Web:Extend is a simple yet powerful PHP5 API that makes web development easy.
Web:Extend is currently beta software. It is used by a few people in
production environments but you should be aware that it has not been
tested enough to be considered stable.
- Web: http://extend.ws
- Source: http://github.com/essen/wee
- License: LGPL (see LICENSE)
- Documentation and API: http://extend.ws/documentation
- Bug tracking: http://github.com/essen/wee/issues
- Discussion: http://groups.google.com/group/wee-users
Please download the framework and help testing it by running the following
command on your environment. It will only take a minute.
- make test
You might need to install the development tools if they are not available
by default on your OS. Both BSD and GNU make will work.
Some operations might fail if the app/tmp folder isn’t writable.
Database drivers can also be tested by creating an user “wee” with a
password “wee”, owner of a database “wee_tests”. The double quotes are
not part of the credentials.
Report any error message you may see.
Thank you for trying this software.