This is a collection of all the challenges, from the ODC course held at PoliMi, that I solved during the first semester of the A.Y. 2021/2022.
This repository is organized in different folders according to the topic of each challenge, including also the ones solved and delivered during the CTF final examination (10/01/2022).
Every subfolder corresponds to a challenge. A large part of them contain the executable file of the challenge, the python script used to get the flag (named as and, sometimes, the .c file of the executable that was retrieved after the obtaining of the flag. However, some of them don't contain an executable file, a script or neither (e.g. the web challenges).
When a script was not necessary, a file utils.txt or has been used in order to write down the followed steps. Others contain some more files that were used to manage the different libc libraries (e.g. the ones with pwninit).