+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Usage:
+# python normative.py -m [maskfile] -k [number of CV folds] -c <covariates>
+# -t [test covariates] -r [test responses] <infile>
+# Either the -k switch or -t switch should be specified, but not both.
+# If -t is selected, a set of responses should be provided with the -r switch
+# Written by A. Marquand
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+import os
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+import argparse
+import pickle
+import glob
+from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
+try: # run as a package if installed
+ from pcntoolkit import configs
+ from pcntoolkit.dataio import fileio
+ from pcntoolkit.normative_model.norm_utils import norm_init
+ from pcntoolkit.util.utils import compute_pearsonr, CustomCV, explained_var
+ from pcntoolkit.util.utils import compute_MSLL, scaler
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+ path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+ if path not in sys.path:
+ sys.path.append(path)
+ #sys.path.append(os.path.join(path,'normative_model'))
+ del path
+ import configs
+ from dataio import fileio
+ from util.utils import compute_pearsonr, CustomCV, explained_var, compute_MSLL
+ from util.utils import scaler
+ from normative_model.norm_utils import norm_init
+[docs]def load_response_vars(datafile, maskfile=None, vol=True):
+ """ load response variables (of any data type)"""
+ if fileio.file_type(datafile) == 'nifti':
+ dat = fileio.load_nifti(datafile, vol=vol)
+ volmask = fileio.create_mask(dat, mask=maskfile)
+ Y = fileio.vol2vec(dat, volmask).T
+ else:
+ Y = fileio.load(datafile)
+ volmask = None
+ if fileio.file_type(datafile) == 'cifti':
+ Y = Y.T
+ return Y, volmask
+[docs]def get_args(*args):
+ """ Parse command line arguments"""
+ # parse arguments
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Normative Modeling")
+ parser.add_argument("responses")
+ parser.add_argument("-f", help="Function to call", dest="func",
+ default="estimate")
+ parser.add_argument("-m", help="mask file", dest="maskfile", default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("-c", help="covariates file", dest="covfile",
+ default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("-k", help="cross-validation folds", dest="cvfolds",
+ default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("-t", help="covariates (test data)", dest="testcov",
+ default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("-r", help="responses (test data)", dest="testresp",
+ default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("-a", help="algorithm", dest="alg", default="gpr")
+ parser.add_argument("-x", help="algorithm specific config options",
+ dest="configparam", default=None)
+ # parser.add_argument('-s', action='store_false',
+ # help="Flag to skip standardization.", dest="standardize")
+ parser.add_argument("keyword_args", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # Process required arguemnts
+ wdir = os.path.realpath(os.path.curdir)
+ respfile = os.path.join(wdir, args.responses)
+ if args.covfile is None:
+ raise(ValueError, "No covariates specified")
+ else:
+ covfile = args.covfile
+ # Process optional arguments
+ if args.maskfile is None:
+ maskfile = None
+ else:
+ maskfile = os.path.join(wdir, args.maskfile)
+ if args.testcov is None and args.cvfolds is not None:
+ testcov = None
+ testresp = None
+ cvfolds = int(args.cvfolds)
+ print("Running under " + str(cvfolds) + " fold cross-validation.")
+ else:
+ print("Test covariates specified")
+ testcov = args.testcov
+ cvfolds = None
+ if args.testresp is None:
+ testresp = None
+ print("No test response variables specified")
+ else:
+ testresp = args.testresp
+ if args.cvfolds is not None:
+ print("Ignoring cross-valdation specification (test data given)")
+ # Process addtional keyword arguments. These are always added as strings
+ kw_args = {}
+ for kw in args.keyword_args:
+ kw_arg = kw.split('=')
+ exec("kw_args.update({'" + kw_arg[0] + "' : " +
+ "'" + str(kw_arg[1]) + "'" + "})")
+ return respfile, maskfile, covfile, cvfolds, \
+ testcov, testresp, args.func, args.alg, \
+ args.configparam, kw_args
+[docs]def evaluate(Y, Yhat, S2=None, mY=None, sY=None, nlZ=None, nm=None, Xz_tr=None, alg=None,
+ metrics = ['Rho', 'RMSE', 'SMSE', 'EXPV', 'MSLL']):
+ ''' Compute error metrics
+ This function will compute error metrics based on a set of predictions Yhat
+ and a set of true response variables Y, namely:
+ * Rho: Pearson correlation
+ * RMSE: root mean squared error
+ * SMSE: standardized mean squared error
+ * EXPV: explained variance
+ If the predictive variance is also specified the log loss will be computed
+ (which also takes into account the predictive variance). If the mean and
