autoscale: true slidenumbers: true theme: Next
^ Before we dig in, I will introduce myself very quickly:
Bonjour ! 👋
My name is Guillaume Bogard. I'm a functional programmer, working mostly in Scala.
I love roller-coasters, and Age of Empires.
You can follow me on Twitter @bogardguillaume and on
- Effects and the substitution model of evaluation
- Free monads, interpreters, and their benefits
- Implementing Free monads in Scala and Haskell
- Free monads in the real world
^ Alright, let met start this talk with a question:
^ I'm sure some of you, if not most, already know what functional programming is: programming with mathematical functions, also referred to as "pure functions". And I'm guessing that some of you are already convinced of their benefits: more stability, more productivity, lower maintenance costs ... But why do pure functions matter ? What is it that makes the functional programmer often more productive, and functional programs more stable than let's say imperative programs?
^ I'm interested in answering this question because it will motivate the use of free monads later on. For the purpose of this talk I am going to assert that all the benefits of functional programming – the productivity increase, the enhanced stability of programs, and their comparatively low maintenance cost, all come from one root benefit, one fundamental aspect of functional programming.
Evaluating a program is just evaluating expressions recursively until there are no more sub-expressions
^ This is what we refer to as the substitution model of evaluation. This way of evaluating programs is common across all functional programming languages, statically typed and otherwise.
^ The supoer power of a functional programmer is the ability to use substitution as their reasoning paradigm. Substitution is easier to grasp than time, a fundamental variable in imperative programming
Large expressions are computed by evaluating every sub-expression
[.code-highlight: 1-3] [.code-highlight: 1, 4] [.code-highlight: 1, 5] [.code-highlight: 1, 6] [.code-highlight: 1, 7] [.code-highlight: 1, 8] [.code-highlight: 1, 9]
plusOne a = a + 1
x = plusOne $ plusOne $ plusOne 16
x = plusOne $ plusOne 16 + 1
x = plusOne $ plusOne 17
x = plusOne 17 + 1
x = plusOne 18
x = 18 + 1
x = 19
At any point, I can substitute an expression with its normal form without changing the program.
x = plusOne $ plusOne $ plusOne 16
is equivalent to
x = plusOne $ 18
Expressions can be moved around freely without changing the program. In other words, the order of evaluation is irrelevant.
a = Musician "John"
b = Musician "Paul"
c = Musician "Ringo"
d = Musician "George"
song = play [a, b, c, d]
Expressions can be moved around freely without changing the program. In other words, the order of evaluation is irrelevant.
b = Musician "Paul"
a = Musician "John"
d = Musician "George"
c = Musician "Ringo"
song = play [a, b, c, d]
Expressions can be moved around freely without changing the program. In other words, the order of evaluation is irrelevant.
c = Musician "Ringo"
b = Musician "Paul"
d = Musician "George"
a = Musician "John"
song = play [a, b, c, d]
The ability to build programs out of freely-manipulable expressions is at the ❤️ of what makes FP so appealing
- Dramatically reduced cognitive load Order of execution is irrelevant. Expressions can be reasoned about in complete isolation. The meaning of a program is mostly inferable from signatures alone.
^ This one is what makes FP most appealing to me. Programming is hard, but it doesn't have to be that hard. As programs grow in complexity, being able to reason about them without constant headaches is a massive improvement.
- Easy unit tests I give you this, you should give me that
^ I think its well-established now that unit testing pure functions is the easiest form of testing there is.
- Unmatched adaptability What we call refactoring is manipulating expressions without altering the program.
Sprinkle some performance boosts on of that:
Fearless concurrency Remember, Time isn't a thing anymore
Programs could be inspected and optimized ahead of evaluation After all, programs are just data right ?
In short, substitution is at the ❤️ of everything we love about FP
We you start putting side-effects everywhere, you lose the ability to manipulate expressions freely
def greet(name: String): String = { blastAlderaan(); s"Hello $name!" }
val x = greet("Mike")
isn't remotely the same as
val x = "Hello Mike!"
Signatures, like greet(name: String): String
, become useless.
- Using the standard input / output
- Throwing exceptions
- Performing network calls
- Relying on shared mutable state
- Reading and writing to files
And so much more.
^ Here comes the million-dollar question
^ The answer to that question lies in a process called reification. The idea is that instead of ordering the computer to do stuff, we will pure data structures that describe the intended behavior. We will wait the very last moment to interpret these structures into actions at runtime.
Turning imperative side-effects into mere descriptions, and deferring their execution until the end of the world, allows us to freely substitute these descriptions.
