All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.1.0 (2024-07-25)
- api: add endpoint to get image list (#908) (068c324)
- api: add organization permission entity (#911) (eef7a6c)
- api: add vapid endpoint (#896) (e126a0d)
- api: enable web push notifications (#902) (7ba7bfc)
- web-ui: add button to enable notifcations (#924) (63b9f50)
- web-ui: add page for blog post photos (#909) (0466036)
- web-ui: add skeleton to photos page (#913) (6f7e614)
- web-ui: improve loading screen (#920) (a2b7e62)
- web-ui: make current organization avatar link to page (#925) (d6a962a)
- web-ui: show web push notifications (#900) (f32dd7e)
- web-ui: update style of appbar for new chat page (#906) (702f300)
- web-ui: use drawer to show organization list menu on mobile (#922) (8230773)
- api: fix incorrect type when saving subscription (#898) (fe34736)
- api: fix notifications on sent chat messages (#903) (5aecbde)
- api: fix typo in subscription serialization (#899) (d18862b)
- auth-ui: use manifest from main app (#917) (6f90c6a)
- web-ui: disallow selecting app bar header text (#889) (c7c67b9)
- web-ui: fix cache issue when creating new chat (#907) (d44eba3)
- web-ui: fix incorrect import path for apple icon (#918) (b041329)
- web-ui: fix typo (#914) (9524886)
- web-ui: invalidate conversation cache on new messages (#905) (bcb988c)
- web-ui: minor styling fixes for photos list page (#912) (f131ec5)
- web-ui: update locale (#923) (6e43d30)
- web-ui: use same theme for loading screen (#921) (2f18586)
2.0.0 (2024-07-19)
- add translations for profile creation (49cae82)
- api: activate blog module (8d85032)
- api: add active organization entity (defbdd9)
- api: add base entity (546168a)
- api: add blog entity (6b97b47)
- api: add blog post comments (d54e862)
- api: add blog post notifications (19016a1)
- api: add blog post reaction (#660) (c40b422)
- api: add bodies to email notifications (27fb1b0)
- api: add cache decorator (4408f57)
- api: add chat conversations (#772) (f022299)
- api: add command handler to invite user via email (19898ab)
- api: add command to remove member from organization (7429a1e)
- api: add connections endpoint (9a81640)
- api: add controllers for orgaizations (942f5a6)
- api: add controllers for orgaizations (88da7e3)
- api: add core photo service (cfb2b6d)
- api: add custom email template (aaf5fbb)
- api: add email service (1774544)
- api: add email to request context (eb421a3)
- api: add endpoint for adding member to group (d7164d6)
- api: add endpoint for deleting blog posts (a3b14ea)
- api: add endpoint for updating member role (5f9a0d8)
- api: add endpoint to create new chat (#833) (6042ef7)
- api: add endpoint to delete current profile (9b8cdb9)
- api: add endpoint to fetch organization members (569fd4f)
- api: add endpoint to get single blog post (5e1d248)
- api: add endpoint to query profile (3a85dfd)
- api: add endpoint to switch active organization (1b18ece)
- api: add endpoint to update membership role (565e982)
- api: add event for when profile updated (792b2cb)
- api: add handler to delete blog post handler (67e4998)
- api: add info query (211d1b5)
- api: add method for validate and map data (22acc09)
- api: add method to fetch user emails (27771cb)
- api: add method to notify organization (fb65e32)
- api: add migratoin for blog posts (64e4c3f)
- api: add more details to blog post comment notififer (60bf668)
- api: add notification entityt (cabb036)
- api: add notification to comments (196c8a9)
- api: add odata compliant module (d38245a)
- api: add organisation entity (0bcdb61)
- api: add organisation entity (5df3b26)
- api: add organization journal (8edbab2)
- api: add organization list endpoint (a437857)
- api: add organization membership role (b5310bf)
- api: add permission check to current organization (1f29ca7)
- api: add photo resize with jimp (5334a78)
- api: add photos to blog posts (c61ea79)
- api: add tests for update blog handler (b44ccd8)
- api: add time based filter to journal query (617e760)
- api: att api endpoint to create organization (1bf7d27)
- api: create notifications (b877c06)
- api: create settings on creating profile (31b3b33)
- api: delete photos when deleting blog post (0b55fc8)
- api: downscale profile images (cab01d1)
