nmcli dev wifi list | sed 's/\*/ /' > aval_APs
head -1 aval_APs
in-use bssid(ap) ssid(wifi_name) mode chan rate signal bars security
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
nmcli dev wifi list | sed 's/\*/ /' | awk '{print $1, $2, $4, $8}' > aval_APs
nmcli -f BSSID,SSID,CHAN,SECURITY dev wifi list > aval_APs
nmcli -t -f ACTIVE,SSID dev wifi | grep '^yes' | cut -d ':' -f 2
nmcli -t -f NAME,TYPE connection | grep wireless | cut -d ':' -f 1
well there may be situation that your device already know the password of nearby APs, so try connecting each one (no pw required as device already has cached), we will wait for 5 second, if not connected it should give some err, the purpose of doing this is we will want to exclude such APs from our attack
sudo nmcli --wait 5 dev wifi connect 'some_wifi'
remember by default airodump-ng
lists only 2.4GHz wifi, you need to specify --band a
to list ony 5GHz wifi, for both use --band abg
ls /sys/class/net/
iw dev | awk '/Interface/ {print $2}'
nmcli -t dev st | grep "wifi:" | awk -F ':' '{print $1}'
awk '!seen[$0]++' file > output.txt && mv output.txt file
what we have is just name of AP : 'helloAp' we will have to find : channel number, where 'helloAp' advertises and its freq (not needed) we will have to find : mac add or bssid of that 'helloAp' we will only go into monitor mode if the wifi 'helloAp' is still available how to check if it is still available ? go see nmcli output or that previously captured (but this could be useless because we have spent alot of time since that step has been performed.)
nmcli -t -f BSSID,SSID,CHAN,SECURITY dev wifi list
output will be like this : 74\:3C\:18\:C9\:86\:89:gopal999_fbrtc:8:WPA1 WPA2
and converted to :
nmcli -t -f BSSID,SSID,CHAN,SECURITY dev wifi list | awk -F: '{print $1":"$2":"$3":"$4":"$5":"$6}' | sed 's/\:/:/g'
we get: 74:3C:18:C9:86:89 lesgo
) &
kill $pid
will simply not work here because, in the list of grouped commands, there may be commands like 'aircrack-ng', 'sleep', those will intend to occupy the terminal/shell, they will have different pid, so killing just pid of backgrounded task won't help, you should kill it's all sub process as such kill -- -$pid
, this $pid
is acutally process group ID, which is able to kill all the process on its group, since (...)& is grouping, $!
is group ID. You can find group PID from any of othter PID on that group except for group PID itself, which is root PID for that group, use : group_pid=$(ps -o pgid= $other_pid | grep -o '[0-9]*')