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Configure Sourcegraph with Kubernetes

Configuring a Sourcegraph Kubernetes cluster is done by applying manifest files and with simple kubectl commands. You can configure Sourcegraph as flexibly as you need to meet the requirements of your deployment environment.

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Getting started

We strongly recommend you fork the Sourcegraph with Kubernetes reference repository to track your configuration changes in Git. This will make upgrades far easier and is a good practice not just for Sourcegraph, but for any Kubernetes application.

  • Create a fork of the deploy-sourcegraph repository.

    WARNING: Set your fork to private if you plan to store secrets (SSL certificates, external Postgres credentials, etc.) within the repository.

    NOTE: We do not recommend storing secrets in the repository itself - instead, consider leveraging Kubernetes's Secret objects.

  • Clone your fork using the repository's URL.

    NOTE: The docker-compose.yaml file currently depends on configuration files which live in the repository, so you must have the entire repository cloned onto your server.

    git clone $FORK_URL
  • Add the reference repository as an upstream remote so that you can get updates.

    git remote add upstream
  • Create a release branch to track all of your customizations to Sourcegraph. This branch will be used to upgrade Sourcegraph and install your Sourcegraph instance.

    export SOURCEGRAPH_VERSION="v3.37.0"
    git checkout $SOURCEGRAPH_VERSION -b release

Some of the following instructions require cluster access. Ensure you can access your Kubernetes cluster with kubectl.


To make customizations to the Sourcegraph deployment such as resources, replicas or other changes, we recommend using Kustomize and overlays. This means that you define your customizations as patches, and generate a manifest from our provided manifests to apply.

In general, we recommend that customizations work like this:

  1. Create, customize, and apply overlays for your deployment
  2. Ensure the services came up correctly, then commit all the customizations to the new branch
git add /overlays/$MY_OVERLAY/*
# Keeping all overlays contained to a single commit allows for easier cherry-picking
git commit amend -m "overlays: update $MY_OVERLAY"

See the overlays guide to learn about the overlays we provide and how to create your own overlays.

Applying manifests

To deploy your configuration changes, apply your Kubernetes manifests.


Kustomize overlays are our recommended way to customize Sourcegraph with Kubernetes.

NOTE: If you have not worked with Kustomize or overlays before, please refer to our Kustomize introduction.

To generate Kubernetes manifests from an overlay, run the with two arguments:

  • the name of the overlay
  • and a path to an output directory where the generated manifests will be

For example:

#                overlay directory name    output directory
#                                 |             |
./ my-overlay generated-cluster

After executing the script you can apply the generated manifests from the generated-cluster directory:

kubectl apply --prune -l deploy=sourcegraph -f generated-cluster --recursive

We recommend that you:

You can now get started with using overlays:

Provided overlays

Overlays provided out-of-the-box are in the subdirectories of deploy-sourcegraph/overlays and are documented here.

Namespaced overlay

This overlay adds a namespace declaration to all the manifests.

  1. Change the namespace by replacing ns-sourcegraph to the name of your choice everywhere within the overlays/namespaced/ directory.

  2. Generate the overlay by running this command from the root directory:

    ./ namespaced generated-cluster
  3. Create the namespace if it doesn't exist yet:

    kubectl create namespace ns-<EXAMPLE NAMESPACE>
    kubectl label namespace ns-<EXAMPLE NAMESPACE> name=ns-sourcegraph
  4. Apply the generated manifests (from the generated-cluster directory) by running this command from the root directory:

kubectl apply -n ns-<EXAMPLE NAMESPACE> --prune -l deploy=sourcegraph -f generated-cluster --recursive
  1. Check for the namespaces and their status with:
kubectl get pods -A


By default Sourcegraph is configured to use a storage class called sourcegraph. If you wish to use an alternate name, you can use this overlay to change all storageClass references in the manifests.

You need to create the storageclass if it doesn't exist yet. See these docs for more instructions.

  1. To use it, update the following two files, replace-storageclass-name-pvc.yaml and replace-storageclass-name-sts.yaml in the deploy-sourcegraph/overlays/storageclass directory with your storageclass name.