We use pure data structures to describe the intended behavior, without running any externally visible effect until we have to.
The type system will help track the nature of the effects, in addition to the type of values our programs produce.
Instead of altering the control flow of the program, we use a type to encode the possibility of a failure. Substitution still holds.
def getSecretContent(user: User) =
if(user.role === "admin") Right(42)
else Left(Forbidden)
val result = getSecretContent(
User("emma", role = "customer")
val result = Left(Forbidden)
Assumptions are easily verified
getSecretContent(User("emma", role = "customer")) shouldBe Left(Forbidden)
When side-effects are turned into declarative structures tracked by the type system, we don't call them side-effect anymore, but effects.
Effects matter because they enable solutions to every computing problem, while satisfying the substitution principle
^ Option
can encode emptiness, and Either
can encode failure. There are other common effects as well. But often we need something more flexible.
The IO
monad can turn any set of instructions into a referentially-transparent value.
Substitution holds until the IO
is ran, which usually happens at the end of the world.
def greetUser(name: String) = IO {
println(s"Hello $name!")
def run = greetUser("Hans") >> exit
def run = IO {
println(s"Hello Hans!")
} >> exit
^ In a sense, IO allows us to embed imperative programs in a declarative context. IO captures side-effects and turns
them values that can be freely passed around. The effect description is separated from the execution, which only happens
when we explicitly call the unsafeRunSync
method. The type system tells us not only about the type of value the program will produce,
but also about the presence of arbitrary side-effects.
Remember why we care about substitution in the first place.
- ✅ Can we safely move expressions around and exchange them for their normal forms? Absolutely.
- 🤷 Does the type system tell us about the nature of our program's effects? Kind of
- ❌ Can we inspect our program and optimize it before it is evaluated? Not really
- ❌ Is it easy to unit-test our program? Nope
A Free monad (in computer science, not necessarily in category theory) is a structure of type Free f a
that gives you a monad for any functor f
In short, it can turn any functor into a monad.
A free monad allows building programs using the terms of a domain-specific language (DSL).
Said programs are pure, freely-inspectable data structures that don't produce anything. They are meant to be interpreted into another monad that will actually produce the values we want.
enables us to decouple the description of any program from its actual evaluation.
The type system will tell us about the specific DSL in which the program is defined.
💡 As a bonus, we can change interpreters without affecting our business logic, making Free
a suitable alternative to the tagless final encoding.
- Define a DSL
that will describe the capabilities of our program - Define smart constructors that will lift terms of the DSL into the
context - Build a program using these constructors and
You can inspect and test your program without performing any effect - Interpret your program into another monad (usually IO) using a natural transformation from
We start by defining our DSL
sealed trait UserStoreDsl[T]
case class GetUser(id: UserId)
extends UserStoreDsl[User]
case class GetSubscription(userId: UserId)
extends UserStoreDsl[Option[Subscription]]
case class DeleteSubscription(id: SubId)
extends UserStoreDsl[Unit]
case class Subscribe(user: User)
extends UserStoreDsl[Subscription]
data UserStoreDsl next
= GetUser UserId (User -> next)
| GetSubscription
(Maybe Subscription -> next)
| DeleteSubscription SubId next
| Subscribe User (Subscription -> next)
deriving (Functor)
type UserStore = Free UserStoreDsl
Then the smart constructors
def getUser(id: UserId): UserStore[User] =
def getSubscription(id: UserId)
: UserStore[Option[Subscription]] =
def deleteSubscription(id: SubId)
: UserStore[Unit] =
def subscribe(user: User)
: UserStore[Subscription] =
getUser :: UserId -> UserStore User
getUser uid = liftF (GetUser uid id)
getSubscription ::
UserId -> UserStore (Maybe Subscription)
getSubscription uid =
liftF (GetSubscription uid id)
deleteSubscription :: SubId -> UserStore ()
deleteSubscription subId =
liftF (DeleteSubscription subId ())
subscribe :: User -> UserStore Subscription
subscribe u = liftF (Subscribe u id)
Then we use our DSL to build a program
def updateSubscription(userId: UserId)
: UserStore[Unit] =
for {
user <- getUser(userId)
oldSub <- getSubscription(userId)
_ <- oldSub match {
case Some(sub) =>
case None =>
_ <- subscribe(user)
} yield ()
:: UserId -> UserStore ()
updateSubscription userId = do
user <- getUser userId
oldSub <- getSubscription userId
case oldSub of
Just (Subscription id) ->
deleteSubscription id
Nothing -> pure ()
subscribe user
return ()
We then define an interpreter for our DSL
val userStoreCompiler = new (UserStoreDsl ~> IO) {
def apply[A](fa: UserStoreDsl[A]) = fa match {
case GetUser(id) =>
// Fetch user from database
case GetSubscription(UserId("123")) =>
case GetSubscription(_) =>
case DeleteSubscription(_) =>[A])
case Subscribe(_) =>
type f ~> g = forall x. f x -> g x
userStoreInterpreter :: UserStoreDsl ~> IO
userStoreInterpreter (GetUser id next) = do
-- Fetch user from database
let user = User (UserId "123")
pure (next user)
(GetSubscription (UserId "123") next) = do
let sub = Subscription (SubId "1")
pure (next (Just sub))
userStoreInterpreter (GetSubscription _ next) =
pure (next Nothing)
userStoreInterpreter (DeleteSubscription _ next) =
pure next
userStoreInterpreter (Subscribe _ next) = do
let sub = Subscription (SubId "new-sub")
pure (next sub)
Finally, we can interpret our program into the IO monad. We've built a PL inside our PL!