+ standard deviation are also specified these will be used to standardize
+ this, yielding the mean standardized log loss
+ :param Y: N x P array of true response variables
+ :param Yhat: N x P array of predicted response variables
+ :param S2: predictive variance
+ :param mY: mean of the training set
+ :param sY: standard deviation of the training set
+ :returns metrics: evaluation metrics
+ '''
+ feature_num = Y.shape[1]
+ # Remove metrics that cannot be computed with only a single data point
+ if Y.shape[0] == 1:
+ if 'MSLL' in metrics:
+ metrics.remove('MSLL')
+ if 'SMSE' in metrics:
+ metrics.remove('SMSE')
+ # find and remove bad variables from the response variables
+ nz = np.where(np.bitwise_and(np.isfinite(Y).any(axis=0),
+ np.var(Y, axis=0) != 0))[0]
+ MSE = np.mean((Y - Yhat)**2, axis=0)
+ results = dict()
+ if 'RMSE' in metrics:
+ RMSE = np.sqrt(MSE)
+ results['RMSE'] = RMSE
+ if 'Rho' in metrics:
+ Rho = np.zeros(feature_num)
+ pRho = np.ones(feature_num)
+ Rho[nz], pRho[nz] = compute_pearsonr(Y[:,nz], Yhat[:,nz])
+ results['Rho'] = Rho
+ results['pRho'] = pRho
+ if 'SMSE' in metrics:
+ SMSE = np.zeros_like(MSE)
+ SMSE[nz] = MSE[nz] / np.var(Y[:,nz], axis=0)
+ results['SMSE'] = SMSE
+ if 'EXPV' in metrics:
+ EXPV = np.zeros(feature_num)
+ EXPV[nz] = explained_var(Y[:,nz], Yhat[:,nz])
+ results['EXPV'] = EXPV
+ if 'MSLL' in metrics:
+ if ((S2 is not None) and (mY is not None) and (sY is not None)):
+ MSLL = np.zeros(feature_num)
+ MSLL[nz] = compute_MSLL(Y[:,nz], Yhat[:,nz], S2[:,nz],
+ mY.reshape(-1,1).T,
+ (sY**2).reshape(-1,1).T)
+ results['MSLL'] = MSLL
+ if 'NLL' in metrics:
+ results['NLL'] = nlZ
+ if 'BIC' in metrics:
+ if hasattr(getattr(nm, alg), 'hyp'):
+ n = Xz_tr.shape[0]
+ k = len(getattr(nm, alg).hyp)
+ BIC = k * np.log(n) + 2 * nlZ
+ results['BIC'] = BIC
+ return results
+[docs]def save_results(respfile, Yhat, S2, maskvol, Z=None, outputsuffix=None,
+ results=None, save_path=''):
+ print("Writing outputs ...")
+ if respfile is None:
+ exfile = None
+ file_ext = '.pkl'
+ else:
+ if fileio.file_type(respfile) == 'cifti' or \
+ fileio.file_type(respfile) == 'nifti':
+ exfile = respfile
+ else:
+ exfile = None
+ file_ext = fileio.file_extension(respfile)
+ if outputsuffix is not None:
+ ext = str(outputsuffix) + file_ext
+ else:
+ ext = file_ext
+ fileio.save(Yhat, os.path.join(save_path, 'yhat' + ext), example=exfile,
+ mask=maskvol)
+ fileio.save(S2, os.path.join(save_path, 'ys2' + ext), example=exfile,
+ mask=maskvol)
+ if Z is not None:
+ fileio.save(Z, os.path.join(save_path, 'Z' + ext), example=exfile,
+ mask=maskvol)
+ if results is not None:
+ for metric in list(results.keys()):
+ if (metric == 'NLL' or metric == 'BIC') and file_ext == '.nii.gz':
+ fileio.save(results[metric], os.path.join(save_path, metric + str(outputsuffix) + '.pkl'),
+ example=exfile, mask=maskvol)
+ else:
+ fileio.save(results[metric], os.path.join(save_path, metric + ext),
+ example=exfile, mask=maskvol)
+[docs]def estimate(covfile, respfile, **kwargs):
+ """ Estimate a normative model
+ This will estimate a model in one of two settings according to
+ theparticular parameters specified (see below)
+ * under k-fold cross-validation.
+ requires respfile, covfile and cvfolds>=2
+ * estimating a training dataset then applying to a second test dataset.
+ requires respfile, covfile, testcov and testresp.
+ * estimating on a training dataset ouput of forward maps mean and se.
+ requires respfile, covfile and testcov
+ The models are estimated on the basis of data stored on disk in ascii or
+ neuroimaging data formats (nifti or cifti). Ascii data should be in
+ tab or space delimited format with the number of subjects in rows and the
+ number of variables in columns. Neuroimaging data will be reshaped
+ into the appropriate format
+ Basic usage::
+ estimate(covfile, respfile, [extra_arguments])
+ where the variables are defined below. Note that either the cfolds
+ parameter or (testcov, testresp) should be specified, but not both.
+ :param respfile: response variables for the normative model
+ :param covfile: covariates used to predict the response variable
+ :param maskfile: mask used to apply to the data (nifti only)
+ :param cvfolds: Number of cross-validation folds
+ :param testcov: Test covariates
+ :param testresp: Test responses
+ :param alg: Algorithm for normative model
+ :param configparam: Parameters controlling the estimation algorithm
+ :param saveoutput: Save the output to disk? Otherwise returned as arrays
+ :param outputsuffix: Text string to add to the output filenames
+ :param inscale: Scaling approach for input covariates, could be 'None' (Default),
+ 'standardize', 'minmax', or 'robminmax'.
+ :param outscale: Scaling approach for output responses, could be 'None' (Default),
+ 'standardize', 'minmax', or 'robminmax'.
