- accept following configuration options: directories, compilerSource, compilerCompliance, compilerTargetPlatform, configFile (eclipse formatter configuration file)
- accept new configuration options: lineEnding, overrideConfigCompilerVersion, configFile (from dependency classpath, fail if invalid)
- use Eclipse 3.5 code formatter
- use process-sources phase
- use googlecode groupId
- provide Maven site
- available from Maven central repository
- accept new configuration options: includes, excludes, encoding
- removed configuration option: directories
- uses specific Eclipse dependency versions to avoid checking for updates
- using eclipse formatter version 3.8 instead of 3.5 (newer maven dependencies)
- added back configuration option: directories, to allow formatting source files other than main and test, such as generated sources
- added supporting compiler plugin properties for source/target
- released under revelc
- using eclipse formatter version 4.4.1
- updated maven build
- deployed gh-pages -- Site page using bootstrap look and feel
- Version increase to indicate master repo
- Supporting Eclipse Mars
- First release with velo/formatter-maven-plugin merged
- First supporting javascript from velo/formatter-maven-plugin
- Trap bug in mars formatting with index out of bounds allowing formatting to continue.
- Internally use sha512 to hash files intead of md5.
- Java 8 required Neon Release
- Support CSS, JSON, XML, and HTML formatting
- Small updates throughout
- Stop packaging jdt-core and jsdt-core
- Fix licensing for m2e-configurator
- Clean up maven POM files
- Ease releasing by auto-versioning Eclipse plugin files
- Separate formatter-m2e-configurator from formatter-maven-plugin
- Eclipse Oxygen release
- Switch to Tycho dependency of jdt-core for Eclipse Oxygen to fix enum formatting bug
- Switch back to Eclipse jdt-core depenency to fix html javadoc formatting bug
- Update jdt-core dependency to fix enum formatting bug; require Maven project to format/validate
- Plugin and dependency updates
- Support JDK9 builds
- Migrate to JUnit5
- Minor update to JSON formatter features
- Standardize import order with impsort plugin
- Plugin and dependency updates
- Fail fast on config file error
- Update plugins and support Eclipse 2018-09
- Support Eclipse 2019-03 formatter
- Update plugins, dependencies
- replace jsoup with xml-formatter, based on Eclipse ant formatter
- Apply bugfix for cssparser
- Support Eclipse 2019-06 formatter
- Update plugins, dependencies
- Support Eclipse 2019-09 formatter
- Update plugins, dependencies