: \d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3} <our regex to extract the data, IP address>
regex_value: <we must tell the parser if this is an ipaddress, domain or url>
severity: <giving it a severity risk according to source>
type: <type of data could be botnet, CnC, malware_domain,APT,malware_distribution,malware_ip,bruteforce,scanning,spamming> Add your own
I have sort of grouped the types to specific .ini files but you cn either add to a file or create a new one. All .ini files in the folder are automatically picked up by the cron job so no further needing to configure.
There is a test script that you can use to test your custom feeds configuration:
cd /opt/threatelligence/bin/
python -i /opt/threatelligence/etc/apt_feeds.ini
Data will be printed to screen and logged to the file_file location, feel free to modify as you please.