- api: expore profile name on blogs (d226b1f)
- api: expose id on journal entries (113923d)
- api: expose member name in list endpoint (002fee5)
- api: expose membership ids on queries (fc55ef7)
- api: expose profile image on blog posts (ad023b5)
- api: expose profile images on organization members (3f3834c)
- api: include if blog posts are owned by current user (1be0d28)
- api: include membership role in query (68da6f3)
- api: include message and type in notification list query (33ee051)
- api: include post content in notification (#673) (f413328)
- api: include profile details in blog post comment (40a57fa)
- api: include profile image in journal queries (#657) (d736f4d)
- api: include profile name and photo in chat messages (#847) (ec05576)
- api: include profile names in notifications (9a11cb9)
- api: include profiles in conversation response (#865) (d71093b)
- api: include reaction names in query (#681) (344539b)
- api: make health routes unprotected (20bf49b)
- api: make location optional when signing up (7d77f3b)
- api: member membership unique (e9b9089)
- api: notify member when added to new group (c5cd131)
- api: only notify people in post on new comment (#674) (c7c8731)
- api: order organization list by name (#792) (010b608)
- api: print warning on long running requests (008c87f)
- api: remove redundant text field (7b7c8d7)
- api: return timestamps on blog posts (f58ff30)
- api: send email as fallback notification (8910c86)
- api: send email as notification fallback (4206166)
- api: sort conversations by last message date (#867) (a5517e1)
- api: sort organization member list by name (8700186)
- api: store blog post photos in separate bucket (f017fb7)
- api: support deleting organization (#825) (47fbf00)
- api: support uploading images in blog post (a671bc0)
- api: upload blog photos to s3 (aacb6ac)
- api: use new user lookup endpoint (cb7d33a)
- auth-api: add email user lookup endpoint (c293a96)
- auth-api: add email verification (9db8f6c)
- auth-api: add single email lookup endpoint (977a48f)
- auth-ui: add translations to signup (4e21b69)
- auth-ui: enable email verification (7f6501e)
- auth-ui: improve error message ui (#691) (2265ea2)
- auth: add endpoint to query user info (8ca3536)
- auth: add endpoint to update email (7a96d46)
- auth: enrich authentication with email (e7e3eca)
- homepage: add background (b622501)
- homepage: add header image asset (724d5ea)
- homepage: add privacy policy (#816) (c479e41)
- homepage: add translations with i18next (9fd3144)
- homepage: update homepage translations (94177d2)
- mobile-app: add anroid app (#803) (349a149)
- mobile-app: update navigation bar color (#804) (29615d7)
- repo: support setting smtp port in .env file (f35a8fd)
- resize blog post photos (3bbff9a)
- web-ui: add animation to reaction button (#676) (8c4ff86)
- web-ui: add authorization hook (97f1220)
- web-ui: add autocomplete for profile creation (#670) (adced00)
- web-ui: add back nav to journal (e46b232)
- web-ui: add blog post event handler (80d2171)
- web-ui: add blog post page (75d7abb)
- web-ui: add blog post page (76a9a7e)
- web-ui: add blog route (868d5e7)
- web-ui: add blog styling fixes (#809) (df7cbd6)
- web-ui: add carousel component (5935585)
- web-ui: add Chinese translations (#692) (e921d3d)
- web-ui: add confirmation dialog component (ee91914)
- web-ui: add current organizations settings (#789) (dab6f0f)
- web-ui: add current profile page (0da9b1d)
- web-ui: add date range to journal (bca7f7f)
- web-ui: add dd analytics (9d938ed)
- web-ui: add default sorting to journal table (8606c72)
- web-ui: add dialog core component draft (057f092)
- web-ui: add display for blog posts (6ca1a41)
- web-ui: add drawer component (bc054b0)
- web-ui: add empty state to table (a51ae6c)
- web-ui: add error and touched state to useForm hook (b61eb26)
- web-ui: add error messages to chat creation (#840) (b611fe5)
- web-ui: add fab for creating new chat (#849) (616964e)
- web-ui: add fullwidth prop to datepicker (4a147e0)
- web-ui: add functionality to switching current organzation (af636e2)
- web-ui: add group name in app bar (b702a4c)
- web-ui: add infinite scroll hook (8ce139e)
- web-ui: add invite member field (6042198)
- web-ui: add meet styled text (#886) (bb8bb89)
