- See [workshop intro] for a sample format (./modules/intro/slides.md)
- Introduction to Performance Testing
- Load Testing vs performance testing
- High-level overview of the load testing process
- k6 OSS vs k6 Cloud
- Getting started with k6 OSS
- Understanding k6 results
- Adding checks to your script
- Adding think time using sleep
- k6 Load Test Options
- Setting test criteria with thresholds
- k6 results output options
- Best practices for designing realistic k6 scripts
- Setting load profiles with executors
- Workload modeling with scenarios
- Integrating k6 with Grafana and Prometheus
- Getting started with k6 OSS
- Adding checks to your script
- Adding think time using sleep
- k6 Load Test Options
- Setting test criteria with thresholds
- Introduction to Performance Testing
- High-level overview of the load testing process
- Getting started with k6 OSS
- Understanding k6 results
- Adding checks to your script
- Adding think time using sleep
- k6 Load Test Options
- Setting test criteria with thresholds
- k6 results output options
- Integrating k6 with Grafana and Prometheus
- Introduction to Performance Testing
- Load testing
- Types of load tests
- High-level overview of the load testing process
- Workload modeling
- Getting started with k6 OSS
- The k6 CLI
- Understanding k6 results
- Adding checks to your script
- Adding think time using sleep
- k6 Load Test Options
- Setting test criteria with thresholds
- k6 results output options
- Recording a k6 script
- How to debug k6 load testing scripts
- Dynamic correlation in k6
- Adding test data
- Parallel requests in k6
- Organizing code in k6 by transaction - groups and tags
- Setup and Teardown functions
- Best practices for designing realistic k6 scripts
- Setting load profiles with executors
- Workload modeling with scenarios
- Creating and using custom metrics
- Environment variables
- Using execution context variables