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A synthetic benchmark to compare the performance of various sql-drivers for Go's database/sql package


Contributed Results

Older Results


  • Intel Core i5-2500K (3.30 GHz), 8 GB RAM
  • MySQL 5.1, Windows 7 x64
  • Current Go-MySQL-Driver and mymysql versions as of March 02, 2013
  • Java7 (JDBC) + MySQL Connector/J 5.1.23 for comparision


  • Please don't try to compare the benchmark sets (Query | QueryRow | Exec) to each other. They test different things. So you can't say QueryRow is faster than Query. In fact QueryRow is just a shortcut which uses Query internally. View the source to understand what we test here.
  • The benchmarks are designed to minimize response latency from the server. We try to compare driver performance here and not to test the MySQL Server ;)
  • The setup MySQL 5.1 + Windows isn't ideal. Maybe I'll setup a GNU/Linux + MariaDB 10.0 enviornment another time and run this again.
  • This benchmark isn't concurrent while most production apps will be. You might get many more queries/second by running them concurrent. I'll add a test some time (feel free to contribute).
  • The Go results tend to vary much more. Probably this is caused by the garbage collector.

Go tip

Benchmark Go-MySQL-Driver mymysql godrv Java (JDBC) + MySQL Connector/J 5.1.23
SimpleQuery 4697 queries/second 3111 queries/second 5266 queries/second
PreparedQuery 5053 queries/second 4156 queries/second 6353 queries/second
AutoQueryRow 7868 queries/second 6740 queries/second -
SimpleQueryRow 14712 queries/second 7053 queries/second 14063 queries/second
PreparedQueryRow 16436 queries/second 14452 queries/second 14327 queries/second
SimpleExec 29127 queries/second 27239 queries/second 24231 queries/second
PreparedExec 30533 queries/second 28784 queries/second 25654 queries/second


Benchmark Go-MySQL-Driver mymysql godrv Java (JDBC) + MySQL Connector/J 5.1.23
SimpleQuery 3754 queries/second 2888 queries/second 5266 queries/second
PreparedQuery 5000 queries/second 3724 queries/second 6353 queries/second
AutoQueryRow 7855 queries/second 6838 queries/second -
SimpleQueryRow 7981 queries/second 6992 queries/second 14063 queries/second
PreparedQueryRow 16490 queries/second 13857 queries/second 14327 queries/second
SimpleExec 29427 queries/second 27939 queries/second 24231 queries/second
PreparedExec 30834 queries/second 29170 queries/second 25654 queries/second

Original Logs

Go tip

   BENCHMARKING Go-MySQL-Driver [run 1]

   [10000 * Query 100 Rows]
SimpleQuery: 2.1291218s [ 4697 queries/second ]
PreparedQuery: 2.0041147s [ 4990 queries/second ]

   [100 * QueryRow] * 1000
AutoQueryRow: 12.709727s [ 7868 queries/second ]
SimpleQueryRow: 6.7973888s [ 14712 queries/second ]
PreparedQueryRow: 6.2203558s [ 16076 queries/second ]

   [100000 * Exec]
SimpleExec: 3.4331964s [ 29127 queries/second ]
PreparedExec: 3.2751873s [ 30533 queries/second ]

   BENCHMARKING mymysql godrv [run 1]

   [10000 * Query 100 Rows]
SimpleQuery: 3.2221843s [ 3103 queries/second ]
PreparedQuery: 2.4981429s [ 4003 queries/second ]

   [100 * QueryRow] * 1000
AutoQueryRow: 14.8358486s [ 6740 queries/second ]
SimpleQueryRow: 14.4258251s [ 6932 queries/second ]
PreparedQueryRow: 7.2694158s [ 13756 queries/second ]

   [100000 * Exec]
SimpleExec: 3.67121s [ 27239 queries/second ]
PreparedExec: 3.4741987s [ 28784 queries/second ]

   BENCHMARKING Go-MySQL-Driver [run 2]

   [10000 * Query 100 Rows]
SimpleQuery: 2.1351221s [ 4684 queries/second ]
PreparedQuery: 1.9791132s [ 5053 queries/second ]

