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Interfaces allow snaps to communicate or share resources according to the protocol established by the interface.

Each connection has two ends, a "plug" (consumer) and a "slot" (provider). A plug and a slot can be connected if they use the same interface name. The connection grants necessary permissions for snaps to operate according to the protocol.

Slots may support multiple connections to plugs. For example the core snap exposes the network slot and all applications that can talk over the network connect their plugs there.

The availability of an interface depends on a number of factors and may be provided by the core snap or via snaps providing the slot. The available interfaces on a given system can be seen with snap interfaces.

Transitional interfaces

Most interfaces are designed for strong application isolation and user control such that auto-connected interfaces are considered safe and users choose what applications to trust and to what extent via manually connected interfaces.

Some interfaces are considered transitional to support traditional Linux desktop environments and these transitional interfaces typically are auto-connected. Since many of the underlying technologies in these environments were not designed with strong application isolation in mind, users should only install applications using these interfaces from trusted sources. Transitional interfaces will be deprecated as replacement or modified technologies that enforce strong application isolation are available.

Making connections

Interfaces may either be auto-connected on install or manually connected after install.

To list the available connectable interfaces and connections:

$ snap interfaces

To make a connection:

$ snap connect <snap>:<plug interface> <snap>:<slot interface>

To disconnect snaps:

$ snap disconnect <snap>:<plug interface> <snap>:<slot interface>

Consider a snap foo that uses plugs: [ log-observe ]. Since log-observe is not auto-connected, foo will not have access to the interface upon install:

$ sudo snap install foo
$ snap interfaces
Slot                 Plug
:log-observe         -
-                    foo:log-observe

You may manually connect using snap connect:

$ sudo snap connect foo:log-observe core:log-observe
$ snap interfaces
Slot                 Plug
:log-observe         foo:log-observe

and disconnect using snap disconnect:

$ sudo snap disconnect foo:log-observe core:log-observe
$ snap interfaces # shows they are disconnected
Slot                 Plug
:log-observe         -
-                    foo:log-observe

On the other hand, bar could use plugs: [ network ] and since network is auto-connected, bar has access to the interface upon install:

$ sudo snap install bar
$ snap interfaces
Slot                 Plug
:network             bar:network

You may disconnect an auto-connected interface:

$ sudo snap disconnect bar:network core:network
$ snap interfaces
Slot                 Plug
:network             -
-                    bar:network

Whether the slot is provided by the core snap or not doesn't matter in terms of snap interfaces except that if the slot is provided by a snap, a snap that implements the slot must be installed for it to be connectable. Eg, the bluez interface is not provided by the core snap so a snap author implementing the bluez service might use slots: [ bluez ]. Then after install, the bluez interface shows up as available:

$ sudo snap install foo-blue
$ snap interfaces
Slot                 Plug
foo-blue:bluez       -

Now install and connect works like before (eg, baz uses plugs: [ bluez ]):

$ sudo snap install baz
$ snap interfaces
Slot                 Plug
foo-blue:bluez       -
-                    baz:bluez
$ sudo snap connect baz:bluez foo-blue:bluez
$ snap interfaces
Slot                 Plug
foo-blue:bluez       baz:bluez

Supported Interfaces - Basic


Can add users and change password. Suitable for administration tools.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access the first video camera. Suitable for programs wanting to use webcams.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Providing snaps implementing a DBus API may be accessed via their well-known DBus connection name (2.20+).

  • Auto-Connect: no
  • Attributes:
    • name (slot): well-known DBus connection name for the service (eg,
    • bus (slot): DBus bus to use (ie, session or system)
    • name (plug): well-known DBus connection name of the service from the providing snap
    • bus (plug): DBus bus to use for providing snap

Snaps that want to communicate via a well-known DBus connection name need to have matching bus and name attributes and then be connected via snap connect. Snaps specifying bus: system will have a default DBus bus policy that allows root to own the name and anyone to send to a destination that matches the well-known name (eg, Once connected, the consuming snap may communicate with the providing snap via:

  • the specified well-known DBus connection name (eg,
  • a unique DBus connection name using a matching DBus interface (eg, or DBus path (eg, /org/foo/bar/norf)

This interface is particularly well-suited for leaf-style applications from GNOME, KDE, etc to integrate into the desktop session. Future versions of snapd may allow greater flexibility for bus policy, DBus interfaces and DBus paths and also support session services and DBus activation.

