This file contains information about What are done in this update and what will be done in future.
1. coc-clangd
2. coc-cmake
3. coc-pairs
4. coc-tasks
5. coc-snippets
6. coc-texlab
7. coc-json
8. coc-sh
9. coc-marketplace
10. coc-python
11. coc-fzf-preview (@
(there was some lags some where that i can't remember
so i used the fzf.vim which works like a charm.)
12. coc-xml
13. coc-yaml
14. ros-snippets (not from coc.nvim but coc list it maybe because it
is actually from vscode and coc have same structure.)
in the following i will explain every thing that at the momment i remember and i i think it is important.
sniprun plugin: this plugin is very nice. you can use it to run your code from editor but important feature is that you can run a block of code like you do in jupyter notebook and this is a fancy feature for python development.
vimspector: maybe the most tricky part was setting up this plugin. it is a greate debugger plugin for neovim.
- install it via plugin manager.
- install the gadget for your desired language with :VimspectorInstall command.
- setup your keymap.
- add .vimspector.json file to your workspace directory.
- run editor and press the key map for start the debugging process.
- enjoy it!
you can use the youtube tutorials for set it up and set the keybindings and workflow:
4. (for some keybindings)
TO DO: write some tasks for setup the project and .vimspector files for it.
other debugging plugins are : 1. : bare metal for C/C++/python 2. builtin debugger: termdebug just for gdb:
1. add with ':packadd termdebug'
2. run it with 'Termdebug'(
- : a plugin for toggle a vim tab between maximized size and normal size.
- : it is not added but is a good plugin for multi cursor editing in vim. add it or a better option when you have learned it good because adding it without knowing how it works makes alot of confusions and headaches.
vim-surround and vim-repeat from 'tpope' repository for adding () around of words and word objects and repeate it several times with '.'. A nice tutorial is presented in:
These are two real monsters. the simplest thing which i have done with it is to use it as ctrl+p for openning the files in neovim. read the fzf repository in details. it contains alot of things for zsh and bash completion also. note that use the installer script for full feature support of fzf. has some nasty behaviors with bash but i made it to work correct in my dot files. note that this repo also works for tmux fzf plugins and oh-my-zsh fzf plugin.
these plugins are for setting a task structure like in vscode and coc-tasks is the frontend for them that have some autocomplete features for writing .task files. I think you can use this plugins for writig a task like create ros workspace and map it to a keybind for actually creating a environment like vscode ros plugin. it would be nice. : microsoft repository for ros vscode ros plugin. it is a good roadmap to create "tasks" and other necessary things for ros plugin for neovim. I will do it in future. i may need bellow repositories in this way:
- :to convert vscode and vim snippets to each other.
vscode plugins which contains ros snippets. coc-snippets works with them like a charm. note that launch, urdf and xacro files are xml file and in the init.vim file i set the filetype for them to xml so i use the coc-xml plugin for interpretting them and automatically it loads the snippets. the second repo 'SweiLz' is more comperhensive.
To Do: in the future i must have some other snippets for msg files to complete the plugins to the high-end. "" : this repository contains some xsd dtd files which contains the tags and snippets and actually xml grammers for launch files. the plugis were more cleaner experience but this is also a way that you can test.
a repository which contains alot of snippets for alot of languages. works well with coc-snippets. there is a tutorial for them in:
and also the way you can create new snippets. use them for creating new snippets for msg and other ros related things and your work related things.
A plugin for writing latex code in neovim.
- : bash language server i think it is necessary for coc-sh.
- : works like a charm for python development for both python 2 and 3 i think. it is like vscode python plugin and works nice.
you also can use coc-jedi and jedi-language-server that works the same but in searching workspace symbols with s the coc-python was faster and actually i liked coc-python because of nice vscode structure that you have some command for setting interpreter. so i used coc-python. coc-jedi and jedi-language-server repositories are:
these were what i remember at the momment about the updates. at this stage neovim is actually transfored to a lightweight editor. don't forget cscope and ctags and related plugins. in the future i will write some tasks for automization of my workflow and more specifically toward having a workflow for ros development.