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ipa320 Coding Introduction

This document gives a short introduction into how Coding should be done in @ipa320, especially with a focus on development within the Robot Operating System ROS. Thus, it is more a colletion of links to other websites and guidelines than a HowTo.

As the respective tutorials cover a broad spectrum of topics, it is important that you don't just follow them blindly, but try to understand what is behind the different concepts and commands.


(Too long; didn't read)

For all of you for which the full document is too long, here are the most important excerpts. The rest of you, please start reading with the next paragraph.

This section is (maybe) enough for you, if

  • you already know how to use Linux! (If not, read this section).
  • you already know ROS! (If not, read this section).
  • and you already know how to use Git! (If not, read this section).

Or if you are very impatient ;-)

Please consider the following points:

  • use ROS Indigo.
  • try following the ROS Coding Styles (C++, python), in new packages, or stick to the Coding Style applied to the package that you are editing.
  • your GitHub Username should be ipa-<abc>-<xy>.
  • follow the Git Do's and Dont's (commit often, make small commits, provide meaningful commit messages, review your changes before commiting, do not commit temporary/auto-generated/binary files, ...)
  • set-up your package.xml and CMakeLists.txt correctly and follow the best practices
  • properly prepare you changes for a Pull Request (build with catkin_make -j1/catkin_make install/catkin_make_isolated in a clean workspace, add a and examplary launch and config files, provide a description of your PR and follow up on the comments)
  • and follow the best practices for Pull Requests

Table of Contents

Created by gh-md-toc


Linux/Ubuntu Basics

ROS is based on Ubuntu, which is a Linux Distribution. You should be familiar with the basic command line tools to use the terminal in Ubuntu. If you are not, the ROS wiki states that:

If you are new to Linux: You may find it helpful to first do a quick tutorial on common command line tools for linux. A good one is here.

There also is a myriad of CheatSheets out there, that help you keep track of the different commands (see this, this or that, to just name a few).


ROS Basics

Most of the development within the Servicerobotics Groups in @ipa320 happens using the Robot Operating System ROS. Thus, it is of utmost importance to understand how to install and use ROS and develop algorithms in ROS. There exists a lot of documentation on the ROS wiki that gives a thorough introduction and explains the concepts behin ROS. For all people new to ROS, this is a good place to start.

ROS distributions

Similar to Ubuntu, ROS is developed in so called distributions. At the time of writing this, the most recent distribution is ROS Jade. However, most software at @ipa320 is running using ROS Indigo, which is designed to be a ROS LTS (long term stable) version. ROS Indigo targets Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, whereas ROS Jade mainly targets Ubuntu 15.04, but should support 14.04 as well.

For now, please use ROS Indigo.

ROS Installation

If you are working in the IPA Apartment, you have a preinstalled PC, where ROS is configured. Otherwise, you might have to install ROS yourself. You can find the respective installation instructions on the ROS wiki for Indigo and Jade (or more general under for the installation page of the latest distribution).

ROS terminology

In the following, some often occuring terms are shortly described:

  • ROS package: A ROS package contains the source code, configuration files and/or launch files, encapsulated as a logically distinct entity. Thus, it can contain an algorithm for motion planning, a configuration of a robot, or tools for starting up a robot.
  • Node: A node is an executable ROS programm.
  • Topic: A topic is a many-to-many communication channel within ROS. A ROS node can subscribe to a topic to get the messages sent on it or publish its own message to a topic. ROS topics can be remapped using launch files, i.e. the name of them can be changed.
  • Service: A ROS service is a one-to-one communication channel between two ROS nodes, providing a Request-Response pattern.
  • Action: A ROS action is similar to a service, except that it includes a Feedback channel. Thus, you have a Goal-Feedback-Result pattern.
  • catkin: catkin is the build tool used within ROS. It is described in more detail below. With ROS Groovy, catkin replaced rosbuild as build tool.
  • Stack: A ROS stack is the old notion of logically connected packages, like for navigation. Earlier, a stack has usually been the same as a repository. Today, the notion of a stack has been replaced by the notion of meta-packages.
  • Launch File: A Launch File is a file for starting one or more ROS nodes. It has an XML-based syntax.
  • Configuration or YAML File: YAML files are used for configuring ROS nodes using parameters that are read from the so called Parameter Server by ROS nodes
  • roscore or rosmaster: The main ROS program, coordinating how nodes communicate. You can start it using the roscore command. It is also started automatically once you start a launchfile.

ROS Tutorials

After having read through the ROS introduction and having installed your system, you should start working through the basic ROS Tutorials. There, the concepts described before are shown in more detail.