   [100 * QueryRow] * 1000
AutoQueryRow: 12.8407344s [ 7788 queries/second ]
SimpleQueryRow: 6.8563922s [ 14585 queries/second ]
PreparedQueryRow: 6.084348s [ 16436 queries/second ]

   [100000 * Exec]
SimpleExec: 3.4891995s [ 28660 queries/second ]
PreparedExec: 3.3341907s [ 29992 queries/second ]

   BENCHMARKING mymysql godrv [run 2]

   [10000 * Query 100 Rows]
SimpleQuery: 3.2141838s [ 3111 queries/second ]
PreparedQuery: 2.4061376s [ 4156 queries/second ]

   [100 * QueryRow] * 1000
AutoQueryRow: 15.228871s [ 6566 queries/second ]
SimpleQueryRow: 14.178811s [ 7053 queries/second ]
PreparedQueryRow: 6.9193957s [ 14452 queries/second ]

   [100000 * Exec]
SimpleExec: 3.6822106s [ 27158 queries/second ]
PreparedExec: 3.5232015s [ 28383 queries/second ]


   BENCHMARKING Go-MySQL-Driver [run 1]

   [10000 * Query 100 Rows]
SimpleQuery: 2.692154s [ 3714 queries/second ]
PreparedQuery: 2.0001144s [ 5000 queries/second ]

   [100 * QueryRow] * 1000
AutoQueryRow: 12.7307282s [ 7855 queries/second ]
SimpleQueryRow: 12.5297167s [ 7981 queries/second ]
PreparedQueryRow: 6.0643468s [ 16490 queries/second ]

   [100000 * Exec]
SimpleExec: 3.409195s [ 29332 queries/second ]
PreparedExec: 3.2571863s [ 30701 queries/second ]

   BENCHMARKING mymysql godrv [run 1]

   [10000 * Query 100 Rows]
SimpleQuery: 3.4911997s [ 2864 queries/second ]
PreparedQuery: 2.8191612s [ 3547 queries/second ]

   [100 * QueryRow] * 1000
AutoQueryRow: 14.790846s [ 6761 queries/second ]
SimpleQueryRow: 14.3098185s [ 6988 queries/second ]
PreparedQueryRow: 7.2164128s [ 13857 queries/second ]

   [100000 * Exec]
SimpleExec: 3.6492087s [ 27403 queries/second ]
PreparedExec: 3.4471971s [ 29009 queries/second ]

   BENCHMARKING Go-MySQL-Driver [run 2]

   [10000 * Query 100 Rows]
SimpleQuery: 2.6641524s [ 3754 queries/second ]
PreparedQuery: 2.0211156s [ 4948 queries/second ]

   [100 * QueryRow] * 1000
AutoQueryRow: 12.9847427s [ 7701 queries/second ]
SimpleQueryRow: 12.5747192s [ 7952 queries/second ]
PreparedQueryRow: 6.1143498s [ 16355 queries/second ]

   [100000 * Exec]
SimpleExec: 3.3981944s [ 29427 queries/second ]
PreparedExec: 3.2431855s [ 30834 queries/second ]

   BENCHMARKING mymysql godrv [run 2]

   [10000 * Query 100 Rows]
SimpleQuery: 3.4631981s [ 2888 queries/second ]
PreparedQuery: 2.6851535s [ 3724 queries/second ]

   [100 * QueryRow] * 1000
AutoQueryRow: 14.6238365s [ 6838 queries/second ]
SimpleQueryRow: 14.302818s [ 6992 queries/second ]
PreparedQueryRow: 7.2354138s [ 13821 queries/second ]

   [100000 * Exec]
SimpleExec: 3.5792047s [ 27939 queries/second ]
PreparedExec: 3.4281961s [ 29170 queries/second ]


Same machine, Java (JDK7 / 64 bit) + MySQL Connector/J 5.1.23

   [10000 * Query 100 Rows]
SimpleQuery: 1.899s [ 5266 queries/second ]
PreparedQuery: 1.574s [ 6353 queries/second ]

   [100 * QueryRow] * 1000
SimpleQueryRow: 7.111s [ 14063 queries/second ]
PreparedQueryRow: 6.98s [ 14327 queries/second ]

   [100000 * Exec]
SimpleExec: 4.127s [ 24231 queries/second ]
PreparedExec: 3.898s [ 25654 queries/second ]