  2. To generate to the cluster, execute the following command:

./ storageclass generated-cluster
  1. After executing the script you can apply the generated manifests from the generated-cluster directory:
kubectl apply --prune -l deploy=sourcegraph -f generated-cluster --recursive
  1. Ensure the persistent volumes have been created in the correct storage class by running the following command and inspecting the output:
kubectl get pvc

Non-privileged create cluster overlay

This kustomization is for Sourcegraph installations in clusters with security restrictions. It runs all containers as a non root users, as well removing cluster roles and cluster role bindings and does all the rolebinding in a namespace. It configures Prometheus to work in the namespace and not require ClusterRole wide privileges when doing service discovery for scraping targets. It also disables cAdvisor.

This version and non-privileged need to stay in sync. This version is only used for cluster creation.

To use it, execute the following command from the root directory:

./ non-privileged-create-cluster generated-cluster

After executing the script you can apply the generated manifests from the generated-cluster directory:

kubectl create namespace ns-sourcegraph
kubectl apply -n ns-sourcegraph --prune -l deploy=sourcegraph -f generated-cluster --recursive

Non-privileged overlay

This overlay is for continued use after you have successfully deployed the non-privileged-create-cluster. It runs all containers as a non root users, as well removing cluster roles and cluster role bindings and does all the rolebinding in a namespace. It configures Prometheus to work in the namespace and not require ClusterRole wide privileges when doing service discovery for scraping targets. It also disables cAdvisor.

To use it, execute the following command from the root directory:

./ non-privileged generated-cluster

After executing the script you can apply the generated manifests from the generated-cluster directory:

kubectl apply -n ns-sourcegraph --prune -l deploy=sourcegraph -f generated-cluster --recursive

If you are starting a fresh installation use the overlay non-privileged-create-cluster. After creation you can use the overlay non-privileged.

Migrate-to-nonprivileged overlay

If you already are running a Sourcegraph instance using user root and want to convert to running with non-root user then you need to apply a migration step that will change the permissions of all persistent volumes so that the volumes can be used by the non-root user. This migration is provided as overlay migrate-to-nonprivileged. After the migration you can use overlay non-privileged. If you have previously deployed your cluster in a non-default namespace, be sure to edit the kustomization.yaml file in the overlays directly to ensure the files are generated with the correct namespace.

This kustomization injects initContainers in all pods with persistent volumes to transfer ownership of directories to specified non-root users. It is used for migrating existing installations to a non-privileged environment.

./ migrate-to-nonprivileged generated-cluster

After executing the script you can apply the generated manifests from the generated-cluster directory:

kubectl apply --prune -l deploy=sourcegraph -f generated-cluster --recursive

minikube overlay

This kustomization deletes resource declarations and storage classnames to enable running Sourcegraph on minikube.

To use it, execute the following command from the root directory:

./ minikube generated-cluster

After executing the script you can apply the generated manifests from the generated-cluster directory:

minikube start
kubectl create namespace ns-sourcegraph
kubectl -n ns-sourcegraph apply --prune -l deploy=sourcegraph -f generated-cluster --recursive
kubectl -n ns-sourcegraph expose deployment sourcegraph-frontend --type=NodePort --name sourcegraph --port=3080 --target-port=3080
minikube service list

NOTE: For Mac Users, run minikube service sourcegraph -n ns-sourcegraph to open the newly deployed Sourcegraph in your browser

To tear it down:

kubectl delete namespaces ns-sourcegraph
minikube stop

Custom overlays

To create your own overlays, first set up your deployment reference repository to enable customizations.

Then, within the overlays directory of the reference repository, create a new directory for your overlay along with a kustomization.yaml.

 |-- overlays
 |    |-- my-new-overlay
 |    |    +-- kustomization.yaml
 |    |-- bases
 |    +-- ...
 +-- ...

Within kustomization.yaml:

kind: Kustomization
# Only include resources from 'overlays/bases' you are interested in modifying
# To learn more about bases:
  - ../bases/deployments
  - ../bases/rbac-roles
  - ../bases/pvcs

You can then define patches, transformations, and more. A complete reference is available here. To get started, we recommend you explore writing your own patches, or the more specific variants:

To avoid complications with reference cycles an overlay can only reference resources inside the directory subtree of the directory it resides in (symlinks are not allowed either).

Learn more in the kustomization documentation. You can also explore how our provided overlays use patches, for reference: deploy-sourcegraph usage of patches.

Once you have created your overlays, refer to our overlays guide.

Configure a storage class

Sourcegraph by default requires a storage class for all persisent volumes claims. By default this storage class is called sourcegraph. This storage class must be configured before applying the base configuration to your cluster.

