- make submenu active only title is hovered when inline
- add onMouseEnter/onTitleMouseLeave/onTitleClick/...
- use es6 export
- add keyPath to onOpen/onClose argument info
- add keyPath to onClick argument info
- does not hide submenu when click(use onClick to set openKeys to [] if you want)
- add openAnimation/openTransitionName prop
- make selectedKeys openedKeys controllable
- add closeSubMenuOnMouseLeave/onOpen/onClose props
- remove openOnHover for SubMenu
- add openSubMenuOnMouseEnter prop for Menu
- add props: mode (horizontal, vertical, inline) for Menu
- add defaultSelectedKeys, make selectedKeys controllable
- change param of onSelect onDeselect
add props: vertical/horizontal for Menu, align for SubMenu
#9 allow not set key for menuitem
#10 support MenuItemGroup
add Menu.Divider Component
#5 support selected and disabled for menuitem simultaneously
support react 0.13 and es6
#3 support scrollIntoView if menu is scrollable
#2 support multiple prop and onDeselect callback