Bunch of Perl scripts for Domoticz
- DOMO/REST Gateway: please see MyDomoAtHome repositoy
- cam_*: scripts to manage Foscam HD through the new API
- cosmodom4.pl: extract values from Domoticz to push them to Cosm/Xively see http://domoticz.com/wiki/Perl_for_Domoticz#Pachube_.2F_Cosm_.2F_Xively
- gcal4.sh / script_time_gcal4.lua: Google Calendar for Domoticz, see http://domoticz.com/wiki/Interacting_with_Google_Calendar
- ping_by_ip.pl: externalized ping for Domoticz to use within CRON, see http://domoticz.com/wiki/Perl_for_Domoticz#Ping_several_machines
- mysensors-gw.pl: mysensor gateway to Domoticz or other platform that allow JSON interface, see http://domoticz.com/wiki/Perl_for_Domoticz#Reading_serial_Porl_-_Arduino