^ Expressing our solutions using the terms of a DSL gives us the ability to test then without executing any externally-visible effect. Following the tenet of don't test the framework, we test only the program itself, and trust the interpreter to do its job properly. Of course, the interpreter can, and probably must, also be tested seperately
val program: IO[Unit] =
result :: IO ()
result = foldFree userStoreInterpreter
(updateSubscription (UserId "123"))
Now the type of [the program] tells us exactly what kind of effects it uses: a much healthier situation than a single monolithic IO
monad. For example, our types guarantee that executing a term in the Term Teletype
monad will not overwrite any files on our hard disk. The types of our terms actually have something to say about their behavior!
Wouter Swierstra, Data Types à la carte
The paper describes a technique for extending data types and functions without affecting existing code, solving P. Wadler's Expression problem.
It later shows how the same technique can be used to constrain programs into a specific set of effects, rather than the monolithic IO
Let Expr
be a sum type, describing the expressions of a very simple calculator that can only add integers
data Expr = Val Int
| Add Expr Expr
sealed trait Expr
case class Val(value: Int)
extends Expr
case class Add(a: Expr, b: Expr)
extends Expr
To extend the abilities of the calculator to add multiplication, one could extend Expr
data Expr = Val Int
| Add Expr Expr
| Multiply Expr Expr
We could have a polymorphic data type Expr
, where the type parameter, f
constraints the type of expressions happening
in the subtree.
data Expr f = In (f (Expr f))
case class Expr[F[_]](in: F[Expr[F]])
Then we can define data types for expressions consisting of integers, or additions of sub-expressions.
doesn't actually use its type parameter because it accepts no sub-expression.
data Val e = Val Int
type ValExpr = Expr Val
data Add e = Add e e
type AddExpr = Expr Add
case class Val[T](value: Int)
type ValExpr = Expr[Val]
case class Add[T](a: T, b: T)
type AddExpr = Expr[Add]
Combining data types if achieved using their coproducts.
The coproduct works like Either
for type constructors.
data (f :+: g) e = Inl (f e) | Inr (g e)
The Scala version is quite more verbose:
sealed trait Coproduct[F[_], G[_], A]
case class L[A, F[_], G[_]](in: F[A]) extends Coproduct[F, G, A]
case class R[A, F[_], G[_]](in: G[A]) extends Coproduct[F, G, A]
Using the coproduct, we can build programs made both Val
and Add
type ValOrAddExpr = Expr (Val :+: Add)
program :: ValOrAddExpr
program =
( Inr
( Add
(In (Inl (Val 10)))
( In
( Inr
( Add
(In (Inl (Val 2)))
(In (Inl (Val 5)))
type ValOrAdd[T] = Coproduct[Val, Add, T]
type ValOrAddExpr = Expr[ValOrAdd]
val program: ValOrAddExpr = Expr(
Before we can evaluate the program, we must observe that Val
and Add
are both functors
instance Functor Val where
fmap f (Val x) = Val x
instance Functor Add where
fmap f (Add a b) = Add (f a) (f b)
implicit val valFunctor: Functor[Val] =
new Functor[Val] {
def map[A, B](fa: Val[A])(f: A => B) =
implicit val addFunctor: Functor[Add] =
new Functor[Add] {
def map[A, B](fa: Add[A])(f: A => B) =
Add(f(fa.a), f(fa.b))
And also that the coproduct of two functors is itself a functor.
