(Image from https://pixabay.com/photos/person-human-male-face-man-view-829966/)
- ailia input shape: (1, 3, 128, 128) RGB channel order
- Pixel value range: [-1, 1]
- ailia input shape: (batch_size, 3, 224, 224) RGB channel order
- Pixel value range: [0, 1] before normalization
- Preprocessing: normalization using ImageNet statistics
- ailia Predict API output:
- Bounding boxes and keypoints
- Shape: (1, 896, 16)
- Classification confidences
- Shape: (1, 896, 1)
- Bounding boxes and keypoints
- With helper functions, filtered detections with keypoints can be obtained.
- ailia Predict API output:
: scores for yaw angle- Shape: (batch_size, 66)
: scores for pitch angle- Shape: (batch_size, 66)
: scores for roll angle- Shape: (batch_size, 66)
- With helper functions, yaw, pitch and roll in radians can be obtained.
Automatically downloads the onnx and prototxt files on the first run. It is necessary to be connected to the Internet while downloading.
For the sample image,
$ python3 hopenet.py
If you want to specify the input image, put the image path after the --input
You can use --savepath
option to change the name of the output file to save.
$ python3 hopenet.py --input IMAGE_PATH --savepath SAVE_IMAGE_PATH
By adding the --video
option, you can input the video.
If you pass 0
as an argument to VIDEO_PATH, you can use the webcam input instead of the video file.
$ python3 hopenet.py --video VIDEO_PATH --savepath SAVE_VIDEO_PATH
By adding the --lite
option, a lite version of Hopenet is used.
$ python3 blazehand.py --lite
PyTorch 1.7.1
ONNX opset = 10