- web-ui: add member names in list (1090d63)
- web-ui: add message on successful account deletion (#814) (8e32c56)
- web-ui: add navigations (8c6dae0)
- web-ui: add organization journal page (#655) (c3a65d1)
- web-ui: add organization member menu (9e3ffd4)
- web-ui: add organization page (3993eec)
- web-ui: add page for creating organization (74dd1be)
- web-ui: add page for listing organizations (f232a32)
- web-ui: add page to list groups (201c08f)
- web-ui: add placeholder blog post menu (5b46da5)
- web-ui: add profile avatar to blog post comment (306bc7a)
- web-ui: add profile photo (b0702fb)
- web-ui: add publish icon to blog post (e4e5eec)
- web-ui: add quick switch button for changing organization (#693) (9ca8b37)
- web-ui: add regexp for drawer active states (7c145f7)
- web-ui: add settings page (3eb4ce3)
- web-ui: add skeleton for profile page (596003a)
- web-ui: add snackbar message when deleting blog post (b85080e)
- web-ui: add styling fixes (3531a31)
- web-ui: add styling fixes for blogs (#811) (de8343e)
- web-ui: add styling fixes to journal page (cd216ac)
- web-ui: add swedish translations for journal (9e03d47)
- web-ui: add switch component (43e6855)
- web-ui: add table core component (a5352d6)
- web-ui: add translations for blog post page (d6ef80e)
- web-ui: add translations for chat page (abf9c94)
- web-ui: add translations for organization list (69468e4)
- web-ui: add translations for settings page (2a1aea1)
- web-ui: add translations to validators (cbf7efa)
- web-ui: add useDialog hook (0f98909)
- web-ui: add useForm hook (56fa0be)
- web-ui: allow admins to delete blog posts (1b4364d)
- web-ui: allow removing blog post photo in form (9fb20bb)
- web-ui: allow removing member from group (77737ba)
- web-ui: allow selecting mutiple photos in blog post (5eb3fe9)
- web-ui: allow updating membership role (b2c1d88)
- web-ui: always show appbar on desktop (#887) (2d4b933)
- web-ui: center blog post photo (1a7376a)
- web-ui: change styling of error screen (#784) (89fe08a)
- web-ui: create auth-hook (80d7cc8)
- web-ui: create profile avatar component (#658) (6fa44e1)
- web-ui: disable zoom in mobile devices (#861) (7e601cd)
- web-ui: display profile picture (28a591a)
- web-ui: display relativ times for posts (d23a509)
- web-ui: expose settings on profile page (6c29862)
- web-ui: extract error messages in api middleware (bf7ecbf)
- web-ui: hide blog menu for posts form other users (4113113)
- web-ui: implement infinite scrolling (e5d5380)
- web-ui: import blogs skeleton (a2c11c2)
- web-ui: improve blog post nav (46b1a62)
- web-ui: improve blog skeletons styling (#828) (a18bb05)
- web-ui: improve carousel styling (dc1cef9)
- web-ui: improve design of current organization page (#844) (0a0fffd)
- web-ui: improve mobile nav (#871) (b7e5620)
- web-ui: improve nav further (#872) (cbd57ca)
- web-ui: improve profile page (#795) (e74cf62)
- web-ui: improve profile page skeleton (#796) (86c5580)
- web-ui: improve profile page styling (#846) (2539dec)
- web-ui: improve styling of blog post page (8601056)
- web-ui: include profile avatar when creating chat (#850) (2a19ef3)
- web-ui: increase mobile breakpoint (d1a6648)
- web-ui: link to profile from blog post (#793) (b3e63eb)
- web-ui: link to profile from members page (1192a40)
- web-ui: move invite user form to a dialog (86273fb)
- web-ui: redesign chat messages (#845) (96926db)
- web-ui: redesign profile page (#842) (b527d03)
- web-ui: redirect to homepage when switching organization (c33858b)
- web-ui: redirect to path when logging in (8f093d9)
- web-ui: refresh blog post events on notification (5ffd6a3)
- web-ui: register locale in daysj (5632df1)
- web-ui: remove global padding (#807) (7b7e6c4)
- web-ui: remove location tracking on signup (ec66a18)
- web-ui: remove Meet name in appbar (#873) (92e04ab)
- web-ui: remove redundant header (#800) (275e996)
- web-ui: show avatars next to chat messages (#848) (7bc7b6a)
- web-ui: show comment button (726eee2)
- web-ui: show journal data in table (2b62cdb)
- web-ui: show journal for last days (3328062)
- web-ui: show name on blog posts (5302019)
- web-ui: show notification in navigation (4936df3)
- web-ui: show organization created date (#788) (d122e2f)
- web-ui: show organization member list (848f0e0)