  • Create base/sourcegraph.StorageClass.yaml with the appropriate configuration for your cloud provider and commit the file to your fork.

  • The sourcegraph StorageClass will retain any persistent volumes created in the event of an accidental deletion of a persistent volume claim.

  • The sourcegraph StorageClass also allows the persistent volumes to expand their storage capacity by increasing the size of the related persistent volume claim.

  • This cannot be changed once the storage class has been created. Persistent volumes not created with the reclaimPolicy set to Retain can be patched with the following command:

kubectl patch pv <your-pv-name> -p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Retain"}}'

See the official documentation for more information about patching persistent volumes.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Kubernetes 1.19 and higher

  1. Please read and follow the official documentation for enabling the persistent disk CSI driver on a new or existing cluster.

  2. Add the following Kubernetes manifest to the base directory of your fork:

# base/sourcegraph.StorageClass.yaml
kind: StorageClass
  name: sourcegraph
    deploy: sourcegraph
  type: pd-ssd # This configures SSDs (recommended).
reclaimPolicy: Retain
allowVolumeExpansion: true
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer

Additional documentation.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Kubernetes 1.19 and higher

  1. Follow the official instructions to deploy the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver.

  2. Add the following Kubernetes manifest to the base directory of your fork:

# base/sourcegraph.StorageClass.yaml
kind: StorageClass
  name: sourcegraph
    deploy: sourcegraph
  type: gp2 # This configures SSDs (recommended).
reclaimPolicy: Retain
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
allowVolumeExpansion: true

Additional documentation.


Kubernetes 1.19 and higher

WARNING: If you are deploying on Azure, you must ensure that your cluster is created with support for CSI storage drivers (link)). This can not be enabled after the fact

  1. Follow the official instructions to deploy the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver.

  2. Add the following Kubernetes manifest to the base directory of your fork:

# base/sourcegraph.StorageClass.yaml
kind: StorageClass
  name: sourcegraph
    deploy: sourcegraph
  storageaccounttype: Premium_LRS # This configures SSDs (recommended). A Premium VM is required.
reclaimPolicy: Retain
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
allowVolumeExpansion: true

Additional documentation.

Other cloud providers

# base/sourcegraph.StorageClass.yaml
kind: StorageClass
  name: sourcegraph
    deploy: sourcegraph
reclaimPolicy: Retain
allowVolumeExpansion: true
# Read to configure the "provisioner" and "parameters" fields for your cloud provider.
# SSDs are highly recommended!
# provisioner:
# parameters:

Configure network access

You need to make the main web server accessible over the network to external users.

There are a few approaches, but using an ingress controller is recommended.

Ingress controller (recommended)

For production environments, we recommend using the ingress-nginx ingress.

echo ./configure/ingress-nginx/ >>
  • Once the ingress has acquired an external address, you should be able to access Sourcegraph using that.

  • You can check the external address by running the following command and looking for the LoadBalancer entry:

kubectl -n ingress-nginx get svc

If you are having trouble accessing Sourcegraph, ensure ingress-nginx IP is accessible above. Otherwise see Troubleshooting ingress-nginx. The namespace of the ingress-controller is ingress-nginx.

Once you have installed Sourcegraph, run the following command, and ensure an IP address has been assigned to your ingress resource. Then browse to the IP or configured URL.

kubectl get ingress sourcegraph-frontend

NAME                   CLASS    HOSTS             ADDRESS     PORTS     AGE
sourcegraph-frontend   <none>     80, 443   1d


ingress-nginx has extensive configuration documented at NGINX Configuration. We expect most administrators to modify ingress-nginx annotations in sourcegraph-frontend.Ingress.yaml. Some settings are modified globally (such as HSTS). In that case we expect administrators to modify the ingress-nginx configmap in configure/ingress-nginx/mandatory.yaml.

NGINX service

In cases where ingress controllers cannot be created, creating an explicit NGINX service is a viable alternative. See the files in the configure/nginx-svc folder for an example of how to do this via a NodePort service (any other type of Kubernetes service will also work):

Network rule

NOTE: this setup path does not support TLS.

Add a network rule that allows ingress traffic to port 30080 (HTTP) on at least one node.