Besides the basic Tutorials, there exist several Tutorials for specialized topics, which are listed here for reference (Note, this is an incomplete list, first link to the topic, second to the tutorials):

ROS Workspace Setup

In general, a ROS workspace (for more information click here) looks as follows:

workspace_folder/         -- WORKSPACE ROOT
  src/                    -- SOURCE SPACE
    CMakeLists.txt        -- The 'toplevel' CMake file
  build/                  -- BUILD SPACE
  devel/                  -- DEVELOPMENT SPACE (set by CATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX)
  install/                -- INSTALL SPACE (set by CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX)

In short, the source space contains your ROS packages which might be organised in a Git Repository (see below for more information on Git). The build space contains cache information when you build your workspace. The devel workspace contains all compiled executables and libraries so that ROS can use them. This is useful for development and testing. The ROS packages can also be installed, this is what the install space is for.

Check out the Tutorial on creating a workspace for how to set it up.

Once you have created a workspace, you need to build/compile it. Check out Compiling your ROS workspace below.

There is also a tool called rosinstall which helps in setting up a workspace where you need to have several repositories.

ROS Coding Styles

Within ROS, there exist Coding Styles for C++, python and JavaScript. If you create a new package, please try to adhere to those guidelines as much as possible. Note that those guidelines usually build on top of other style guides which should be used for reference as well.

However, if you edit an existing package, stick to the coding style therein! This especially holds for indentation, as having this unified within one file greatly improves readability.

All available editors allow configuration of indentation settings, and most even support automatic detection of the current intendation scheme on opening an existing file. Make sure to configure this in the editor's preferences section (how to configure some of the more popular IDE's for ROS can be found here).

If you want to follow this from the start (strictly), there is a linter for ROS called roslint (see here for installation and usage instructions) that can be included in the CMakeLists.txt. But I advise you to do this from the start and check it continuously, otherwise you will most probably get many errors. (In a small package, we had about 130 errors. Using the automatic fix proposed on the instructions page did fix approximatly 60%).

Further Reading on ROS

For ROS, there is a lot of documentation available on the net (even though some is outdated). First, always check the ROS wiki (or the respective package specific subpages), if you have questions about ROS. Note that all private ROS repositories from @ipa320 cannot be found on the ROS wiki (as well as, sadly, some of the public ones).

A second source of information is the ROS answers homepage. A lot of questions have been answered there already. If you register, you can also ask (and obviously also answer) questions to the ROS community. However, try to be as clear as possible in your question (best also give your system configuration and ROS distribution) to get a good answer.

Also, there is an official ROS Indigo Cheat Sheet available which shortly introduces the most basic/common commands for using ROS.


Git Basics

At @ipa320, and as a matter of fact for most ROS packages out there, we use a VCS (Version Control System) called Git. Git is a so called Distributed VCS, as it allows you to always check out the full history of the Source Code Repository you are working on, and not only a specific snapshot. This makes Git a very powerful tool and it is ideally suited to be used in a development environment with many people working on the same repository.

Our repositories are hosted at GitHub in an organisation called @ipa320. Many repositories, especially for the Care-O-bot, are open source, but some are also not publicly available. There you can always get the latest state of development.

Git terminology

In the following, some often occuring phrases are shortly described:

  • Repository: The repository is where files' current and historical data are stored, often on a server.
  • Fork: A fork is a copy of a repository (on GitHub). This can be used to save changes without having to save them on the main repository (where you usually don't have write access). Thus, this is the way to get your changes into the main repository, as described below.
  • Clone: Cloning means creating a local repository containing the revisions from another repository.
  • Commit: To commit is to write the changes made in the working copy back to the repository.
  • Merge: A merge is an operation in which two sets of changes are applied to a file or set of files.
  • Branch: A set of files under version control may be branched at a point in time so that, from that time forward, two copies of those files may develop at different speeds or in different ways independently of each other. Usually, you develop a new feature on a branch and then merge it into the main branch once it is done.
  • Pull: Copy revisions from one repository into another. Pull is initiated by the receiving repository, i.e . you get the changes from a remote repository into your local one.
  • Push: Push is initiated by the source. I.e. you bring your changes to a remote repository.
  • Pull Request: To bring your changes from your fork to the main repository, you issue a Pull Request on GitHub. This notifies the maintainers of the repository that you have a feature developed that you want to integrate.

Git Tutorials and Guides

There exist several tutorials about Git on the web with respective drawbacks and advantages. Here is a list of some of them:

Git Workflow

The structure that we usually follow at IPA is shown in the following figure:

Git Repository Structure

Create a fork of the main @ipa320 repository you want to work on. Clone this repository to your local computer and do some work there. Commit your changes and push them to your fork. You can then issue a Pull Request to the main repository and update your changes.