- web-ui: show photo placeholders in blog post (362a8d6)
- web-ui: show profile details in organization journal (#656) (d1b6a15)
- web-ui: show profile image on posts (1a2c0cd)
- web-ui: show profile images in organization member list (7a6f445)
- web-ui: show profile names as part of reactions (#684) (fee6208)
- web-ui: show reactions in ui (#665) (3a0887d)
- web-ui: show roles on organization page (67c721b)
- web-ui: support deleting blog post (2e6f91c)
- web-ui: support new conversation's api (#776) (8489d27)
- web-ui: support toggling darkmode (53e2011)
- web-ui: support upload profile photo (8b03af6)
- web-ui: track failed ui requests (c8e2f39)
- web-ui: update blog post style (#823) (2b00214)
- web-ui: update blog post styles (#822) (ffd1de3)
- web-ui: update bottom navigation (be8a108)
- web-ui: update connections view (77868c6)
- web-ui: update journal url (b1cb553)
- web-ui: update site description (13c491f)
- web-ui: use carousel to display photos in blog post (cff8264)
- web-ui: use profile avatar in organization member list (#853) (7e38190)
- web-ui: use spinner instead of skeleton for journal page (0219c0a)
- api: add authorization check to delete blog post command (df8c0e9)
- api: add exit statement to cli (d9362be)
- api: add minor email improvements (3504200)
- api: add missing awaits (4359e85)
- api: add missing columns (#785) (e62fbfd)
- api: add missing command handler (a66560b)
- api: add missing error code (f5ee30b)
- api: add missing query transform (2cb3b95)
- api: add missing typecast (97d1807)
- api: add missing uniqueness constraint (#837) (f96ec4f)
- api: add profile id in blog handler (a2c15e5)
- api: add typeorm metadata migration (d588e27)
- api: allow any character in profile name (d31ad69)
- api: avoid journaling profile deletion (#815) (67b3d09)
- api: avoid logging binary data to stdout (f1c67aa)
- api: check if profile is member in organization before adding (e204cc9)
- api: decrease required age to sign up (9126480)
- api: disallow empty chat messages (bde23e1)
- api: disallow user from updating own role (b21acc7)
- api: do not allow invite members to personal organization (#824) (4d7fa32)
- api: fix blog post sorting issue (87ab040)
- api: fix compressed blog photo size (509a794)
- api: fix email config (0dbc32c)
- api: fix incorrect cache key (d9d55cd)
- api: fix incorrect controller type (#836) (8e01009)
- api: fix incorrect seeder (59f33ec)
- api: fix journal typo (#648) (04c4a59)
- api: fix profile creation issue (1ddfcc8)
- api: fix query parsing issue (4e02273)
- api: fix type error (#769) (2b8f856)
- api: fix type issue (d5de998)
- api: fix typo (7e7492d)
- api: fix typo (3dc4241)
- api: fix typo (0158dfd)
- api: fix typo (4e07bd2)
- api: fix typo (61a3f2b)
- api: fix typo (6ec7835)
- api: fix typo (1900a13)
- api: fix typo (a749c9c)
- api: fix typo (33ae3b2)
- api: fix typo (aac6b1f)
- api: fix typo (#826) (228f00d)
- api: fix typo in chat messages (#841) (dba099a)
- api: fix typo in event (cec8633)
- api: handle organzation and profile deletion (#813) (428419e)
- api: hide email addresses from other members (ef97649)
- api: ignore non-user issued commands in journal (a961cc1)
- api: improve email styling (446a473)
- api: make data in notification dto mandatory (38aab17)
- api: multiple fixes to swagger spec (2959bfb)
- api: only attempt to send mails if there are users (c10899b)
- api: order chat messages by creation (#862) (98155c3)
- api: properly create personal organization on profile creation (52197dd)
- api: properly parse photos (08c574e)
- api: properly update active organization cache (48c9ac3)
- api: redact binaries in journal commands (f58a319)
- api: remove secure config from email (42ed37a)
- api: rename blog profile dto to avoid conflict (9f97f05)
- api: rename notification websocket endpoint (102f8cb)
- api: require name in profile (9a1ed5a)
- api: resize photos on width instead of height (#810) (2f5934b)
- api: set correct type on profile photo command (711b352)
- api: show correct profile in conversation list (#864) (d1be699)
- api: show last message in conversation (#863) (784114b)
- api: sort blogs when fetched (7ae80ec)
- api: support uploading multiple pictures (a8828b1)
- api: update auth api url (2205a84)