  • Expose the necessary ports.
gcloud compute --project=$PROJECT firewall-rules create sourcegraph-frontend-http --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=default --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:30080
  - name: http
    port: 30080
+    nodePort: 30080
-  type: ClusterIP
+  type: NodePort
  • Directly applying this change to the service will fail. Instead, you must delete the old service and then create the new one (this will result in a few seconds of downtime):
kubectl delete svc sourcegraph-frontend
kubectl apply -f base/frontend/sourcegraph-frontend.Service.yaml
  • Find a node name.
kubectl get pods -l app=sourcegraph-frontend -o=custom-columns=NODE:.spec.nodeName
  • Get the EXTERNAL-IP address (will be ephemeral unless you make it static).
kubectl get node $NODE -o wide

Sourcegraph should now be accessible at $EXTERNAL_ADDR:30080, where $EXTERNAL_ADDR is the address of any node in the cluster.

Using NetworkPolicy

Network policy is a Kubernetes resource that defines how pods are allowed to communicate with each other and with other network endpoints. If the cluster administration requires an associated NetworkPolicy when doing an installation, then we recommend running Sourcegraph in a namespace (as described in our Overlays guide or below in the Using NetworkPolicy with Namespaced Overlay Example). You can then use the namespaceSelector to allow traffic between the Sourcegraph pods. When you create the namespace you need to give it a label so it can be used in a matchLabels clause.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: ns-sourcegraph
    name: ns-sourcegraph

If the namespace already exists you can still label it like so

kubectl label namespace ns-sourcegraph name=ns-sourcegraph

NOTE: You will need to augment this example NetworkPolicy to allow traffic to external services you plan to use (like and ingress traffic from the outside to the frontend for the users of the Sourcegraph installation. Check out this collection of NetworkPolicies to get started.

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: np-sourcegraph
  namespace: ns-sourcegraph
  # For all pods with the label "deploy: sourcegraph"
      deploy: sourcegraph
  - Ingress
  - Egress
  # Allow all traffic inside the ns-sourcegraph namespace
  - from:
    - namespaceSelector:
          name: ns-sourcegraph
  - to:
    - namespaceSelector:
          name: ns-sourcegraph

Configure external databases

We recommend utilizing an external database when deploying Sourcegraph to provide the most resilient and performant backend for your deployment. For more information on the specific requirements for Sourcegraph databases, see this guide.

Simply edit the relevant PostgreSQL environment variables (e.g. PGHOST, PGPORT, PGUSER, etc.) in base/frontend/sourcegraph-frontend.Deployment.yaml to point to your existing PostgreSQL instance.

If you do not have an external database available, configuration is provided to deploy PostgreSQL on Kubernetes.

Configure repository cloning via SSH

Sourcegraph will clone repositories using SSH credentials if they are mounted at /home/sourcegraph/.ssh in the gitserver deployment.

Create a secret that contains the base64 encoded contents of your SSH private key (make sure it doesn't require a password) and known_hosts file.

kubectl create secret generic gitserver-ssh \
 --from-file id_rsa=${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa \
 --from-file known_hosts=${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts

Update with the previous command.

echo kubectl create secret generic gitserver-ssh \
 --from-file id_rsa=${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa \
 --from-file known_hosts=${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts >>

Mount the secret as a volume in gitserver.StatefulSet.yaml.

For example:

# base/gitserver/gitserver.StatefulSet.yaml
      - mountPath: /root/.ssh
        name: ssh
    - name: ssh
        defaultMode: 0644
        secretName: gitserver-ssh

Convenience script:

# This script requires and
cat $GS | yj | jq '.spec.template.spec.containers[].volumeMounts += [{mountPath: "/root/.ssh", name: "ssh"}]' | jy -o $GS
cat $GS | yj | jq '.spec.template.spec.volumes += [{name: "ssh", secret: {defaultMode: 384, secretName:"gitserver-ssh"}}]' | jy -o $GS

If you run your installation with non-root users (the non-root overlay) then use the mount path /home/sourcegraph/.ssh instead of /root/.ssh:

# base/gitserver/gitserver.StatefulSet.yaml
      - mountPath: /home/sourcegraph/.ssh
        name: ssh
    - name: ssh
        defaultMode: 0644
        secretName: gitserver-ssh

Convenience script:

# This script requires and
cat $GS | yj | jq '.spec.template.spec.containers[].volumeMounts += [{mountPath: "/home/sourcegraph/.ssh", name: "ssh"}]' | jy -o $GS
cat $GS | yj | jq '.spec.template.spec.volumes += [{name: "ssh", secret: {defaultMode: 384, secretName:"gitserver-ssh"}}]' | jy -o $GS
  1. Apply the updated gitserver configuration to your cluster.