You can obviously always pull from both, the main repository or your fork to get any changes from there into your current local copy.

For this, you obviously need an account at GitHub. Accounts at GitHub are free, choose a user name (follow the pattern ipa-<xyz>-<ab>, where <xyz> is your supervisor and <ab> are your initials (obviously, there might be exceptions)) and register there. Then, the GitHub Admins of @ipa320 can add you to our organisation.

Issuing a Pull Request

To issue a Pull Request, you need to have pushed your changes to your Fork on GitHub, preferably on a feature branch. Then, go to the repository where you want your changes to go. Usually, this is<REPO>

There, click on the Pull Request tab Git Repository Structure and then on New Pull Request in the top right corner. Git Repository Structure Then you can choose from which repository (you might have to click compare across forks) and which branch you want to have the Pull Request. GitHub now provides you with an overview of the commits you have made and indicates, whether this PR can be merged. It also shows all changes you have made in the respective files. Git Repository Structure Thus, you can review your changes again, give the PR a meaningful name and add an explanation about what has changed. Then click on Create Pull Request.

Once you have sent a Pull Request, the package maintainers will review the PR and merge it, if it is okay. If they find something they want to be changed, they will usually use the comment function on the PR. Fix the requested changes and update the PR by simply pushing again to the branch from which you set up the PR in the first place.

Best Practices: Pull Requests

For Pull Requests, there are two kind of best practices, related to the Pull Request itself, and to the Pull Request Review, that we established in @ipa320.

  • Pull Request
    • try to keep the PR small (<10 changed files, <300 changed lines of code), wherever possible
    • have only one feature in a PR (best use feature branches to seperate features)
    • give the PR a meaningful name
    • describe what the PR does in the PR description; this helps in understanding what changed and why
    • the PR should obviously compile without problems and conform to this guidelines
    • remember to follow-up on the comments from the Pull Request Review!
  • Pull Request Review
    • when you do a Formal Review (FR) check:
      • file names
      • changed files
      • file sizes
      • for a new package: whether it is in the correct repo and if the package has the correct name
    • when you do a Critical Review (CR), you are checking the code line by line:
      • if you find anything that is not correct or seems odd in the source code
      • if the package configuration is correct
      • if the formatting is okay
      • if it contains consistent configuration changes for all supported robots
      • if there are any (possible) implications on other robots, packages or repositories
    • when you do tests, specify if you have "tested in simulation" or "tested on CoB/r@w"

Git Do's and Dont's

In the following are some Do's and Dont's that will make life easier for everyone, if you follow them.


  • commit often.
  • provide meaningful commit messages ('test' or 'debugging' is not a good commit message).
  • commit one set of (logically related) changes. I.e. if you fix two bugs, make two commits.
  • review what you will commit using git status and git diff/git difftool before actually commiting.
  • check for simple whitespace errors using git diff --check before you commit.
  • update your repositories regularly.
  • last but not least: ask your supervisor/a colleague if you are not sure what git will do or your repository is in a strange state. Do not simply commit all changed files!

Do Not:

  • commit a state that does not compile.
  • commit any temporary files (e.g. *.orig, *.*~, *.pyc).
  • commit any autogenerated files (except for where they are created from a template, e.g. using BRIDE).
  • commit any binaries.
  • commit large whitespace changes intermixed with changes to the source code.
  • commit any files with filemode 755 (i.e. executable files) except for python executables (.py containing the __main__ function) and dynamic_reconfigure configurations (usually located in <PACKAGE>/cfg/<NAME>.cfg>). Regular files have filemode 644.
  • create unnecessary merge commits by pulling in changes into frequently into your working branch.
  • provide a commit message, if you locally resolve a merge conflict. Do a simple git commit!
  • use git add *, NEVER.

Further Reading on Git

You can find additional information about git in the following resources.

Upload SSH Key to GitHub

Create a new ssh key by calling


Display the public key

cat .ssh/

and copy it. Open the Settings in GitHub and go to the tag SSH and GPG keys under Personal settings. Click on New SSH key and paste the key into the respective field. Finally, specify a title and press Add SSH key to commit the changes.


Compiling your ROS workspace

As described above, all ROS packages that you have will reside in the source space of your workspace. When you create a new package, it needs to go in the src folder or in a repository therein.

The ROS buildtool catkin builds upon CMake for setting up the compile flags and options. Thus, it extends the regular CMake syntax by specific catkin macros.