- api: use correct connection view (7fd7a39)
- api: use env to set notification url (4014a15)
- auth-api: make email verification optional in dev (e0693ba)
- auth-ui: accomodate breaking changes (63b3311)
- auth-ui: fix typo (5f923dd)
- auth-ui: properly serve all files in production (62d659e)
- auth-ui: wait with rendering until translations are loaded (44d5734)
- auth: revert validation pipeline (407c911)
- console: update auth link (0d62530)
- homepage: correctly link to signup page (b05d045)
- homepage: fix script uri (7bd3bbe)
- homepage: fix styling issue (bb85dad)
- homepage: remove tracking (#818) (b1e4d2d)
- homepage: use hash router (#817) (a0282b8)
- repo: revert accidentally bumped version (d33747b)
- services/api/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (8b22343)
- services/api/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (9aabcf6)
- services/api/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (#757) (3395a53)
- services/api/package.json & services/api/package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (139f4bb)
- services/api/package.json & services/api/package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (#614) (f9b2553)
- services/api/package.json & services/api/package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (#677) (f8af5d0)
- services/api/package.json & services/api/package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (#697) (b27cec8)
- services/api/package.json & services/api/package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (#701) (e47c3bd)
- services/auth-api/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (17fbc86)
- services/auth-api/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (af54af4)
- services/auth-api/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (#758) (92073bf)
- services/auth-api/package.json & services/auth-api/package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (3413af1)
- services/auth-ui/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (86cf99a)
- services/auth-ui/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (4fe2974)
- services/auth-ui/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (#761) (bf95f2d)
- services/tracking/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (f448772)
- services/tracking/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (2533d35)
- services/tracking/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (#760) (0de2d74)
- services/web-ui/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (ecb3439)
- services/web-ui/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (946786a)
- services/web-ui/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (#759) (b987269)
- upgrade @commitlint/cli from 17.7.1 to 17.7.2 (b7a3b05)
- upgrade @emotion/react from 11.10.6 to 11.11.1 (f52824c)
- upgrade @emotion/styled from 11.10.6 to 11.11.0 (47629a7)
- upgrade @fastify/multipart from 7.6.0 to 7.7.3 (dfceccb)
- upgrade @fastify/static from 6.10.0 to 6.11.2 (13c90c1)
- upgrade @fastify/static from 6.10.1 to 6.11.2 (b16fd20)
- upgrade @fastify/static from 6.11.2 to 6.12.0 (#787) (5695af5)
- upgrade @fastify/static from 7.0.0 to 7.0.4 (#781) (6bbd701)
- upgrade @mui/icons-material from 5.11.16 to 5.14.11 (c09453c)
- upgrade @mui/icons-material from 5.11.16 to 5.14.11 (4a68b44)
- upgrade @mui/icons-material from 5.14.11 to 5.14.13 (1f257e7)
- upgrade @mui/material from 5.11.13 to 5.14.13 (7d1afb1)
- upgrade @mui/material from 5.11.13 to 5.14.6 (d45a8e8)
- upgrade @mui/material from 5.14.12 to 5.14.14 (#644) (34098d1)
- upgrade @mui/material from 5.14.6 to 5.14.12 (953b1ae)
- upgrade @mui/x-date-pickers from 6.6.0 to 6.16.0 (8bbce63)
- upgrade @nestjs/cqrs from 10.0.3 to 10.2.5 (95a2d1b)
- upgrade @nestjs/cqrs from 9.0.3 to 9.0.4 (e89e8c7)
- upgrade @nestjs/cqrs from 9.0.3 to 9.0.4 (2b75aec)
- upgrade @nestjs/platform-fastify from 10.1.2 to 10.2.4 (eabfd51)
- upgrade @nestjs/platform-fastify from 10.2.4 to 10.2.7 (5aa8612)
- upgrade @nestjs/platform-fastify from 9.4.1 to 9.4.3 (f616d95)
- upgrade @nestjs/platform-fastify from 9.4.1 to 9.4.3 (d8584ff)
- upgrade @nestjs/ from 10.1.2 to 10.2.4 (5de5757)
- upgrade @nestjs/ from 10.2.10 to 10.3.9 (#768) (a2861a1)
- upgrade @nestjs/ from 10.2.4 to 10.2.7 (b3e32db)