Note: when developing snaps using devmode for DBus system services, the slot implementation must use this interface so that snapd may adjust the DBus bus policy so the snap may use the system bus.


Can access global gsettings of the user's session which gives privileged access to sensitive information stored in gsettings and allows adjusting settings of other applications.

  • Auto-Connect: yes
  • Transitional: yes


Can access non-hidden files in user's $HOME and gvfs mounted directories owned by the user to read/write/lock.

  • Auto-Connect: yes on classic (traditional distributions), no otherwise
  • Transitional: yes


Providing snaps implementing the Media Player Remote Interfacing Specification (mpris) may be accessed via their well-known DBus name.

Consuming snaps can access media players implementing mpris via the providing snap's well-known DBus name.

  • Auto-Connect: no
  • Attributes:
    • name (slot): optional, media player name to use for DBus well-known name (ie, org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.$name). If omitted, use the snap's name.


Can access the network as a client.

  • Auto-Connect: yes


Can access the network as a server.

  • Auto-Connect: yes


Can access OpenGL hardware.

  • Auto-Connect: yes


Can access the first optical drive in read-only mode. Suitable for CD/DVD playback.

  • Auto-Connect: yes


Can access global password manager services provided by popular Desktop Environment (eg, Secret Service and KWallets) which gives privileged access to sensitive information stored in the user's session (2.27+).

  • Auto-Connect: no
  • Transitional: yes


Can access the PulseAudio sound server which allows for sound playback in games and media application. Recording not supported but will be in a future release.

  • Auto-Connect: yes


Can access files from removable media in /media and /run/media

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can control the system power state and rebooting, powering off or halting the system.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access desktop session manager screen inhibit and uninhibit functionality.

  • Auto-Connect: yes


Can access Unity7. Unity 7 runs on X and requires access to various DBus services. This interface grants privileged access to the user's session since the Unity 7 environment does not prevent eavesdropping or apps interfering with one another.

  • Auto-Connect: yes
  • Transitional: yes


Can access the X server which gives privileged access to the user's session since X does not prevent eavesdropping or apps interfering with one another.

  • Auto-Connect: yes
  • Transitional: yes

Supported Interfaces - Advanced


Can create and delete non-system extra users and change the password for non-system extra users (2.22+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can directly access ALSA devices in /dev/snd.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can be introspected by autopilot (2.24+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access and control snaps providing Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD services on the network which gives privileged access to the service (2.28+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access snaps providing Avahi to browse for mDNS/DNS-SD services on the network.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Allow to manage the kernel side Bluetooth stack.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access snaps providing the bluez interface which gives privileged access to bluetooth.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access broadcom-asic devices and sysfs interfaces (2.28+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access files and IPC needed by modern browsers. This interface is intended to be used when using an embedded Chromium Content API or using the sandboxes in major browsers from vendors like Google and Mozilla. The allow-sandbox attribute may be used to give the necessary access to use the browser's sandbox functionality.

  • Auto-Connect: yes
  • Attributes:
    • allow-sandbox: true|false (defaults to false)

Note: for webapps that use electron or Oxide, it is often useful to disable the internal sandbox and rely on strict confinement so that the snap uses allow-sandbox: false. To do this:

  • for electron, specify --no-sandbox on the command line for your app
  • for Oxide webviews, export OXIDE_NO_SANDBOX=1


Allows resources necessary for running as classic dimension snap which gives device ownership to the snap. This interface is reserved for the classic snap (2.23).

Auto-Connect: no


Can access content from the providing snap from within the consuming snap's filesystem area.

Consult dedicated page about the content interface

  • Auto-Connect: yes for snaps from same publisher, no otherwise
  • Attributes:
    • read (slot): read-only paths from providing snap to expose to the consuming snap
    • write (slot): read-write paths from providing snap to expose to the consuming snap
    • content (slot): reference to plug side of connection. Defaults to local slot name
    • default-provider (plug): name preferred providing snap
    • target (plug): path in consuming snap to find providing snap's files
    • content (plug): reference to slot side of connection. Defaults to local plug name

Read, write and target can start with either $SNAP, $SNAP_DATA or $SNAP_COMMON to refer to the designated directory. The content attribute specified of the consuming snap (plug) must have a content attribute match in the providing snap (slot).