+ All outputs are written to disk in the same format as the input. These are:
+ :outputs: * yhat - predictive mean
+ * ys2 - predictive variance
+ * nm - normative model
+ * Z - deviance scores
+ * Rho - Pearson correlation between true and predicted responses
+ * pRho - parametric p-value for this correlation
+ * rmse - root mean squared error between true/predicted responses
+ * smse - standardised mean squared error
+ The outputsuffix may be useful to estimate multiple normative models in the
+ same directory (e.g. for custom cross-validation schemes)
+ """
+ # parse keyword arguments
+ maskfile = kwargs.pop('maskfile',None)
+ cvfolds = kwargs.pop('cvfolds', None)
+ testcov = kwargs.pop('testcov', None)
+ testresp = kwargs.pop('testresp',None)
+ alg = kwargs.pop('alg','gpr')
+ outputsuffix = kwargs.pop('outputsuffix','estimate')
+ outputsuffix = "_" + outputsuffix.replace("_", "") # Making sure there is only one
+ # '_' is in the outputsuffix to
+ # avoid file name parsing problem.
+ inscaler = kwargs.pop('inscaler','None')
+ outscaler = kwargs.pop('outscaler','None')
+ warp = kwargs.get('warp', None)
+ # convert from strings if necessary
+ saveoutput = kwargs.pop('saveoutput','True')
+ if type(saveoutput) is str:
+ saveoutput = saveoutput=='True'
+ savemodel = kwargs.pop('savemodel','False')
+ if type(savemodel) is str:
+ savemodel = savemodel=='True'
+ if savemodel and not os.path.isdir('Models'):
+ os.mkdir('Models')
+ # load data
+ print("Processing data in " + respfile)
+ X = fileio.load(covfile)
+ Y, maskvol = load_response_vars(respfile, maskfile)
+ if len(Y.shape) == 1:
+ Y = Y[:, np.newaxis]
+ if len(X.shape) == 1:
+ X = X[:, np.newaxis]
+ Nmod = Y.shape[1]
+ if (testcov is not None) and (cvfolds is None): # a separate test dataset
+ run_cv = False
+ cvfolds = 1
+ Xte = fileio.load(testcov)
+ if len(Xte.shape) == 1:
+ Xte = Xte[:, np.newaxis]
+ if testresp is not None:
+ Yte, testmask = load_response_vars(testresp, maskfile)
+ if len(Yte.shape) == 1:
+ Yte = Yte[:, np.newaxis]
+ else:
+ sub_te = Xte.shape[0]
+ Yte = np.zeros([sub_te, Nmod])
+ # treat as a single train-test split
+ testids = range(X.shape[0], X.shape[0]+Xte.shape[0])
+ splits = CustomCV((range(0, X.shape[0]),), (testids,))
+ Y = np.concatenate((Y, Yte), axis=0)
+ X = np.concatenate((X, Xte), axis=0)
+ else:
+ run_cv = True
+ # we are running under cross-validation
+ splits = KFold(n_splits=cvfolds, shuffle=True)
+ testids = range(0, X.shape[0])
+ if alg=='hbr':
+ trbefile = kwargs.get('trbefile', None)
+ if trbefile is not None:
+ be = fileio.load(trbefile)
+ if len(be.shape) == 1:
+ be = be[:, np.newaxis]
+ else:
+ print('No batch-effects file! Initilizing all as zeros!')
+ be = np.zeros([X.shape[0],1])
+ # find and remove bad variables from the response variables
+ # note: the covariates are assumed to have already been checked
+ nz = np.where(np.bitwise_and(np.isfinite(Y).any(axis=0),
+ np.var(Y, axis=0) != 0))[0]
+ # run cross-validation loop
+ Yhat = np.zeros_like(Y)
+ S2 = np.zeros_like(Y)
+ Z = np.zeros_like(Y)
+ nlZ = np.zeros((Nmod, cvfolds))
+ scaler_resp = []
+ scaler_cov = []
+ mean_resp = [] # this is just for computing MSLL
+ std_resp = [] # this is just for computing MSLL
+ if warp is not None:
+ Ywarp = np.zeros_like(Yhat)
+ mean_resp_warp = [np.zeros(Y.shape[1]) for s in range(splits.n_splits)]
+ std_resp_warp = [np.zeros(Y.shape[1]) for s in range(splits.n_splits)]