- upgrade @nestjs/ from 10.2.7 to 10.2.10 (#679) (47dbfaa)
- upgrade @nestjs/schedule from 3.0.1 to 3.0.4 (90eec25)
- upgrade @nestjs/swagger from 7.1.10 to 7.1.14 (#646) (3482b18)
- upgrade @nestjs/swagger from 7.1.14 to 7.3.1 (#779) (1dd03bb)
- upgrade @nestjs/swagger from 7.1.2 to 7.1.10 (c5ddba8)
- upgrade @nestjs/typeorm from 10.0.0 to 10.0.2 (#858) (0fc49e7)
- upgrade @nestjs/websockets from 10.1.2 to 10.2.4 (c723fde)
- upgrade @nestjs/websockets from 10.2.4 to 10.2.8 (#662) (040e49b)
- upgrade @nestjs/websockets from 10.2.8 to 10.3.9 (#766) (569b6fd)
- upgrade @types/node from 16.11.26 to 16.18.58 (2e22ef9)
- upgrade @types/node from 16.18.14 to 16.18.46 (d8d1ada)
- upgrade @types/node from 16.18.14 to 16.18.48 (0fd8d21)
- upgrade @types/node from 16.18.46 to 16.18.55 (c750dcc)
- upgrade @types/node from 16.18.55 to 16.18.58 (02fbb9b)
- upgrade @types/react from 17.0.39 to 17.0.67 (67575b4)
- upgrade @types/react from 18.0.28 to 18.2.21 (3b2f0f4)
- upgrade @types/react from 18.0.28 to 18.2.36 (#650) (d7c6265)
- upgrade @types/react from 18.2.21 to 18.2.25 (d1370ba)
- upgrade @types/react from 18.2.25 to 18.2.31 (#641) (6b3988e)
- upgrade @types/react from 18.2.31 to 18.2.37 (#667) (ab043e1)
- upgrade @types/react-dom from 17.0.13 to 17.0.21 (fd08ffc)
- upgrade @types/react-dom from 18.0.11 to 18.2.14 (#645) (b405b4f)
- upgrade @types/react-dom from 18.0.11 to 18.2.8 (91d3404)
- upgrade @types/react-dom from 18.2.8 to 18.2.13 (a659f90)
- upgrade axios from 1.6.4 to 1.7.2 (#777) (42f046a)
- upgrade csv-parse from 5.4.0 to 5.5.2 (a01159e)
- upgrade csv-parse from 5.5.2 to 5.5.6 (#790) (302e6b7)
- upgrade i18next-http-backend from 2.2.1 to 2.4.1 (#668) (44d964d)
- upgrade jest-environment-jsdom from 29.5.0 to 29.7.0 (14c41fa)
- upgrade jest-environment-jsdom from 29.5.0 to 29.7.0 (0f1fef1)
- upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk (d47b80e)
- upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk (1c47d03)
- upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk (97d09a8)
- upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk (2daf077)
- upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk (0f08432)
- upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk (03d8acf)
- upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk (#680) (977abe7)
- upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk (#767) (05cba00)
- upgrade nodemailer from 6.9.4 to 6.9.7 (#664) (3e5f565)
- upgrade nodemailer from 6.9.9 to 6.9.13 (#791) (e83c8d7)
- upgrade pg from 8.10.0 to 8.11.3 (a77e0e6)
- upgrade pg from 8.11.3 to 8.12.0 (#854) (c30c9f1)
- upgrade pino from 8.14.1 to 8.15.6 (7cde90f)
- upgrade pino from 8.15.6 to 8.16.1 (#663) (2afb89a)
- upgrade pino from 8.16.1 to 8.21.0 (#778) (39b91bc)
- upgrade react-i18next from 13.0.2 to 13.2.2 (a28b014)
- upgrade react-i18next from 13.2.2 to 13.4.1 (#669) (d8adf7f)
- upgrade react-router from 6.9.0 to 6.15.0 (4b03292)
- upgrade react-router-dom from 6.15.0 to 6.16.0 (7b55982)
- upgrade react-router-dom from 6.16.0 to 6.17.0 (#643) (2be8e25)
- upgrade react-router-dom from 6.2.2 to 6.16.0 (577641c)
- upgrade react-router-dom from 6.9.0 to 6.15.0 (afc9505)
- upgrade react-router-dom from 6.9.0 to 6.16.0 (78c6306)
- upgrade reflect-metadata from 0.1.13 to 0.2.2 (#764) (c5daea5)
- upgrade rxjs from 7.5.5 to 7.8.1 (cb6a4d7)
- upgrade rxjs from 7.5.5 to 7.8.1 (f50666e)
- upgrade supertokens-auth-react from 0.31.5 to 0.35.5 (c9cb8c8)
- upgrade typeorm from 0.3.14 to 0.3.17 (cc125fc)
- upgrade typescript from 4.6.2 to 4.9.5 (39ec2c1)
- web-ui: add date validation to form (c913b71)
- web-ui: add missing api call (49befb7)
- web-ui: add missing config (7b6b962)
- web-ui: add missing drawer translations (576e7ae)
- web-ui: add missing suspense (#661) (c4d2396)
- web-ui: add missing translation (6803a11)
- web-ui: add missing translation (d9bd002)
- web-ui: add missing translation (be343ef)
- web-ui: add missing translations (030fc9d)
- web-ui: add suspense to router to avoid 404s (299fb64)
- web-ui: change default reaction (#690) (ea1c388)
- web-ui: correctly show loading indicator when submitting blog post (729a244)
- web-ui: disable darkmode switch while loading (4200e32)
- web-ui: disable local storage for blost post form (0124b71)
