###How to Use the Video Camera
DBC SF now has a camera for students, staff and teachers to use in order to record lectures and share other awesome things!
The current camera kit includes
- Panasonic HC-V750
- Boom microphone to capture lecture sound
- Battery
- 32 GB SD Memory card (located at the bottom of the camera towards the rear near the battery)
##Step 1 - equipment check
- grab the camera and microphone from tophers cave
- turn it on to check the battery life
- make sure the SD card is loaded
##Step 2 - set up
- place the camera on a table near the back of the room
- plug in the external microphone into the "mic" port
- turn on the camera and frame the screen and lecture area
##Step 3 - wrap up
- after the lecture turn off the camera
- open up the SD slot and plug it into your laptop
- open the card on your desktop and drag the most recent recording to desktop
#Step 4 - upload and share
- log into Dev Bootcamp's vimeo account and upload the video
- set the video to private and it should appear at talks.devbootcamp.com
- this last step has not been fully thought out for alumni/students to do on their own