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IEC IEV Termbase programs


This gem is used for parsing Excel exports from IEV.

The repository for the site is located at:


Add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'iev-termbase'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install iev-termbase


The gem comes with the following executable:

  • iev-termbase-xlsx2yaml: used to extract terms from the official ISO/TC 211 terminology workbook, into ConceptYAML and TermYAML files.

The IEV XLSX file needs to be obtained from the IEC administrator.

Using iev-termbase-xlsx2yaml

Run the following command:

$ iev-termbase-xlsx2yaml [termbase.xlsx]


  • the ConceptCollection YAML will be created at [termbase.yaml] at the current working directory;

  • ConceptYAML files for each concept (each concept identified by a unique “Term-ID”) are created under the concepts/ directory (based on the current working directory). i.e. concepts/concept-338.yaml.

Structure of the IEV Excel export

The columns are:


concept ID of this term


ISO 639-1 code (2 character)


the designation of this concept in language of LANGUAGE


a field of multiple uses, an array (separated by ;). More details below.


a synonym of this term


the TERMATTRIBUTE that applies to SYNONYM1


One of Preferred, Deprecated, nil.


second synonym of this term


the TERMATTRIBUTE that applies to SYNONYM2


One of Preferred, Deprecated, nil.


3rd synonym of this term


the TERMATTRIBUTE that applies to SYNONYM3


One of Preferred, Deprecated, nil.


Math symbol


definition text that includes <note> and <example>


which document was this term was taken from


YYYY-MM date of publication


Only Standard for now


IEVREF for the deprecated term

Term field

  • Usually the text

  • If it is …​.. (5 dots), it means that the translation is not available.

  • If it is foobar (acronym) or foobar (akronim), it is an acronym. term.acronymtrue.

Term attribute field

There are these data types inside the term attribute field. Make sure you split at ; for multiple entries.

f or m or n

this means term.grammar-gender is one of them, term.pluralitysingular

n pl

term.grammar-gendern, term.pluralityplural

m pl

term.grammar-genderm, term.pluralityplural

f pl

term.grammar-genderf, term.pluralityplural


term.pluralityplural (else, singular)

(in Zusammensetzungen) f

term.compound-prefix ⇒ true, term.grammar-genderf

(in Zusammensetzungen) m

term.compound-prefix ⇒ true, term.grammar-genderm

m, (abgelehnt)

term.rejected ⇒ true, term.grammar-genderm

f, (abgelehnt)

term.rejected ⇒ true, term.grammar-genderf


term.abbreviation ⇒ true


this means the text (…​) inside is the domain of this term (which field this term applies in)


SOMEIEVREF here represents the "related to" term. Add a relationship of this term to SOMEIEVREF.

Adjektiv, adj, 形容詞, 형용사

sets term.grammar-particle to adj

Präfix, (prefix), (préfixe), 接尾語, 접두사, (词头)

sets term.affix to prefix





noun, 名詞

term.grammar-particlenoun (all terms default to noun)

verb, 動詞


(sigle international), mterm.acronym = true, = true, term.gender = 'm'

Term definition field

We need to parse out all NOTEs and EXAMPLEs and normalize them.

For all This links to <a href=IEV112-01-01>quantity</a>, we parse them and replace with: This links to {{quantity, IEV:112-01-01}}.


  1. Every <NOTE {N} - goes into a separate entry under notes::

quotient of two quantities of different dimensions, used as a multiplier to express the proportionality equation between them
<NOTE 1 – A coefficient is a quantity having a dimension other than one. Examples: Hall coefficient, damping coefficient, temperature coefficient, gyromagnetic coefficient.
<NOTE 2 – The term "modulus" is sometimes used instead of coefficient. Example: modulus of elasticity.
definition: quotient of two quantities of different dimensions, used as a multiplier to express the proportionality equation between them
  - A coefficient is a quantity having a dimension other than one. Examples: Hall coefficient, damping coefficient, temperature coefficient, gyromagnetic coefficient.
  - The term "modulus" is sometimes used instead of coefficient. Example: modulus of elasticity.
  1. A <NOTE - goes into notes::

quantity of dimension one defined by a combination of quantities
<NOTE – Characteristic numbers occur in particular in the theory of similarity. They carry the word "number" in their names. Examples: Reynolds number, Prandtl number.
  - Characteristic numbers occur in particular in the theory of similarity. They carry the word "number" in their names. Examples: Reynolds number, Prandtl number.
  1. Sometimes there are many Note {N} to entry: `, they are identical to `NOTE -.

set of interrelated items that collectively fulfil a requirement
<p>Note 1 to entry: A system is considered to have a defined real or abstract boundary.
<p>Note 2 to entry: External resources (from outside the system boundary) may be required for the system to operate.
<p>Note 3 to entry: A system structure may be hierarchical, e.g. system, subsystem, component, etc.
<p>Note 4 to entry: Conditions of use and maintenance should be expressed or implied within the requirement.
definition: set of interrelated items that collectively fulfil a requirement
  - A system is considered to have a defined real or abstract boundary.
  - External resources (from outside the system boundary) may be required for the system to operate.
  - A system structure may be hierarchical, e.g. system, subsystem, component, etc.
  - Conditions of use and maintenance should be expressed or implied within the requirement.
  1. Parse EXAMPLE:

<a href=IEV112-01-01>quantity</a> which keeps the same value under particular circumstances, or which results from theoretical considerations
<p>EXAMPLE <a href=IEV103-05-26>time constant</a>, equilibrium constant for a chemical reaction, <a href=IEV112-03-09>fundamental physical constant</a>.

definition: {{quantity, IEV:112-01-01}} which keeps the same value under particular circumstances, or which results from theoretical considerations
  - {{time constant, IEV:103-05-26}}, equilibrium constant for a chemical reaction, {{fundamental physical constant, IEV:112-03-09}}.
  1. Remember to parse both EXAMPLE and Note {N} to entry:.

level of sub-division within a system hierarchy
<p>EXAMPLE System, subsystem, assembly, and component. <p>Note 1 to entry: From the maintenance perspective, the indenture level depends upon various factors, including the complexity of the item's construction, the accessibility of sub items, skill level of maintenance personnel, test equipment facilities, and safety considerations.
definition: level of sub-division within a system hierarchy
  - System, subsystem, assembly, and component.
  - From the maintenance perspective, the indenture level depends upon various factors, including the complexity of the item's construction, the accessibility of sub items, skill level of maintenance personnel, test equipment facilities, and safety considerations.
  1. Remember to parse both EXEMPLE and Note {N} à l’article: in French

niveau de subdivision à l’intérieur de la hiérarchie d’un système
<p>EXEMPLE Système, sous-système, assemblage et composant. <p>Note 1 à l’article: Du point de vue de la maintenance, le niveau dans l’arborescence dépend de divers facteurs dont la complexité de la structure de l’entité, l’accessibilité aux sous-entités, le niveau de compétence du personnel de maintenance, les moyens de mesure et d’essai, et des considérations de sécurité.
definition: niveau de subdivision à l’intérieur de la hiérarchie d’un système
  - Système, sous-système, assemblage et composant.
  - Du point de vue de la maintenance, le niveau dans l’arborescence dépend de divers facteurs dont la complexité de la structure de l’entité, l’accessibilité aux sous-entités, le niveau de compétence du personnel de maintenance, les moyens de mesure et d’essai, et des considérations de sécurité.

Source field


IEC 60050-311:2001, 311-01-04

After parsing:

  ref: IEC 60050-311:2001, 311-01-04


This program is created and maintained by Ribose.