- web-ui: disable pull to refresh (#874) (5a5049f)
- web-ui: disallow empty chat messages (6b4d850)
- web-ui: disallow selecting same profile twice when creating chat (#851) (40e4bcb)
- web-ui: disallow sending blog post without content (1a86fab)
- web-ui: fix blog post infinite scrolling end (37b8e6c)
- web-ui: fix chat darkmode problem (6668c95)
- web-ui: fix desktop drawer margin (6e8a803)
- web-ui: fix error stringifier util (45bd8dc)
- web-ui: fix infinite scroll observer (1eead07)
- web-ui: fix local storage reset (d5705f0)
- web-ui: fix menu position (#694) (2ba55c3)
- web-ui: fix profile journal column width (#843) (cc3799d)
- web-ui: fix translation typos (9f15af9)
- web-ui: fix type error (d61e08c)
- web-ui: fix typo (1896c9d)
- web-ui: fix typo (cf2b42f)
- web-ui: fix typo (9c9a848)
- web-ui: fix typo (bfad4c4)
- web-ui: fix typo (2ea5930)
- web-ui: fix typo (#852) (0578a7b)
- web-ui: fix typo in error message (16729e8)
- web-ui: fix typo in service worker (#877) (c8b1513)
- web-ui: fix typos (55c8cb0)
- web-ui: improve chat page styling (#866) (2193c7c)
- web-ui: improve layout for journal header (a558278)
- web-ui: improve styling for blog error view (#827) (99fce31)
- web-ui: invalidate blog cache when switching organization (b0bea3b)
- web-ui: invalidate cache after updating profile image (f9fb195)
- web-ui: make appbar scrollable (#885) (f48bad7)
- web-ui: make comment form multiline (658450a)
- web-ui: minor styling fixes (6e6a5ff)
- web-ui: minor styling fixes (#794) (d53c253)
- web-ui: properly reset queries when switching organization (c0401d7)
- web-ui: remove fallback profile image (2f02706)
- web-ui: set blog photo max width (992fb64)
- web-ui: set blog post min height (54dd5d1)
- web-ui: show error message if failing to create blog post (24761f1)
- web-ui: sort notifications by type (578ddb7)
- web-ui: styling corrections to blog post images (9647656)
- web-ui: support sorting by profiles in journal (#659) (4c3289e)
- web-ui: use new journal endpoint (#639) (58d1c2c)
- web-ui: use plural translation in blog post (7321066)
- web-ui: use primary color for send button in blog post form (78d52fb)
- api: add chat functionality (bd4e542)
- api: add classifications module (16e59ff)
- api: add command for creating settings (ecb5f6a)
- api: add command for removing photo (8239ba4)
- api: add command logging (48cde8d)
- api: add csv parser utilities (a855d23)
- api: add date validation (8635d58)
- api: add decorators to mark seeder environment (94c7c86)
- api: add exception logging (dc20317)
- api: add gender classification (91417c8)
- api: add healthcheck endpoints (0e318c2)
- api: add helper for running csv classification migrations (5d76a39)
- api: add ids when logging internal errors (4751543)
- api: add last message and photo to match (750aee6)
- api: add log level (8ca75a7)
- api: add matches mapper (951cf01)
- api: add nationalizaton to classifictions (34d4df8)
- api: add notificaton hub (267cfee)
- api: add permission endpoints (4f34248)
- api: add permission entity (3cafe54)
- api: add s3 object storage (3bbb68a)
- api: add settings endpoints (9604500)
- api: add skeleton for wingman (e866360)
- api: add trace log level (2ec5242)
- api: avoid showing profiles already swiped on (354ddc9)
- api: create command journal (069841d)
- api: expose public s3 urls in profile details (0b4f78a)
- api: expose sender id on chat message ws updates (50c130b)
- api: expose user id and correlation id on pino logs (af34ef7)
- api: fetch profile id from db on swipes (8978022)
- api: format command names in journal query (1c33a0a)
- api: group matches by messages (9167378)
- api: implement authorization (abebb82)
- api: include message timestamp in matches (3cc0009)
- api: return if match on swipe (8f067d3)
- api: send notification on new chat message (374e810)
- api: store swipe results in database (306a357)
- api: support classification parents (e085e66)
- api: support job scheduling (cfac459)
- auth: add favicon (dafe4fa)
- auth: add logout endpoint (588ca7f)
- auth: add logout endpoint (e676095)
- auth: improve logging (50f681b)
- homepage: add homepage (2394a75)
- homepage: add ui components (a38d742)
- initial commit (7a70166)
- tracking: add tracking service (ff3e3dd)
