diff --git a/src/components/Header/Header.module.css b/src/components/Header/Header.module.css
index 7f92277..e9b5c82 100644
--- a/src/components/Header/Header.module.css
+++ b/src/components/Header/Header.module.css
@@ -9,6 +9,17 @@
grid-template-columns: auto 1fr auto;
margin-block-start: 0.5rem;
padding: var(--border-size-2);
+ &[data-layout="xl"] {
+ & h2 {
+ white-space: nowrap; /* force overflow when title large to trigger layout change */
+ }
+ }
+ &[data-layout="sm"] {
+ & h2 {
+ font-size: 1em;
+ }
+ }
.buttonLeft {
border-inline-end: var(--border-size-2) solid var(--surface-1);
diff --git a/src/components/Header/Header.res b/src/components/Header/Header.res
index a944ade..3756f35 100644
--- a/src/components/Header/Header.res
+++ b/src/components/Header/Header.res
@@ -4,10 +4,17 @@ type classesType = {buttonLeft: string, buttonRight: string, root: string}
let make = (~buttonLeftSlot, ~buttonRightSlot, ~className=?, ~headingSlot, ~subheadingSlot) => {
- Option.getOr("")}`}>
- {headingSlot}
- {subheadingSlot}
- {buttonLeftSlot}
- {buttonRightSlot}
+ let headerRef = React.useRef(Nullable.null)
+ let layout = Hooks.useIsHorizontallyOverflowing(headerRef.current, [`xl`, `sm`])
+ React.cloneElement(
+ Option.getOr("")}`}
+ ref={headerRef->ReactDOM.Ref.domRef}>
+ {headingSlot}
+ {subheadingSlot}
+ {buttonLeftSlot}
+ {buttonRightSlot}
+ ,
+ {"data-layout": layout},
+ )
diff --git a/src/utils/Hooks.res b/src/utils/Hooks.res
index 95abd46..ce23652 100644
--- a/src/utils/Hooks.res
+++ b/src/utils/Hooks.res
@@ -20,4 +20,111 @@ let usePromise = (fn: unit => promise<'data>) => {
(result, run)
\ No newline at end of file
+type overflowingState<'a> = {
+ currentLayoutIndex: int,
+ layouts: array<'a>,
+ // thresholds is used as a mutable array, never coppied
+ thresholds: array,
+type overfowingAction = Resized({availableWidth: int, contentWidth: int})
+let overflowingReducer: (overflowingState<'a>, overfowingAction) => overflowingState<'a> = (
+ state,
+ action,
+) => {
+ let newState = ref(state)
+ switch action {
+ | Resized({availableWidth, contentWidth}) => {
+ let {currentLayoutIndex, thresholds} = state
+ let overflowing = contentWidth > availableWidth
+ if !overflowing {
+ let canGrow = currentLayoutIndex !== 0
+ if canGrow {
+ let widerLayoutThreshold = thresholds->Array.getUnsafe(currentLayoutIndex - 1)
+ if availableWidth > widerLayoutThreshold {
+ newState := {
+ ...state,
+ currentLayoutIndex: state.currentLayoutIndex - 1,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // update the threshold if the content width is different
+ let currentLayoutThreshold = thresholds->Array.getUnsafe(currentLayoutIndex)
+ if contentWidth !== currentLayoutThreshold {
+ thresholds->Array.splice(~start=currentLayoutIndex, ~remove=1, ~insert=[contentWidth])
+ if %raw(`import.meta.env.DEV`) && currentLayoutIndex !== 0 {
+ let widerLayoutThreshold = thresholds->Array.getUnsafe(currentLayoutIndex - 1)
+ if contentWidth > widerLayoutThreshold {
+ LogUtils.captureException(
+ TypeUtils.any(
+ `The threshold for layout "${state.layouts->Array.getUnsafe(
+ currentLayoutIndex,
+ )}" (${contentWidth->Int.toString}px) is wider than threshold for layout "${state.layouts->Array.getUnsafe(
+ currentLayoutIndex - 1,
+ )}" (${widerLayoutThreshold->Int.toString}px)
+The layouts should be sorted from widest to narrowest (e.g. ["XL", "MD", "SM"]). This likely means an error in the rendering logic.`,
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let canShrink = currentLayoutIndex !== state.layouts->Array.length - 1
+ if canShrink {
+ newState := {
+ ...state,
+ currentLayoutIndex: currentLayoutIndex + 1,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ newState.contents
+ * This hooks accepts an array of strings like `["XL", "MD", "SM"]` which must be sorted from widest to narrowest.
+ * It returns the first item from the layuouts as long as the content does not overflow the parent, when it overflows,
+ * it returns the next layout and it expects that the content will be adapted for narrower screen. It continues in
+ * measurement and returns narrower layout as long as there are any available. It remembers the screen threshold where
+ * it switched and if the screen grows larger again, it switches back to the wider layout.
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
+ * let layout = useIsHorizontallyOverflowing(Some(element), [#xl, #md, #sm])
+ */
+let useIsHorizontallyOverflowing = (element: Nullable.t, layouts: array<'a>) => {
+ let (overflowState, sendOverflowing) = React.useReducer(
+ overflowingReducer,
+ {
+ currentLayoutIndex: 0,
+ layouts,
+ thresholds: [],
+ },
+ )
+ React.useEffect1(() => {
+ switch element {
+ | Nullable.Value(el) =>
+ let testOverflowing = _ => {
+ let availableWidth = el->Element.clientWidth
+ let contentWidth = el->Element.scrollWidth
+ Js.log({"availableWidth": availableWidth, "contentWidth": contentWidth})
+ sendOverflowing(Resized({availableWidth, contentWidth}))
+ }
+ testOverflowing()
+ let resizeObserver = Webapi.ResizeObserver.make(testOverflowing)
+ resizeObserver->Webapi.ResizeObserver.observe(el)
+ Some(
+ () => {
+ resizeObserver->Webapi.ResizeObserver.disconnect
+ },
+ )
+ | _ => None
+ }
+ }, [element])
+ layouts->Array.getUnsafe(overflowState.currentLayoutIndex)