Different compile types

To compile your workspace in the most basic form, go to the root of your workspace and call


This will do a Debug Build of your workspace. This also means, that there are no compiler optimizations turned on, which might speed up your code.

To do a release build, you need to pass in the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release flag like so

catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Obviously, you can also add any other valid CMAKE_BUILD_TYPEs.

There is another type of build, the so called isolated build. This has the advantage of being able to mix caktin and non-catkin, CMake-compliant packages in a single workspace. The build can be started using


For most (or all?) repositories at IPA, this is not required. However, it might help to detect errors that are hidden when simply using catkin_make.

The last type is the install build. This installs any compiled (and configured) executables as it would be done when you trigger a release and install it using apt-get. The install build requires to have a successfull regular or isolated build. Then, you can execute it by calling either

catkin_make install


catkin_make_isolated --install


Additional Tools

There exist some additional tools, which can make compiling easier.

  • The package catkin tools provides command line tools for working with the catkin meta-buildsystem and workspaces. See the documentation here for reference.
  • rosdep helps with installing dependencies to packages in your workspace, that you haven't installed yet. Again, see the documentation for reference.

Creating a ROS package

To create a new ROS package, go to your source space (or into a repository therein) and call

catkin_create_package <PACKAGENAME>

This will create the basic package sceleton. If you already know that you will have some dependencies, you can pass them in already at this stage:

catkin_create_package <PACKAGENAME> <DEPENDENCIES>

for example:

catkin_create_package my_cpp_package roscpp

Dependencies and compiling is handled using two files, that are described in the following.

The CMakeLists.txt

The CMakeLists.txt is the file where you specify what is to be compiled, which dependencies need to be used in the build process and what files or executables should be installed. This file is basically a CMake file with some catkin specific extensions and CMake Macros. See this link for a general introduction

The package.xml

The package.xml defines what is a ROS package. There, you also have to specify the dependencies that your package has. This file is used to resolve ROS internal as well as system dependencies (even cross-platform). See this link for a general introduction.

Correctly configuring your package

What needs to go into the CMakeLists.txt and into the package.xml is described in detail on the catkin documentation. Note that this is for the new format of catkin (Version 2).

Most packages at @ipa320 still follow the legacy Version 1 format. But please use Version 2 for any new packages. There is also a Migration Guide available.

Best Practices: Package Configuration

The following describes some best practices for configuring your packages.

  • package.xml
    • use package format version 2
    • add the dependency tags in the following order
      1. <buildtool_depend>catkin</buildtool_depend>
      2. if you build any messages, services or actions in your package:
      3. <depend>
      4. <exec_depend>
    • sort all dependencies therein alphabetically
    • fill the header with meaningfull details, i.e. provide a good description, license (usually LGPL), links to bug- trackers and wiki packages (if any), as well as author information (i.e. your name and email address) and maintainer information (this should probably be your supervisor, talk to him about this)
    • remove the unnecessary comments, as they are just cluttering the package.xml
  • CMakeLists.txt
    • sort all dependencies, filenames, etc. alphabetically (e.g. in the find_package calls)

    • use line breaks and proper indentation for better readability

    • have the respective add_executable/add_library, add_dependencies and target_link_libraries calls for each single target directly after each other

    • use the add_dependencies call to make sure to build any dependencies (e.g. messages) prior to your package

      • if you depend on messages in another package, add add_dependencies(<TARGET> ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS})
      • if you build messages/... in your package, extend this to add_dependencies(<TARGET> ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS})
    • if you need special build flags (e.g. compiler options or preprocessor definitions), there exist some special CMake commands that you should use.

      Note, that they are only available from CMake 2.8.12 onwards, which is available for Ubuntu 14.04.

      Don't change the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS etc!

      • if you use any of the following commands, adapt the first line in the CMakeLists.txt to cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)

      • if you need to add preprocessor definitions, use the add_definitions() or target_compile_definitions() respectively. add_definitions() works on the directory, target_compile_definitions() on a per target basis and thus should be preferred. E.g.

        add_definitions( -DMY_COMPILE_DEFINITION=1 )
        target_compile_definitions(<TARGET> PRIVATE MY_COMPILE_DEFINITION=1)
      • if you need special compiler options, use the add_compile_options() or target_compile_options() call, e.g.

        add_compile_options( -std=c++11 -O3 )
        target_compile_options(<TARGET> PRIVATE -std=c++11 -O3)

        working again on the directory or target level.