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (f :+: g) where
fmap f (Inl term) = Inl (fmap f term)
fmap f (Inr term) = Inr (fmap f term)
implicit def coproductFunctor[F[_], G[_]](
implicit functorF: Functor[F],
functorG: Functor[G]
): Functor[Coproduct[F, G, *]] = new Functor[Coproduct[F, G, *]] {
def map[A, B](fa: Coproduct[F, G, A])(f: A => B): Coproduct[F, G, B] =
fa match {
case L(expr) => L[B, F, G](functorF.fmap(expr)(f))
case R(expr) => R[B, F, G](functorG.fmap(expr)(f))
This means that Val :+: Add
is a functor
Our data types being functors is the precondition for evaluation.
Given Expr f
and a function F a -> a
, we can define a fold that will evaluate the expressions recursively until we get a
foldExpr :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Expr f -> a
foldExpr f (In term) = f (fmap (foldExpr f) term)
def foldExpr[F[_]: Functor, T](eval: F[T] => T)(expr: Expr[F]): T =
^ The F a -> a
function is called an algebra. It specifies on step of recursion. The foldAlgebra
functions that applies the operation to an entire expression.
All what's left to do now is specify how a single step of recursion should be evaluated:
evalVal :: Val t -> Int
evalVal (Val number) = number
evalAdd :: Add Int -> Int
evalAdd (Add a b) = a + b
evalValOrAdd :: (Val :+: Add) Int -> Int
evalValOrAdd (Inl t) = evalVal t
evalValOrAdd (Inr t) = evalAdd t
def evalVal[T](term: Val[T]): Int =
def evalAdd(term: Add[Int]): Int =
term.a + term.b
def evalValOrAdd(term: ValOrAdd[Int]) =
term match {
case L(term) => evalVal(term)
case R(term) => evalAdd(term)
[.footer: Note: In his paper, Swierstra defines a type class called called Eval
to derive instances for coproducts automatically. I have elided it in favor of a more concise example.]
When we put everything together, we can evaluate programs of type Val :+: Add
result :: Int
result = foldExpr evalValOrAdd program
val result: Int = foldExpr(evalValOrAdd)(program)
The type of our program tells us exactly what operations are supported.
Free monads are monds of the form
data Free f a = Pure a
| Impure (f (Free f a))
consisting of pure values and impure effects, constructed using a functor f
The techniques we've shown before can be generalized to Free monads, to build complex programs out of simple data types.
When f
is a functor, Free f
is a monad, as shown by these instances:
instance Functor f => Functor (Free f) where
fmap f (Pure x) = Pure (f x)
fmap f (Impure x) = Impure (fmap (fmap f) x)
instance Functor f => Applicative (Free f) where
pure x = Pure x
(<*>) = ap
instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
(Pure x) >>= f = f x
(Impure x) >>= f = Impure (fmap (>>= f) x)
In short, a Free monad gives us a monad out of any functor.
implicit def freeFunctor[F[_]: Functor] =
new Functor[Free[F, *]] {
def map[A, B](fa: Free[F, A])(f: A => B) = fa match {
case Pure(x) => Pure(f(x))
case Impure(x) => Impure(
implicit def freeMonad[F[_]: Functor] =
new Monad[Free[F, *]] {
def map[A, B](fa: Free[F, A])(f: A => B) =
def flatMap[A, B](fa: Free[F, A])
(f: A => Free[F, B]) = fa match {
case Pure(x) => f(x)
case Impure(x) => Impure(
def pure[A](x: A): Free[F, A] = Pure(x)
[.footer: Note: tailRecM is elided for conciseness]
Just like earlier, we can define a simple DSL, along with some smart constructors:
data UserStoreDsl next
= GetUser UserId (User -> next)
| Subscribe User next
deriving (Functor)
type UserStore = Free UserStoreDsl
getUser :: UserId -> UserStore User
getUser id = Impure (GetUser id Pure)
subscribe :: User -> UserStore ()
subscribe user =
Impure (Subscribe user (Pure ()))
sealed trait UserStoreDsl[Next]
case class GetUser[Next](
id: UserId,
next: User => Next
) extends UserStoreDsl[Next]
case class Subscribe[Next](user: User, next: Next)
extends UserStoreDsl[Next]
type UserStore[A] = Free[UserStoreDsl, A]
def getUser(id: UserId): UserStore[User] =
Impure(GetUser(id, Pure(_)))
def subscribe(user: User): UserStore[Unit] =
Impure(Subscribe(user, Pure(())))
[.footer: The Functor instance in Scala is uninteresting and has been elided.]
We then use this DSL to build a very simple program.