- tracking: enrich tracking events with request data (559dc3e)
- tracking: support batch logs (49cd52e)
- web-ui: add 404 page (5614c59)
- web-ui: add authentication guard (68aaffe)
- web-ui: add back-navigation in chat (c874a88)
- web-ui: add button core component (970dd79)
- web-ui: add chat page for a profile (be4ebc5)
- web-ui: add description to swipeable profile (396a9b7)
- web-ui: add english locale for profile page (391ee54)
- web-ui: add error page (5611a77)
- web-ui: add fade transition in profile creation (428e370)
- web-ui: add favicon (7df4ab9)
- web-ui: add feature for removing profile photos (f0b3757)
- web-ui: add journal page (fe679ee)
- web-ui: add logger (5d075cd)
- web-ui: add photo viewer (6d9aca2)
- web-ui: add swiping animation (9738c56)
- web-ui: allow uploading profile photo (959edd2)
- web-ui: cleanup list of new matches (53437e9)
- web-ui: force creating profile on first login (4f53cce)
- web-ui: group matches by those talked to and not talked to (6779954)
- web-ui: implement swiper (2bcf6ba)
- web-ui: improve loading skeletons (2a57b14)
- web-ui: improve styling of chat textfield (ce58e61)
- web-ui: indicate in chat messages sent by current user (a9bb7e7)
- web-ui: log failed queries and mutation by default (a13debe)
- web-ui: log navigation events (bb2493f)
- web-ui: log snackbar events (37d6c99)
- web-ui: make profile creation a multi-stage form (af96d8c)
- web-ui: properly handle click events on swipeable items (d489cca)
- web-ui: refresh chat messages on update (1c60c30)
- web-ui: ship logs to trackiing service (70fc0d0)
- web-ui: show indification if match (253565d)
- web-ui: show matches in ui (e1f0ecf)
- web-ui: show notifications in snackbar (501ba39)
- web-ui: show profile image and last message on match (467b673)
- web-ui: show snackbar when updating profile description (5251acb)
- web-ui: store result when swiping (1d36f22)
- web-ui: store swipes in ui (1f4425e)
- web-ui: use error page on main pages (3db052d)
- web-ui: use new logging endpoint (7c0ecdc)
- web-ui: use proper date picker (cb307ef)
- api: add missing controller (29d871d)
- api: add missing module dependency (c4096b8)
- api: add missing validation mapping (2933631)
- api: avoid seeding test data on prod (420d70b)
- api: enforce unique swipes (39f1b9e)
- api: ensure migrations can run in prod (3e241e2)
- api: fix broken import paths (4ca97b3)
- api: fix failing test for date of birth in profile creation (3bf85f5)
- api: fix incorrect migration glob (ee60a38)
- api: fix incorrect module import (36538cd)
- api: fix regression in http exception handler (0d77580)
- api: fix typo in profile migration (bb6592b)
- api: improve diagnostics logging (8727150)
- api: properly include if current user sent chat message (eea49a5)
- api: properly return http exceptions to client (c05086f)
- api: release db connection in healthcheck (dc430d1)
- api: remove profile field in entity (6441bed)
- api: return correct match ids (8e5c205)
- api: set node env in production (f45ffb6)
- api: show last sent message on all matches (8b7b3fb)
- api: sort matches by time of last sent message (7e8a82d)
- api: unmaterialize matches view (183aada)
- api: use correct query param for chat message ids (c3d0727)
- api: use correct s3 path for profile images (5e9bed4)
- auth: add missing log levels (f2f33d7)
- auth: add own error response on failed authentication (daf0b75)
- auth: use domain from env (5eb7a2c)
- auth: use proper redirect after logging in (cc940b1)
- console: show correct urls in console (66876c4)
- tracking: remove errornous start script (0e33a74)
- web-ui: add correct margin in bottom for navigation (fc5caf7)
- web-ui: add error message on failed image upload (b136ef9)
- web-ui: add swiping (9a4f6a2)
- web-ui: allow serving custom paths (d2d90b5)
- web-ui: display chat text field in bottom of view (8bb447d)
- web-ui: fix height issue on android devices (d82c3bc)
- web-ui: fix incorrect type (d4bc7b8)
- web-ui: show messages in correct order (c5fe417)
- web-ui: update chat on new message (7425afd)
- web-ui: update formulation for profile creation (0ac8ff2)
- web-ui: update logging message (b81cd71)
- web-ui: use correct api url (8e3018c)
- web-u: send chat id when querying chats (a2bf3f7)