- fix for ida_star: visualize all visited nodes, not just the last one.
- fix for ida_star: return list of nodes instead of x-y-tuples
- fix heuristic in a weighted graph (see #65, merges #66)
- allow for path finding with float values as cost.
- fix for passable borders (see #62, merges #63)
- always call cleanup
- cleanup worlds
- return empty on msp
- allow diagonal crossing movement over a border (see #58)
- fix import in documentation for graphs
- update return type annoation (see #55)
- huge performance update by reducing lookup time for smallest entry in heapq. (see #53, thanks to @peterchenadded)
- fixed calculation of graph width (see #52)
- removed an unused debug print that lead to performance issues on big maps
- fixed a bug for graphs where node_ids were not unique (#51)
- backward-compability with Python 3.9
- lookup-table/cache for the path in grid_str for faster output.
- Support for generic graphs that are not grids.
- Minor PEP 8 fixes, (import order, remove empty lines, remove utf-8 force because it's the default in Python3)
- portals/elevators/steps (see docs/02_connecting_grids.md)
- update Pipfile.lock (had depenencies on vulnerable pytest version)
- BREAKING CHANGE remove Python 2 support (for older Python 3 and Python 2 see python2-branch)
- BREAKING CHANGE Node is a dataclass now
- stricter flake8 integration
- moved usage documentation to docs
- add contributing and changelog
- update license to 2023
- fix super call in Minimum Spanning Tree
- add Minimum Spanning Tree
- throw error when check_neighbors isn't implemented
- add badges
- fix spelling, typos and update text in Readme
- update License to 2020
- fix calc_cost (cost was calculated incorrectly)
- add pipenv Pipfile
- add long description from README.md to setup.py
- More documentation and typo fixes
- use copy.copy for python2.5
- cleanup grid instead of recreate it every time (see #9)
- BEHAVIOR CHANGED Switch node walkable flag to use it as weight, so <0 is an obstacle and >=1 is a walkable field now
- BestFirstSearch (BFS)
- raytrace for path smoothing
- weighted path finding for A* and Dijkstra
- coveralls integration
- removed debug logs
- updated license to 2018
- More unit tests, add constrains for time and step count
- flake8 integration
Initial release