Because Free UserStoreDsl
is a monad, we can express dependant computations very easily 🙌
freeProgram :: UserStore User
freeProgram = do
user <- getUser (UserId "123")
subscribe user
return user
val freeProgram: UserStore[User] =
for {
user <- getUser(UserId("123"))
_ <- subscribe(user)
} yield use
Let's evaluate the program! If we had a function f a -> IO a
, specifying how a single instruction is evaluated, we could use
it to fold over the entire program.
We will encapsulate this functions into a type class:
class Functor f => Exec f where
exec :: f a -> IO a
trait Exec[F[_]] {
def exec[A](fa: F[A]): IO[A]
Let's define an Exec
instance for our DSL:
instance Exec UserStoreDsl where
exec (GetUser id next) = do
let user = User id
return (next user)
exec (Subscribe user next) = do
("User" <> show user <> " has subscribed")
return next
implicit val execUserStore = new Exec[UserStoreDsl] {
def exec[A](fa: UserStoreDsl[A]): IO[A] = fa match {
case GetUser(id, next) =>
case Subscribe(user, next) =>
IO {
println(s"User $user has subscribed!")
} as next
We're almost done! Let's define the fold, and use it to evaluate our program! 🎉
execAlgebra :: Exec f => Free f a -> IO a
execAlgebra (Pure x) = return x
execAlgebra (Impure x) =
exec x >>= execAlgebra
-- Finally we run the program
freeResult :: IO User
freeResult = execAlgebra freeProgram
def execAlgebra[F[_]: Functor, A](
fa: Free[F, A]
)(implicit exec: Exec[F]): IO[A] = fa match {
case Pure(x) => IO.pure(x)
case Impure(x) =>
exec.exec(x).flatMap(execAlgebra[F, A](_))
val freeResult: IO[User] =
Free monads allow mocking parts of our program selectively. Mocking is as easy as writing an interpreter.
val userStoreCompiler
: UserStoreDsl ~> IO = ???
val mockCompiler
: UserStoreDsl ~> IO = {
case GetUser("123") => mockUser.pure[IO]
case other => userStoreCompiler(other)
getUser(UserId("123")).foldMap(mockCompiler).unsafeRunSync() shouldBe mockUser
The same program can be interpreted using different interpreters, e.g. to provide various storage backends for a data-access layer.
sealed trait KeyValueStoreDsl[A]
case class Put(key: String, value: String) extends KeyValueStore[Unit]
case class Get(key: String) extends KeyValueStore[Option[String]]
val inMemoryCompiler: KeyValueStoreDsl ~> State[Map[String, String], *] = ???
val redisCompiler: KeyValueStoreDsl ~> IO = ???
val irminCompiler: KeyValueStoreDsl ~> IO = ???
Monads reduce the needed amount of documentation and give many operations for free.
Doobie uses free monads to model database transactions on which users can use for-comprehensions, >>
, <<
, as
val transaction: ConnectionIO[Int] = for {
nbUsers <- sql"delete * from users"
nbMsgs <- sql"delete * from messages"
} yield nbUsers + nbMsgs
Multiple databases are supported through transactors which are ... Free monad interpreters :)
Every program should specifically select the operations it needs,
instead of having access to every possible operation.
To combine DSLs, we must recall the coproduct of two functors is itself a functor.
We can use Free
to get a monad instance for the coproduct of two DSLs, and use both DSLs in the same program.
data EmailDsl next
= SendConfirmationEmail User next
deriving (Functor)
type UserStoreOrEmail =
Free (UserStoreDsl :+: EmailDsl)
combinedProgram :: UserId -> UserStoreOrEmail ()
combinedProgram id = do
user <- Impure (Inl (GetUser id Pure))
Impure (Inl (Subscribe user (Pure ())))
Impure (Inr (SendConfirmationEmail user (Pure ())))
return ()
Manually lifting functors into coproducts is tedious and implies a lot of boilerplate.
Fortunately, the problem is adressed in Swierstra's paper in the chapter Automating injections.
One can define a type class, :≺:, that, given a type and coproduct knows how to inject it in the coproduct.
This type class is implemented in Cats under the name Inject
This talk wouldn't have been possible without the work of these amazing people:
- Cats contributors for their work on the
module, among everything else. - James Haydon with his article Free monads for cheap interpreters
- Edward A. Kmett and contributors for the free Haskell package
- Adam Rosien with his article, What is an effect which provides an excellent introduction to effects, and a nice motivation for Free monads
- Wouter Swierstra with his paper, Data types à la carte which provides the reference implementation for Free monads, on which this presentation's code is mostly based.
E-mail: [email protected] - Homepage: - Twitter: @bogardguillaume