+ for idx in enumerate(splits.split(X)):
+ fold = idx[0]
+ tr = idx[1][0]
+ ts = idx[1][1]
+ # standardize responses and covariates, ignoring invalid entries
+ iy_tr, jy_tr = np.ix_(tr, nz)
+ iy_ts, jy_ts = np.ix_(ts, nz)
+ mY = np.mean(Y[iy_tr, jy_tr], axis=0)
+ sY = np.std(Y[iy_tr, jy_tr], axis=0)
+ mean_resp.append(mY)
+ std_resp.append(sY)
+ if inscaler in ['standardize', 'minmax', 'robminmax']:
+ X_scaler = scaler(inscaler)
+ Xz_tr = X_scaler.fit_transform(X[tr, :])
+ Xz_ts = X_scaler.transform(X[ts, :])
+ scaler_cov.append(X_scaler)
+ else:
+ Xz_tr = X[tr, :]
+ Xz_ts = X[ts, :]
+ if outscaler in ['standardize', 'minmax', 'robminmax']:
+ Y_scaler = scaler(outscaler)
+ Yz_tr = Y_scaler.fit_transform(Y[iy_tr, jy_tr])
+ scaler_resp.append(Y_scaler)
+ else:
+ Yz_tr = Y[iy_tr, jy_tr]
+ if (run_cv==True and alg=='hbr'):
+ fileio.save(be[tr,:], 'be_kfold_tr_tempfile.pkl')
+ fileio.save(be[ts,:], 'be_kfold_ts_tempfile.pkl')
+ kwargs['trbefile'] = 'be_kfold_tr_tempfile.pkl'
+ kwargs['tsbefile'] = 'be_kfold_ts_tempfile.pkl'
+ # estimate the models for all subjects
+ for i in range(0, len(nz)):
+ print("Estimating model ", i+1, "of", len(nz))
+ nm = norm_init(Xz_tr, Yz_tr[:, i], alg=alg, **kwargs)
+ try:
+ nm = nm.estimate(Xz_tr, Yz_tr[:, i], **kwargs)
+ yhat, s2 = nm.predict(Xz_ts, Xz_tr, Yz_tr[:, i], **kwargs)
+ if savemodel:
+ nm.save('Models/NM_' + str(fold) + '_' + str(nz[i]) +
+ outputsuffix + '.pkl' )
+ if outscaler == 'standardize':
+ Yhat[ts, nz[i]] = Y_scaler.inverse_transform(yhat, index=i)
+ S2[ts, nz[i]] = s2 * sY[i]**2
+ elif outscaler in ['minmax', 'robminmax']:
+ Yhat[ts, nz[i]] = Y_scaler.inverse_transform(yhat, index=i)
+ S2[ts, nz[i]] = s2 * (Y_scaler.max[i] - Y_scaler.min[i])**2
+ else:
+ Yhat[ts, nz[i]] = yhat
+ S2[ts, nz[i]] = s2
+ nlZ[nz[i], fold] = nm.neg_log_lik
+ if (run_cv or testresp is not None):
+ # warp the labels?
+ # TODO: Warping for scaled data
+ if warp is not None:
+ warp_param = nm.blr.hyp[1:nm.blr.warp.get_n_params()+1]
+ Ywarp[ts, nz[i]] = nm.blr.warp.f(Y[ts, nz[i]], warp_param)
+ Ytest = Ywarp[ts, nz[i]]
+ # Save warped mean of the training data (for MSLL)
+ yw = nm.blr.warp.f(Y[tr, nz[i]], warp_param)
+ mean_resp_warp[fold][i] = np.mean(yw)
+ std_resp_warp[fold][i] = np.std(yw)
+ else:
+ Ytest = Y[ts, nz[i]]
+ Z[ts, nz[i]] = (Ytest - Yhat[ts, nz[i]]) / \
+ np.sqrt(S2[ts, nz[i]])
+ except Exception as e:
+ exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
+ fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
+ print("Model ", i+1, "of", len(nz),
+ "FAILED!..skipping and writing NaN to outputs")
+ print("Exception:")
+ print(e)
+ print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
+ Yhat[ts, nz[i]] = float('nan')
+ S2[ts, nz[i]] = float('nan')
+ nlZ[nz[i], fold] = float('nan')
+ if testcov is None:
+ Z[ts, nz[i]] = float('nan')
+ else:
+ if testresp is not None:
+ Z[ts, nz[i]] = float('nan')
+ if savemodel:
+ print('Saving model meta-data...')
+ with open('Models/meta_data.md', 'wb') as file:
+ pickle.dump({'valid_voxels':nz, 'fold_num':cvfolds,
+ 'mean_resp':mean_resp, 'std_resp':std_resp,
+ 'scaler_cov':scaler_cov, 'scaler_resp':scaler_resp,
+ 'regressor':alg, 'inscaler':inscaler,
+ 'outscaler':outscaler}, file, protocol=PICKLE_PROTOCOL)
+ # compute performance metrics
+ if (run_cv or testresp is not None):
+ print("Evaluating the model ...")
