- 100 Functions as a Service https://github.com/openfaas/faas https://github.com/openfaas/faas/tree/master/sample-functions https://workers.cloudflare.com/ https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/examples
- 100 containers for software stacks
- 100 hours of video conversations
- 100 hours of business coaching
- 100 hours of incident response
- 100 incidents revised for patterns
- 100 paragraphs, deeply read
- 100 trading systems
- 100 deep dives into ecosystems
- 100 interviews for collaborators
- 100 interviews for vendors
- 100 pitches to investors
- 100 ideas for nonprofits
- 100 openai gym environments
- 100 days of math by hand
- 100 ontologies
- 100 properties to test
- 100 standards, formalized
- 100 days of Qigong
- 100 people encouraged
- 100 people elected to local governments and boards
- 100 stories of success through love
- 100 virtual eurorack setups
- 100 job applications
- 100 blog posts
- 100 architectures for systems
- 100 formal models for systems
- 100 silent minutes
- 100 small project ideas for demonstrating job skills in a portfolion
- 100 job skills list, and rubric of beginner, intermediate, and advanced for each skill