      • If you want to use parallelization with OpenMP, here is an example for including OpenMP in your CMakeLists.txt:

        # let cmake find OpenMP and set some variables
        find_package(OpenMP REQUIRED)
          message(STATUS "OPENMP FOUND")
          set(OpenMP_FLAGS ${OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS})  # or if you use C: ${OpenMP_C_FLAGS}
          set(OpenMP_LIBS gomp)
        # the entry in catkin_package could be optional (I am not fully sure about this)
        # exemplary executable foo using OpenMP
        target_compile_options(foo PRIVATE ${OpenMP_FLAGS})
        add_dependencies(foo ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS})

        Do not forget to compile your projects that use OpenMP with the Release option catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release in order to benefit from parallelization.

    • again, remove the unnecessary comments

    • make sure to also add the respective install tags (if unsure, ask your supervisor how to do this)

Checking your package configuration

There also exist tools to help you with the package configuration. One is called catkin_lint and is statically analyzing your CMakeLists.txt and package.xml for common errors or unconfigured dependencies. If it is not installed (and you have sudo privileges), you can install it using

sudo apt-get install python-catkin-lint

Otherwise, you have to clone it into your repository as any other ROS package from

To check your package configuration, call

catkin_lint <PATH/TO/PACKAGE>

There are differnet levels of detected problems. Errors (need to be fixed), Warnings (should be fixed) and notices (would be nice to fix them, but not required at all). By default, you see only the errors. But you can turn on the other levels by passing in the -W<x> flag, where x=1 for also showing warnings and x=2 for also showing notices, e.g.

catkin_lint <PATH/TO/PACKAGE> -W2

catkin_lint provides the --explain argument, which gives hints on how to resolve the problems.

There is another tool called roscompile, which should do many of this stuff automatically. However, I haven't tested it yet properly, and it is not a relased package. So you would have to clone it from here. One thing I noticed on a quick check is that it has problems with special characters like Umlauts.

Preparing your changes for a Pull Request

Before creating a Pull Request, your source code should pass the following checks:

  1. Generally, each commit should follow the guidelines shown in the Section on Git Do's and Dont's. This also means checking for for whitespace errors using git diff --check.
  2. catkin_lint <PACKAGE> should not throw any errors (and as few warnings and notices as possibles).
  3. Make a clean build, i.e. remove any build, devel and install folders and do a catkin_make -j1. (This enforces linear build and thus helps tracking down dependency problems. As it is slow, better don't use it for regular builds.)
  4. Also perform a catkin_make_isolated.
  5. Check if everything installs using catkin_make install or caktin_make_isolated --install.
  6. Fix any errors that occur in this process.
  7. Provide a in your package where you describe:
    • the purpose of the node/package,
    • its usage, as well as any
    • subscribed and published Topics,
    • advertised or used Services,
    • ActionClients/Servers, and
    • a list of the respective parameters with
      • a description of their purpose
      • type and
      • default value.
  8. For the navigation repositories: please also add a demo config file to ipa_navigation_config where you describe all parameters and set their defaults. The same holds for a demo launch file (for this node only) in ipa_navigation_bringup.

If you adapt a package, you should, obviously, adapt any existing, config or launch files accordingly.

Once you've checked the above, you are ready to create the PR (check the Best Practices).


Mounting Saturn server on Ubuntu

  1. Open filemanager (nautilus)
  2. Press Ctrl+L
  3. Enter smb://<USER><PATH> and replace <USR> with your IPA username (e.g. abc-xy). The <PATH> is the fully qualified path to a folder where you have access to, e.g. ipa_320/323/03_Studenten (for students of the group 323) or your private section on saturn which is the same as your IPA username, i.e. <USER>. Note, that this private section cannot be accessed by anyone else, so don't store any important data from your work there!
  4. Enter your password
  5. Optional: right click on the new entry under Network, "Add Bookmark"


Further Reading within @ipa320

There also exist some additional ReadMe's and manuals that give introductions and provide guidelines how to work at IPA and with the Care-O-bot and rob@work. Check out the IPA Manual and the Care-O-bot Manual. You can find those PDFs and the source files hosted on GitHub.



This document is written using Github Flavored markdown. If you want to check what the document looks like without uploading it to GitHub, you can use grip.

Install it using

sudo pip install grip

Then, move to the setup/coding_introduction folder and call


Launch your browser and connect to http://localhost:6419.

Note that you still require an internet connection for this to work.

Any (drawn) figures are created using the online tool at The source of those files resides in the figures/src subdirectory.

The ToC is created using a script called gh-md-toc. Still, you have to manually create and copy-paste the ToC in here (I also removed the top-level heading entry). To use this, follow those steps:

chmod a+x gh-md-toc

and copy the ToC therein.