WARNING: Do NOT commit the actual id_rsa and known_hosts files to your fork (unless your fork is private and you are okay with storing secrets in it).

Configure custom Redis

Sourcegraph supports specifying a custom Redis server for:

  • caching information (specified via the REDIS_CACHE_ENDPOINT environment variable)
  • storing information (session data and job queues) (specified via the REDIS_STORE_ENDPOINT environment variable)

If these are not set, they will default to redis-cache:6379 & redis-store:6379

If you want to specify a custom Redis server, you'll need specify the corresponding environment variable for each of the following deployments:

  • sourcegraph-frontend
  • repo-updater
  • gitserver
  • searcher
  • symbols
  • worker

Kubernetes yaml example

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: <Deployment/StatefulSet>
        - name: <frontend>
        - image: <frontend_image>/<TAG>
        - env:
          - name: REDIS_CACHE_ENDPOINT
            value: "<REDIS_CACHE_DSN>"
          - name: REDIS_STORE_ENDPOINT
            value: "<REDIS_STORE_DSN>"

Connect to an external Jaeger instance

If you have an existing Jaeger instance you would like to connect Sourcegraph to (instead of running the Jaeger instance inside the Sourcegraph cluster), do:

  1. Remove the base/jaeger directory: rm -rf base/jaeger
  2. Update the Jaeger agent containers to point to your Jaeger collector.
    1. Find all instances of Jaeger agent (grep -R 'jaegertracing/jaeger-agent').
    2. Update the args field of the Jaeger agent container configuration to point to the external collector. E.g.,
        - --reporter.type=grpc
  3. Apply these changes to the cluster.

Disable Jaeger entirely

To disable Jaeger entirely, do:

  1. Update the Sourcegraph site configuration to remove the observability.tracing field.
  2. Remove the base/jaeger directory: rm -rf base/jaeger
  3. Remove the jaeger agent containers from each *.Deployment.yaml and *.StatefulSet.yaml file.
  4. Apply these changes to the cluster.

Install without cluster-wide RBAC

Sourcegraph communicates with the Kubernetes API for service discovery. It also has some janitor DaemonSets that clean up temporary cache data. To do that we need to create RBAC resources.

If using cluster roles and cluster rolebinding RBAC is not an option, then you can use the non-privileged overlay to generate modified manifests. Read the Overlays section below about overlays.

Add license key

Sourcegraph's Kubernetes deployment requires an Enterprise license key.

Environment variables

Update the environment variables in the appropriate deployment manifest. For example, the following patch will update PGUSER to have the value bob:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: sourcegraph-frontend
        - name: frontend
            - name: PGUSER
              value: bob

Filtering cAdvisor metrics

Due to how cAdvisor works, Sourcegraph's cAdvisor deployment can pick up metrics for services unrelated to the Sourcegraph deployment running on the same nodes as Sourcegraph services. Learn more.

To work around this, update your prometheus.ConfigMap.yaml to target your namespaced Sourcegraph deployment by uncommenting the below metric_relabel_configs entry and updating it with the appropriate namespace. This will cause Prometheus to drop all metrics from cAdvisor that are not from services in the desired namespace.

apiVersion: v1
  prometheus.yml: |
    # ...

      # cAdvisor-specific customization. Drop container metrics exported by cAdvisor
      # not in the same namespace as Sourcegraph.
      # Uncomment this if you have problems with certain dashboards or cAdvisor itself
      # picking up non-Sourcegraph services. Ensure all Sourcegraph services are running
      # within the Sourcegraph namespace you have defined.
      # The regex must keep matches on '^$' (empty string) to ensure other metrics do not
      # get dropped.
      - source_labels: [container_label_io_kubernetes_pod_namespace]
        regex: ^$|ns-sourcegraph # ensure this matches with namespace declarations
        action: keep

    # ...

Outbound Traffic

When working with an Internet Gateway or VPC it may be necessary to expose ports for outbound network traffic. Sourcegraph must open port 443 for outbound traffic to codehosts, and to enable telemetry with Port 22 must also be opened to enable git SSH cloning by Sourcegraph. Take care to secure your cluster in a manner that meets your organization's security requirements.


See the Troubleshooting docs.