The JASS experimental search engine is still in development. pyJASS is the python bindings for JASS Search Engine
There are two approaches to automatically install pyJASS
Anaconda ensures that all of JASS dependices are met (including non-pythonic (CMake, doxygen, SWIG) and Python dependices (wheels)), so that pyJASS just works. In order to install via anaconda, first clone the git repo and then run the following command
conda env create -f env.yml
conda activate pyjass
Alternatively you can install via pip. However, pip does not install non-Python dependices for you (such as CMake and SWIG) and it is your responsibility to ensure that they are installed (it does check and inform you if any of the dependices aren't met)
pip install --user pyjass
You can then start Python and import pyjass thus:
import pyjass
Create a JASS anytime object, load an index, and call methods on that object:
index = pyjass.anytime()
To search, call the search method:
got ="Something")
A full example of a Python program that loads an index (from the current directory), does a search, and prints the results:
import pyjass
index = pyjass.anytime()
ok = index.load_index(2)
print("Compressed using:", index.get_encoding_scheme_name())
print("D-ness:", index.get_encoding_scheme_d())
print("Documents:", index.get_document_count())
results ="one")
print("ID:", results.query_id)
print("query:", results.query)
print("Postings Processed:", results.postings_processed)
print("Time (ns):", results.search_time_in_ns)
For complete documentation, please refer to our repo.