+ if warp is None:
+ results = evaluate(Y[testids, :], Yhat[testids, :],
+ S2=S2[testids, :], mY=mean_resp[0],
+ sY=std_resp[0], nlZ=nlZ, nm=nm, Xz_tr=Xz_tr, alg=alg,
+ metrics = ['Rho', 'RMSE', 'SMSE', 'EXPV',
+ 'MSLL', 'NLL', 'BIC'])
+ else:
+ results = evaluate(Ywarp[testids, :], Yhat[testids, :],
+ S2=S2[testids, :], mY=mean_resp_warp[0],
+ sY=std_resp_warp[0], nlZ=nlZ, nm=nm, Xz_tr=Xz_tr,
+ alg=alg, metrics = ['Rho', 'RMSE', 'SMSE',
+ 'EXPV', 'MSLL',
+ 'NLL', 'BIC'])
+ # Set writing options
+ if saveoutput:
+ if (run_cv or testresp is not None):
+ save_results(respfile, Yhat[testids, :], S2[testids, :], maskvol,
+ Z=Z[testids, :], results=results,
+ outputsuffix=outputsuffix)
+ else:
+ save_results(respfile, Yhat[testids, :], S2[testids, :], maskvol,
+ outputsuffix=outputsuffix)
+ else:
+ if (run_cv or testresp is not None):
+ output = (Yhat[testids, :], S2[testids, :], nm, Z[testids, :],
+ results)
+ else:
+ output = (Yhat[testids, :], S2[testids, :], nm)
+ return output
+[docs]def fit(covfile, respfile, **kwargs):
+ # parse keyword arguments
+ maskfile = kwargs.pop('maskfile',None)
+ alg = kwargs.pop('alg','gpr')
+ savemodel = kwargs.pop('savemodel','True')=='True'
+ outputsuffix = kwargs.pop('outputsuffix','fit')
+ outputsuffix = "_" + outputsuffix.replace("_", "")
+ inscaler = kwargs.pop('inscaler','None')
+ outscaler = kwargs.pop('outscaler','None')
+ if savemodel and not os.path.isdir('Models'):
+ os.mkdir('Models')
+ # load data
+ print("Processing data in " + respfile)
+ X = fileio.load(covfile)
+ Y, maskvol = load_response_vars(respfile, maskfile)
+ if len(Y.shape) == 1:
+ Y = Y[:, np.newaxis]
+ if len(X.shape) == 1:
+ X = X[:, np.newaxis]
+ # find and remove bad variables from the response variables
+ # note: the covariates are assumed to have already been checked
+ nz = np.where(np.bitwise_and(np.isfinite(Y).any(axis=0),
+ np.var(Y, axis=0) != 0))[0]
+ scaler_resp = []
+ scaler_cov = []
+ mean_resp = [] # this is just for computing MSLL
+ std_resp = [] # this is just for computing MSLL
+ # standardize responses and covariates, ignoring invalid entries
+ mY = np.mean(Y[:, nz], axis=0)
+ sY = np.std(Y[:, nz], axis=0)
+ mean_resp.append(mY)
+ std_resp.append(sY)
+ if inscaler in ['standardize', 'minmax', 'robminmax']:
+ X_scaler = scaler(inscaler)
+ Xz = X_scaler.fit_transform(X)
+ scaler_cov.append(X_scaler)
+ else:
+ Xz = X
+ if outscaler in ['standardize', 'minmax', 'robminmax']:
+ Yz = np.zeros_like(Y)
+ Y_scaler = scaler(outscaler)
+ Yz[:, nz] = Y_scaler.fit_transform(Y[:, nz])
+ scaler_resp.append(Y_scaler)
+ else:
+ Yz = Y
+ # estimate the models for all subjects
+ for i in range(0, len(nz)):
+ print("Estimating model ", i+1, "of", len(nz))
+ nm = norm_init(Xz, Yz[:, nz[i]], alg=alg, **kwargs)
+ nm = nm.estimate(Xz, Yz[:, nz[i]], **kwargs)
+ if savemodel:
+ nm.save('Models/NM_' + str(0) + '_' + str(nz[i]) + outputsuffix +
+ '.pkl' )
+ if savemodel:
+ print('Saving model meta-data...')
+ with open('Models/meta_data.md', 'wb') as file:
+ pickle.dump({'valid_voxels':nz,
+ 'mean_resp':mean_resp, 'std_resp':std_resp,
+ 'scaler_cov':scaler_cov, 'scaler_resp':scaler_resp,
+ 'regressor':alg, 'inscaler':inscaler,
+ 'outscaler':outscaler}, file, protocol=PICKLE_PROTOCOL)
+ return nm
+[docs]def predict(covfile, respfile, maskfile=None, **kwargs):
+ '''
+ Make predictions on the basis of a pre-estimated normative model
+ If only the covariates are specified then only predicted mean and variance
+ will be returned. If the test responses are also specified then quantities
+ That depend on those will also be returned (Z scores and error metrics)
+ Basic usage::
+ predict(covfile, [extra_arguments])
+ where the variables are defined below.
+ :param covfile: test covariates used to predict the response variable
+ :param respfile: test response variables for the normative model
+ :param maskfile: mask used to apply to the data (nifti only)
+ :param model_path: Directory containing the normative model and metadata.
+ When using parallel prediction, do not pass the model path. It will be
+ automatically decided.
+ :param outputsuffix: Text string to add to the output filenames
+ :param batch_size: batch size (for use with normative_parallel)
+ :param job_id: batch id
+ All outputs are written to disk in the same format as the input. These are:
+ :outputs: * Yhat - predictive mean
+ * S2 - predictive variance
+ * Z - Z scores
+ '''
+ model_path = kwargs.pop('model_path', 'Models')
+ job_id = kwargs.pop('job_id', None)
+ batch_size = kwargs.pop('batch_size', None)
+ outputsuffix = kwargs.pop('outputsuffix', 'predict')
+ outputsuffix = "_" + outputsuffix.replace("_", "")
+ inputsuffix = kwargs.pop('inputsuffix', 'estimate')
+ inputsuffix = "_" + inputsuffix.replace("_", "")
+ alg = kwargs.pop('alg')
+ if respfile is not None and not os.path.exists(respfile):
+ print("Response file does not exist. Only returning predictions")
+ respfile = None
+ if not os.path.isdir(model_path):
+ print('Models directory does not exist!')