Can control all aspects of systemd via the systemctl command, update rsyslog configuration, update systemd-timesyncd configuration and update/apply sysctl configuration which gives privileged access to the system (2.22+). Reserved for core snaps (type: os).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access cups control socket which gives privileged access to configure printing.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can interact with the Dell Systems Management Base Driver which provides a sysfs interface for systems management software such as Dell OpenManage to perform system management interrupts and host control actions (system power cycle or power off after OS shutdown) on certain Dell systems.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access snaps providing the docker interface which gives privileged access to the system.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access resources and syscalls necessary to run Docker application containers. The privileged-containers attribute may be used to give the necessary access to run privileged containers. Providing snaps specifying this interface currently may only be established with the Docker project.

  • Auto-Connect: no
  • Attributes:
    • privileged-containers (plug): true|false (defaults to false)


Can configure network firewalling giving privileged access to networking.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can use the universal framebuffer (/dev/fb[0-9]*, (2.22+)).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can mount fuse filesystems (as root only).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access snaps providing the fwupd interface which gives privileged access to update UEFI capsule format firmware.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access GPIO devices. This is restricted because it provides privileged access to GPIO hardware.

  • Auto-Connect: no

  • Attributes:

    • number (slot): GPIO pin number to export and expose to consuming snaps

Snaps that want to consume a gpio device simply plugs: [ gpio ] and the gpio device to connect is specified during interface connection. Available gpio devices for the system can be seen with snap interfaces. Once connected, the consuming snap can use the device via /sys/class/gpio/gpioN where N is the pin number specified by the connected slot.


Can access resources and syscalls necessary to run Amazon Greengrass services and lambda functions. Providing snaps specifying this interface currently may only be established with the Amazon Greengrass project (2.26+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can query hardware information from the system.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Allow read/write access to /dev/hwrng (2.25+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Allow read access to /dev/hwrng (2.25+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access hidraw devices. This is restricted because it provides privileged access to hardware devices.

  • Auto-Connect: no

  • Attributes:

    Should specify a single path attribute:

    • path (slot): path to hidraw device node e.g. /dev/hidraw0

    Or three attributes:

    • usb-vendor (slot): integer representing the USB Vendor ID, must be in range 0 < vid <= 65535
    • usb-product (slot): integer representing the USB Product ID, must be in range 0 <= vid <= 65535
    • path (slot): path where a symlink will be created to the device e.g. /dev/hidraw-mydevice

Snaps that want to consume a hidraw device simply plugs: [ hidraw ] and the hidraw device to connect is specified during interface connection. Available hidraw devices for the system can be seen with snap interfaces. Once connected, the consuming snap can use the device via the path specified by the connected slot.


Can access i2c devices. This is restricted because it provides privileged access to hardware devices.

  • Auto-Connect: no

  • Attributes:

    • path (slot): path to i2c device node e.g. /dev/i2c-0

Snaps that want to consume an i2c device simply plugs: [ i2c ] and the i2c device to connect is specified during interface connection. Available i2c devices for the system can be seen with snap interfaces. Once connected, the consuming snap can use the device via the path specified by the connected slot.


Can access IIO devices. This is restricted because it provides privileged access to IIO hardware (2.20+).

  • Auto-Connect: no

  • Attributes:

    • path (slot): path to IIO device node e.g. /dev/iio:device0

Snaps that want to consume an IIO device simply plugs: [ iio ] and the IIO device to connect is specified during interface connection. Available IIO devices for the system can be seen with snap interfaces. Once connected, the consuming snap can use the device via the path specified by the connected slot.


Can write to /dev/port to change the I/O port permissions and privilege level of the calling process and disable interrupts (2.21+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access /dev/js* devices (2.24+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can insert kernel modules. This interface gives privileged access to the device.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access resources and syscalls necessary to operate as the Kubernetes service and run application containers (2.25+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access /dev/kvm which gives privileged access to the kvm hypervisor (2.28+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access the libvirt control socket, which gives privileged access to control libvirtd on the host. This is commonly used to create and manage QEMU/KVM instances on the host.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can manage locales directly separate from config core.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access snaps providing the location-control interface which gives privileged access to configure, observe and use location services.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access snaps providing the location-observe interface which gives privileged access to query location services.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can read system logs and set kernel log rate-limiting.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can use the LXD API via the socket provided by the "lxd" snap. LXD_DIR must be set to /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd. This interface requires manual connection.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access all resources and syscalls on the device for LXD to mediate access for its containers. This interface currently may only be established with the upstream LXD project.

