Default mode is based on interactive command line.
In this example, uuid
will be used as primary key, with an aggregate class.
php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Animal
Which is the name of the domain? [Animal]
> Animal
Do you want to import properties from existing database migration?
> no
Do you want to specify model properties?
> yes
Property name (exit to quit)?
> name
Property type? (e.g. string, int, boolean. Nullable is accepted, e.g. ?string)
> string
Property name (exit to quit)?
> age
Property type? (e.g. string, int, boolean. Nullable is accepted, e.g. ?string)
> int
Property name (exit to quit)?
> exit
Do you want to use uuid as model primary key?
> yes
Do you want to create an Aggregate class?
> yes
Do you want to create a Reactor class?
> yes
Your choices:
| Option | Choice |
| Model | Animal |
| Domain | Animal |
| Namespace | Domain |
| Use migration | no |
| Primary key | uuid |
| Create Aggregate class | yes |
| Create Reactor class | yes |
| Create PHPUnit tests | no |
| Create failed events | no |
| Model properties | string name |
| | int age |
| Notifications | no |
Do you confirm the generation of the domain?
> yes
Domain [Animal] with model [Animal] created successfully.
Directory structure generated (using uuid
as primary key)
├── Domain/
│ └── Animal/
│ ├── Actions/
│ │ ├── CreateAnimal
│ │ ├── DeleteAnimal
│ │ └── UpdateAnimal
│ ├── Aggregates/
│ │ └── AnimalAggregate
│ ├── DataTransferObjects/
│ │ └── AnimalData
│ ├── Events/
│ │ ├── AnimalCreated
│ │ ├── AnimalDeleted
│ │ └── AnimalUpdated
│ ├── Projections/
│ │ └── Animal
│ ├── Projectors/
│ │ └── AnimalProjector
│ └── Reactors/
│ └── AnimalReactor
└── etc.
If Spatie event sourcing is configured to auto-discover projectors, the following code is immediately usable:
use App\Domain\Animal\Actions\CreateAnimal;
use App\Domain\Animal\DataTransferObjects\AnimalData;
use App\Domain\Animal\Projections\Animal;
# This will create a record in 'animals' table, using projector AnimalProjector
(new CreateAnimal)(new AnimalData(
name: 'tiger',
age: 7
# Retrieve record
$animal = Animal::query()->where('name', 'tiger')->first();