+ return
+ else:
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(model_path, 'meta_data.md')):
+ with open(os.path.join(model_path, 'meta_data.md'), 'rb') as file:
+ meta_data = pickle.load(file)
+ inscaler = meta_data['inscaler']
+ outscaler = meta_data['outscaler']
+ mY = meta_data['mean_resp']
+ sY = meta_data['std_resp']
+ scaler_cov = meta_data['scaler_cov']
+ scaler_resp = meta_data['scaler_resp']
+ meta_data = True
+ else:
+ print("No meta-data file is found!")
+ inscaler = 'None'
+ outscaler = 'None'
+ meta_data = False
+ if batch_size is not None:
+ batch_size = int(batch_size)
+ job_id = int(job_id) - 1
+ # load data
+ print("Loading data ...")
+ X = fileio.load(covfile)
+ if len(X.shape) == 1:
+ X = X[:, np.newaxis]
+ sample_num = X.shape[0]
+ feature_num = len(glob.glob(os.path.join(model_path, 'NM_*' + inputsuffix +
+ '.pkl')))
+ Yhat = np.zeros([sample_num, feature_num])
+ S2 = np.zeros([sample_num, feature_num])
+ Z = np.zeros([sample_num, feature_num])
+ if inscaler in ['standardize', 'minmax', 'robminmax']:
+ Xz = scaler_cov[0].transform(X)
+ else:
+ Xz = X
+ # estimate the models for all subjects
+ for i in range(feature_num):
+ print("Prediction by model ", i+1, "of", feature_num)
+ nm = norm_init(Xz)
+ nm = nm.load(os.path.join(model_path, 'NM_' + str(0) + '_' +
+ str(i) + inputsuffix + '.pkl'))
+ if (alg!='hbr' or nm.configs['transferred']==False):
+ yhat, s2 = nm.predict(Xz, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ tsbefile = kwargs.get('tsbefile')
+ batch_effects_test = fileio.load(tsbefile)
+ yhat, s2 = nm.predict_on_new_sites(Xz, batch_effects_test)
+ if outscaler == 'standardize':
+ Yhat[:, i] = scaler_resp[0].inverse_transform(yhat, index=i)
+ S2[:, i] = s2.squeeze() * sY[0][i]**2
+ elif outscaler in ['minmax', 'robminmax']:
+ Yhat[:, i] = scaler_resp[0].inverse_transform(yhat, index=i)
+ S2[:, i] = s2 * (scaler_resp[0].max[i] - scaler_resp[0].min[i])**2
+ else:
+ Yhat[:, i] = yhat.squeeze()
+ S2[:, i] = s2.squeeze()
+ if respfile is None:
+ save_results(None, Yhat, S2, None, outputsuffix=outputsuffix)
+ return (Yhat, S2)
+ else:
+ Y, maskvol = load_response_vars(respfile, maskfile)
+ if len(Y.shape) == 1:
+ Y = Y[:, np.newaxis]
+ # warp the targets?
+ if 'blr' in dir(nm):
+ if nm.blr.warp is not None:
+ warp_param = nm.blr.hyp[1:nm.blr.warp.get_n_params()+1]
+ Y = nm.blr.warp.f(Y, warp_param)
+ Z = (Y - Yhat) / np.sqrt(S2)
+ print("Evaluating the model ...")
+ if meta_data:
+ results = evaluate(Y, Yhat, S2=S2, mY=mY[0], sY=sY[0])
+ else:
+ results = evaluate(Y, Yhat, S2=S2,
+ metrics = ['Rho', 'RMSE', 'SMSE', 'EXPV'])
+ print("Evaluations Writing outputs ...")
+ save_results(respfile, Yhat, S2, maskvol, Z=Z,
+ outputsuffix=outputsuffix, results=results)
+ return (Yhat, S2, Z)
+[docs]def transfer(covfile, respfile, testcov=None, testresp=None, maskfile=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ '''
+ Transfer learning on the basis of a pre-estimated normative model by using
+ the posterior distribution over the parameters as an informed prior for
+ new data. currently only supported for HBR.
+ Basic usage::
+ transfer(covfile, respfile [extra_arguments])
+ where the variables are defined below.
+ :param covfile: test covariates used to predict the response variable
+ :param respfile: test response variables for the normative model
+ :param maskfile: mask used to apply to the data (nifti only)
+ :param testcov: Test covariates
+ :param testresp: Test responses
+ :param model_path: Directory containing the normative model and metadata
+ :param trbefile: Training batch effects file
+ :param batch_size: batch size (for use with normative_parallel)
+ :param job_id: batch id
+ All outputs are written to disk in the same format as the input. These are:
+ :outputs: * Yhat - predictive mean
+ * S2 - predictive variance
+ * Z - Z scores
+ '''
+ alg = kwargs.pop('alg')
+ if alg != 'hbr':
+ print('Model transferring is only possible for HBR models.')
+ return
+ elif (not 'model_path' in list(kwargs.keys())) or \
+ (not 'output_path' in list(kwargs.keys())) or \
+ (not 'trbefile' in list(kwargs.keys())):
+ print('InputError: Some mandatory arguments are missing.')
