Today we'll learn how to flash the Raspbian Jessie with Desktop image to a microSD card; enable SSH, VNC, and the Camera interfaces, set an SSH password, and upgrade Node.js and Node-RED to the latest version; install a Node-RED package containing nodes that can be used with the TJBot; and create a profile for TJBot to use as we train it with different abilities to perform. There are four videos:
In this video, we'll flash the Raspbian Jessie with Desktop image to a microSD card using the program Etcher.
In this video, we'll enable the Camera, SSH, and VNC interfaces, update Node.js and Node-RED, and setup Node-RED to automatically start when the Raspberry Pi boots up.
In this video, we'll install TJBot Nodes in Node-RED running on the Raspberry Pi.
In this video, we'll setup a TJBot profile with a gender and name in Node-RED.
If this is your first time using Node-RED, check out the docs for the Getting Started guide.