actor User
participant repo as GitHub Repo
participant GH as GitHub Backend
participant App as Application
User->>repo: Creates/modifies <br>issue or comments
repo->>GH: Notifies backend
GH->>App: Sends Webhook
App->>App: Validates the webhook hash
App->>App: Validates webhook's trigger
App->>repo: Reads ".github/.jira_sync_config.yaml" file
App->>Jira: Searches for existing Jira issues
Jira->>App: Provides list of existing issues if any
App->>Jira: Creates/updates Jira issue
App->>repo: (Optional) Adds 'synced-to-jira' on the Issue
App->>repo: (Optional) Adds a comment on the Issue
App->>GH: Returns web response
This diagram illustrates a corner case scenario when issue is created from GitHub issue template that contains Labels. In this case GitHub sends two webhooks in parallel that causes issues in the asynchronous (stateless) service.
actor User
participant repo as GitHub Repo
participant GH as GitHub Backend
participant App1 as Application (Unit 1)
participant App2 as Application (Unit 2)
User->>repo: Creates an issue with a label <br>applied directly from the template
repo->>GH: Notifies backend
GH->>App1: Sends Webhook (issue labeled)
GH->>App2: Sends Webhook (issue opened)
App1->>App1: Validates the webhook hash
App1->>App1: Validates webhook's trigger
App2->>App2: Validates the webhook hash
App2->>App2: Validates webhook's trigger
App1->>repo: Reads ".github/.jira_sync_config.yaml" file
App2->>GH: Return 200 as we ignore issue opened with labels
end %end parallel block
App1->>Jira: Searches for existing Jira issues
Jira->>App1: Returns None, as there is no Jira issue
App1->>Jira: Creates/updates Jira issue
App1->>repo: (Optional) Adds a comment on the Issue
App1->>GH: Returns web response