+ return
+ else:
+ model_path = kwargs.pop('model_path')
+ output_path = kwargs.pop('output_path')
+ trbefile = kwargs.pop('trbefile')
+ batch_effects_train = fileio.load(trbefile)
+ outputsuffix = kwargs.pop('outputsuffix', 'transfer')
+ outputsuffix = "_" + outputsuffix.replace("_", "")
+ inputsuffix = kwargs.pop('inputsuffix', 'estimate')
+ inputsuffix = "_" + inputsuffix.replace("_", "")
+ tsbefile = kwargs.pop('tsbefile', None)
+ job_id = kwargs.pop('job_id', None)
+ batch_size = kwargs.pop('batch_size', None)
+ if batch_size is not None:
+ batch_size = int(batch_size)
+ job_id = int(job_id) - 1
+ if not os.path.isdir(model_path):
+ print('Models directory does not exist!')
+ return
+ else:
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(model_path, 'meta_data.md')):
+ with open(os.path.join(model_path, 'meta_data.md'), 'rb') as file:
+ meta_data = pickle.load(file)
+ inscaler = meta_data['inscaler']
+ outscaler = meta_data['outscaler']
+ scaler_cov = meta_data['scaler_cov']
+ scaler_resp = meta_data['scaler_resp']
+ meta_data = True
+ else:
+ print("No meta-data file is found!")
+ inscaler = 'None'
+ outscaler = 'None'
+ meta_data = False
+ if not os.path.isdir(output_path):
+ os.mkdir(output_path)
+ # load data
+ print("Loading data ...")
+ X = fileio.load(covfile)
+ Y, maskvol = load_response_vars(respfile, maskfile)
+ if len(Y.shape) == 1:
+ Y = Y[:, np.newaxis]
+ if len(X.shape) == 1:
+ X = X[:, np.newaxis]
+ if inscaler in ['standardize', 'minmax', 'robminmax']:
+ X = scaler_cov[0].transform(X)
+ feature_num = Y.shape[1]
+ mY = np.mean(Y, axis=0)
+ sY = np.std(Y, axis=0)
+ if outscaler in ['standardize', 'minmax', 'robminmax']:
+ Y = scaler_resp[0].transform(Y)
+ if testcov is not None:
+ # we have a separate test dataset
+ Xte = fileio.load(testcov)
+ if len(Xte.shape) == 1:
+ Xte = Xte[:, np.newaxis]
+ ts_sample_num = Xte.shape[0]
+ if inscaler in ['standardize', 'minmax', 'robminmax']:
+ Xte = scaler_cov[0].transform(Xte)
+ if testresp is not None:
+ Yte, testmask = load_response_vars(testresp, maskfile)
+ if len(Yte.shape) == 1:
+ Yte = Yte[:, np.newaxis]
+ else:
+ Yte = np.zeros([ts_sample_num, feature_num])
+ if tsbefile is not None:
+ batch_effects_test = fileio.load(tsbefile)
+ else:
+ batch_effects_test = np.zeros([Xte.shape[0],2])
+ Yhat = np.zeros([ts_sample_num, feature_num])
+ S2 = np.zeros([ts_sample_num, feature_num])
+ Z = np.zeros([ts_sample_num, feature_num])
+ # estimate the models for all subjects
+ for i in range(feature_num):
+ nm = norm_init(X)
+ if batch_size is not None: # when using normative_parallel
+ print("Transferring model ", job_id*batch_size+i)
+ nm = nm.load(os.path.join(model_path, 'NM_0_' +
+ str(job_id*batch_size+i) + inputsuffix +
+ '.pkl'))
+ else:
+ print("Transferring model ", i+1, "of", feature_num)
+ nm = nm.load(os.path.join(model_path, 'NM_0_' + str(i) +
+ inputsuffix + '.pkl'))
+ nm = nm.estimate_on_new_sites(X, Y[:,i], batch_effects_train)
+ if batch_size is not None:
+ nm.save(os.path.join(output_path, 'NM_0_' +
+ str(job_id*batch_size+i) + outputsuffix + '.pkl'))
+ nm.save(os.path.join('Models', 'NM_0_' +
+ str(i) + outputsuffix + '.pkl'))
+ else:
+ nm.save(os.path.join(output_path, 'NM_0_' +
+ str(i) + outputsuffix + '.pkl'))
+ if testcov is not None:
+ yhat, s2 = nm.predict_on_new_sites(Xte, batch_effects_test)
+ if outscaler == 'standardize':
+ Yhat[:, i] = scaler_resp[0].inverse_transform(yhat, index=i)
+ S2[:, i] = s2.squeeze() * sY[0][i]**2
+ elif outscaler in ['minmax', 'robminmax']:
+ Yhat[:, i] = scaler_resp[0].inverse_transform(yhat, index=i)
+ S2[:, i] = s2 * (scaler_resp[0].max[i] - scaler_resp[0].min[i])**2
+ else:
+ Yhat[:, i] = yhat.squeeze()
+ S2[:, i] = s2.squeeze()
+ if testresp is None:
+ save_results(respfile, Yhat, S2, maskvol, outputsuffix=outputsuffix)
+ return (Yhat, S2)
+ else:
+ Z = (Yte - Yhat) / np.sqrt(S2)
+ print("Evaluating the model ...")