  • Auto-Connect: no
  • Transitional: yes


Can access snaps providing the maliit input interface (2.24+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access snaps providing the media-hub interface (2.25+).

  • Auto-Connect: yes


Can access snaps providing the mir display server interface.

  • Auto-Connect: yes


Can access snaps providing the modem-manager interface which gives privileged access to configure, observe and use modems.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can query system mount information. This is restricted because it gives privileged read access to mount arguments and should only be used with trusted apps.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can configure networking and network namespaces via ip netns (2.20+) which gives wide, privileged access to networking.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access snaps providing the network-manager interface which gives privileged access to configure and observe networking.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can query network status information which gives privileged read-only access to networking information.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can read/write network setup configuration files. This is restricted because it gives access to system network configuration which can container network security details (2.22+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can read network setup configuration files. This is restricted because it gives access to system network configuration which can contain network security details.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access snaps providing the NetworkingStatus interface (2.25+).

  • Auto-Connect: yes


Can access snaps providing the ofono interface which gives privileged access to configure, observe and use ofono devices.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access snaps providing the Online Accounts interface (2.25+).

  • Auto-Connect: yes


Can access the openvswitch control socket, which gives privileged access to control openvswitch on the host (2.20+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Enables kernel support for openvswitch (2.20+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can write to /dev/mem to access architecture-specific subset of the physical address space for common use cases (eg, X without KMS, dosbox, etc) when kernels are compiled with STRICT_DEVMEM=y (required for certified kernels). With STRICT_DEVMEM=n, can write to all physical memory (2.21+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can read from /dev/mem to access architecture-specific subset of the physical address space for common use cases (eg, X without KMS, dosbox, etc) when kernels are compiled with STRICT_DEVMEM=y (required for certified kernels). With STRICT_DEVMEM=n, can read from all physical memory (2.21+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access Point-to-Point protocol daemon which gives privileged access to configure and observe PPP networking.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can manage processes via signals and nice.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can directly access connected USB devices via a raw interface (2.18+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access serial ports. This is restricted because it provides privileged access to configure serial port hardware. Note that the slot is meant to be implemented by a gadget snap (this is not provided by the core snap).

  • Auto-Connect: no

  • Attributes:

    Should specify a single path attribute:

    • path (slot): path to serial device node e.g. /dev/ttyS1

    Or three attributes:

    • usb-vendor (slot): integer representing the USB Vendor ID, must be in range 0 < vid <= 65535
    • usb-product (slot): integer representing the USB Product ID, must be in range 0 <= vid <= 65535
    • path (slot): path where a symlink will be created to the device e.g. /dev/serial-port-mydevice

Snaps that want to consume a serial port simply plugs: [ serial-port ] and the serial port to connect is specified during interface connection. Available serial ports for the system can be seen with snap interfaces. Once connected, the consuming snap can use the device via the path specified by the connected slot.


Can manage snaps via snapd.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access snaps providing the Storage Framework Service interface (2.25+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can query system status information which gives privileged read access to all processes on the system.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can use kernel tracing facilities. This is restricted because it gives privileged access to all processes on the system and should only be used with trusted apps.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access snaps providing the thumbnailer service interface (2.22+).

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can set system time and date and query systemd-timedated for time information.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can manage timeservers via systemd-timedated and directly separate from config core

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can manage timezone via systemd-timedated and directly separate from config core

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access the tpm device /dev/tpm0.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access snaps providing the ubuntu-download-manager interface.

  • Auto-Connect: yes


Can access snaps providing the udisks2 interface which gives privileged access to storage on the device

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access /dev/uhid to create kernel hid devices from user-space which gives privileged access to HID transport drivers.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access Unity8 (2.22+). This interface is in active development and should not yet be used in production and its use is therefore restricted.

  • Auto-Connect: yes


Can access snaps providing the Unity8 calendar interface which gives access to the Unity8 global calendar.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access snaps providing the Unity8 contacts interface which gives access to the Unity8 global contacts list.

  • Auto-Connect: no


Can access snaps providing the UPower interface for power devices, history and statistics.

  • Auto-Connect: yes
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