Releases: astahmer/openapi-zod-client
[email protected]
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Minor Changes
- #258
Thanks @marrowleaves! - Fix #257 by inferring as object when only required array defined
[email protected]
Patch Changes
- #254
Thanks @jayvdb! - fix: Bump axios to avoid CVE-2023-45857
[email protected]
[email protected]
Patch Changes
Thanks @nmcdaines! - Fixes an issue whereby you aren't able to set additionalPropsDefaultValue from command line as false because the package expects it to be a boolean, however recieves a string value -
Thanks @nmcdaines! - Fix issue using discriminated union when there are multiple items within an allOf block by reverting to a union type for this case -
Thanks @tillschweneker! - When a property from an external json or yaml file starts with a number, e.g. 1st, instead of first, the generated Zod-Schema is corrupt. The change in the wrapWithQuotesIfNeeded method makes sure, that any property starting with a number is wrapped in quotes.
[email protected]
Patch Changes
- #242
Thanks @imballinst! - chore: make endpointDefinitionRefiner to receive final fields that are going to be used in handlebars
[email protected]
Minor Changes
- #234
Thanks @ArthurGoupil! - Add optionwithAllResponses
to be receive aresponses
array containing all responses (succes & error)
[email protected]
Patch Changes
- #232
Thanks @ArthurGoupil! - Pass options object togetZodSchema
is true.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Patch Changes
Thanks @astahmer! - Thanks @mayorandrew !
OpenAPI 3.0.3 Data Types are defined by JSON Schema Specification Wright Draft 00.
However, the specification mentions that "null is not supported as a type" and the
keyword should be used instead. While it is a valid solution in most cases, it is not possible to usenullable
together with$ref
. One possible workaround is to define a Null schema and use it in combination withoneOf
, like so:{ "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MySchema" }, { "type": "string", "enum": [null], "nullable": true } ] }
It may look contradictory, but according to the enum section of JSON Schema Validation Wright Draft 00:
The value of this keyword MUST be an array. This array SHOULD have
at least one element. Elements in the array SHOULD be unique.Elements in the array MAY be of any type, including null.
An instance validates successfully against this keyword if its value
is equal to one of the elements in this keyword's array value.This means that
is a possible value for the "enum" validation of "type" "string".This schema also passes the
swagger-cli validate
check.The openapi-zod-client library currently crashes when generating a TypeScript type for this construct. Additionally, the generated zod schemas are not correct when using a
value in "enum" along with other values. This PR fixes that.