+ results = evaluate(Yte, Yhat, S2=S2, mY=mY, sY=sY)
+ save_results(respfile, Yhat, S2, maskvol, Z=Z, results=results,
+ outputsuffix=outputsuffix)
+ return (Yhat, S2, Z)
+[docs]def extend(covfile, respfile, maskfile=None, **kwargs):
+ alg = kwargs.pop('alg')
+ if alg != 'hbr':
+ print('Model extention is only possible for HBR models.')
+ return
+ elif (not 'model_path' in list(kwargs.keys())) or \
+ (not 'output_path' in list(kwargs.keys())) or \
+ (not 'trbefile' in list(kwargs.keys())) or \
+ (not 'dummycovfile' in list(kwargs.keys()))or \
+ (not 'dummybefile' in list(kwargs.keys())):
+ print('InputError: Some mandatory arguments are missing.')
+ return
+ else:
+ model_path = kwargs.pop('model_path')
+ output_path = kwargs.pop('output_path')
+ trbefile = kwargs.pop('trbefile')
+ dummycovfile = kwargs.pop('dummycovfile')
+ dummybefile = kwargs.pop('dummybefile')
+ outputsuffix = kwargs.pop('outputsuffix', 'extend')
+ outputsuffix = "_" + outputsuffix.replace("_", "")
+ inputsuffix = kwargs.pop('inputsuffix', 'estimate')
+ inputsuffix = "_" + inputsuffix.replace("_", "")
+ informative_prior = kwargs.pop('informative_prior', 'False') == 'True'
+ generation_factor = int(kwargs.pop('generation_factor', '10'))
+ job_id = kwargs.pop('job_id', None)
+ batch_size = kwargs.pop('batch_size', None)
+ if batch_size is not None:
+ batch_size = int(batch_size)
+ job_id = int(job_id) - 1
+ if not os.path.isdir(model_path):
+ print('Models directory does not exist!')
+ return
+ else:
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(model_path, 'meta_data.md')):
+ with open(os.path.join(model_path, 'meta_data.md'), 'rb') as file:
+ meta_data = pickle.load(file)
+ if (meta_data['inscaler'] != 'None' or
+ meta_data['outscaler'] != 'None'):
+ print('Models extention on scaled data is not possible!')
+ return
+ if not os.path.isdir(output_path):
+ os.mkdir(output_path)
+ # load data
+ print("Loading data ...")
+ X = fileio.load(covfile)
+ Y, maskvol = load_response_vars(respfile, maskfile)
+ batch_effects_train = fileio.load(trbefile)
+ X_dummy = fileio.load(dummycovfile)
+ batch_effects_dummy = fileio.load(dummybefile)
+ if len(Y.shape) == 1:
+ Y = Y[:, np.newaxis]
+ if len(X.shape) == 1:
+ X = X[:, np.newaxis]
+ if len(X_dummy.shape) == 1:
+ X_dummy = X_dummy[:, np.newaxis]
+ feature_num = Y.shape[1]
+ # estimate the models for all subjects
+ for i in range(feature_num):
+ nm = norm_init(X)
+ if batch_size is not None: # when using nirmative_parallel
+ print("Extending model ", job_id*batch_size+i)
+ nm = nm.load(os.path.join(model_path, 'NM_0_' +
+ str(job_id*batch_size+i) + inputsuffix +
+ '.pkl'))
+ else:
+ print("Extending model ", i+1, "of", feature_num)
+ nm = nm.load(os.path.join(model_path, 'NM_0_' + str(i) +
+ inputsuffix +'.pkl'))
+ nm = nm.extend(X, Y[:,i:i+1], batch_effects_train, X_dummy,
+ batch_effects_dummy, samples=generation_factor,
+ informative_prior=informative_prior)
+ if batch_size is not None:
+ nm.save(os.path.join(output_path, 'NM_0_' +
+ str(job_id*batch_size+i) + outputsuffix + '.pkl'))
+ nm.save(os.path.join('Models', 'NM_0_' +
+ str(i) + outputsuffix + '.pkl'))
+ else:
+ nm.save(os.path.join(output_path, 'NM_0_' +
+ str(i) + outputsuffix + '.pkl'))
+[docs]def main(*args):
+ """ Parse arguments and estimate model
+ """
+ np.seterr(invalid='ignore')
+ rfile, mfile, cfile, cv, tcfile, trfile, func, alg, cfg, kw = get_args(args)
+ # collect required arguments
+ pos_args = ['cfile', 'rfile']
+ # collect basic keyword arguments controlling model estimation
+ kw_args = ['maskfile=mfile',
+ 'cvfolds=cv',
+ 'testcov=tcfile',
+ 'testresp=trfile',
+ 'alg=alg',
+ 'configparam=cfg']
+ # add additional keyword arguments
+ for k in kw:
+ kw_args.append(k + '=' + "'" + kw[k] + "'")
+ all_args = ', '.join(pos_args + kw_args)
+ # Executing the target function
+ exec(func + '(' + all_args + ')')
+# For running from the command line:
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv[1:])