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File metadata and controls

90 lines (82 loc) · 3.56 KB


GH Action to spin up a GKE Cluster, install Keptn on it, and create Keptn as a project within itself. The output of this action provides the API credentials for the created Keptn instance. In addition to Keptn, also the dynatrace-service and dynatrace-sli-service can be onboarded as services within the Keptn project.


Name Mandatory Format Description Default
KeptnVersion no string Version of Keptn to be installed 0.8.1
KeptnProject no string Name of the Project used for Keptn self monitoring keptn
KeptnProjectVersion no string Version of the Keptn installation to be tested with Keptn 0.8.1
OnboardDynatraceService no string Indicates whether the dynatrace-service should be onboarded false
DynatraceServiceVersion no string Version of the dynatrace-service 0.13.0
OnboardDynatraceSLIService no string Indicates whether the dynatrace-sli-service should be onboarded false
DynatraceSLIServiceVersion no string Version of the dynatrace-sli-service 0.10.0
GKEClusterVersion no string Version of the GKE Cluster 1.18
GKEClusterRegion no string Region of the GKE Cluster us-east1
GKEProjectName yes string Name of the GKE Project -
GKEClusterName yes string Name of the GKE Cluster -
GKEClusterMachineType no string Name of the machine type used for the GKE Cluster n1-standard-4
GKEClusterNumNodes no int Number of nodes for the GKE Cluster 3
GCloudComputeZone no string Name of the GCloud compute Zone us-east1-b
GCloudServiceKey yes string Base64 encoded GCloud service Key JSON -


Name Format Description
KeptnAPIUrl url Keptn API URL
KeptnAPIToken string Keptn API Token

Example usage

name: Setup Keptn
  - workflow_dispatch

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Setup Keptn
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Setup Keptn
        id: setup-keptn
        uses: keptn/gh-action-ci-prepare-keptn-cluster@main
          KeptnVersion: '0.8.1'
          GKEClusterVersion: '1.18'
          GKEProjectName: ${{ secrets.GKE_PROJECT_NAME }}
          GCloudServiceKey: ${{ secrets.GCLOUD_SERVICE_KEY }}
          GKEClusterName: 'keptn-meta-test'
      # The Keptn API credentials can then be used in the next action, e.g.:
      - name: Trigger delivery
        id: trigger-delivery
        uses: keptn/gh-action-send-event@main
          keptnApiUrl: ${{ steps.setup-keptn.outputs.KeptnAPIURL }}/v1/event 
          keptnApiToken: ${{ steps.setup-keptn.outputs.KeptnAPIToken }}
          event: |
              "data": {
                "configurationChange": {
                  "values": {
                    "control-plane": {
                      "enabled": true
                "deployment": {
                  "deploymentURIsLocal": null,
                  "deploymentstrategy": "direct"
                "message": "",
                "project": "keptn",
                "result": "",
                "service": "keptn",
                "stage": "dev",
                "status": ""
              "source": "gh",
              "specversion": "1.0",
              "type": "",
              "shkeptnspecversion": "0.2.1"