- Small improvements in app status page
- Dependencies updated
- Fix "Fork me on GitHub" Ribbon
- Bugfix
- Sorting of stories in estimation matrix (#370)
- Dependencies updated
- Show stories without estimation in most-left column in estimation matrix (#364)
- Dependencies updated
- Stories import from json file (#358)
- Backlog toolbar always shown (filter, sort, dropdown menu)
- File upload button in backlog dropdown menu
- Dependencies updated
- Dependencies updated
- Fixed some issues with editor for custom card configuration
- Dependencies updated
- Renamed all occurences of "PoinZ" to "Poinz"
- Dependencies updated
- Fix for favicon not working: webmanifest file was not copied during build (#309)
- preserve "story-key" when importing stories from an external tool via csv (#323)
- split build process into two parts (extracted building docker image to separate build step) (#317)
- dependencies updated
- (more) seasonal easter eggs
- dependencies updated
- dependencies updated
- switched to ESM in backend
- dependencies updated
- Changed background on landing page
- dependencies updated
- Minor fixes for custom card config editor
- dependencies updated
- Fix a bug where username change was not correctly persisted (#275)
- Persist custom backlog width to local storage
- Story points in imported stories stored as consensus (#264)
- dependencies updated (react 18)
- Manual sorting of stories in backlog via drag'n'drop (#252)
- Backlog resizable: Width of backlog can be set with mouse (#265)
- dependencies updated
- Introduce Drag'n'Drop of stories in the estimation matrix. Stories can be dragged to other columns in order to "settle" on a new value.
- Remember "Include Trashed Stories" flag in estimation matrix
- Technical improvement: do not allow users to join without username. joinCommand is sent after collecting username from user.
- dependencies updated
- Introduce new set of avatars (more variety, gender-neutral, cute animals)
- Password improvements: password repeat field in room settings to prevent typos. Remove password field on landing page.
- dependencies updated
- Fix a bug that prevented users from clearing their current estimate
- UI Tweaking for mobile devices (smaller user avatars and cards)
- Switched to node.js 16 LTS
- dependencies updated
- Markdown support in story description (#233, thanks for the suggestion @martin-sos)
- Estimation Matrix that gives an overview of all estimated stories in your room (#234, thanks for the suggestion @martin-sos)
- Link imported stories to issue tracking system
- Unused rooms will now be kept for two months instead of one
- Replace uuidv4 with nanoid
- Dependencies updated
- New function in the active Backlog: Move all (visible) stories to the trash
- Various smaller bugfixes
- Dependencies updated
- Halloween Easter Egg fixed
- Dependencies updated
- Confidence Levels : Allow users in the room to specify how confident they are when estimating a story (#178, thanks to @gotdibbs and @gvheertum)
- Display "Recommendation" in Estimation Summary: the first card that is larger than the numerical average. Except numerical average is within 10% of the lower card. (#207, thanks to @ecaron)
- You can now settle for any card. (Previously, only cards that were chosen by at least one user were possible settle values).
- Dependencies updated
- Moved "New Round" button to the right. This prevents accidentally starting a new round, when clicking "Reveal" (#206, thanks to @ecaron)
- Added autocomplete attribute to name input fields. Should prevent browsers from suggesting credit card numbers (#205, thanks to @ecaron)
- Dependencies updated
- Modify "quick menu" on user's avatar: add option to quickly toggle "spectator" mode (exclude from estimations).
- All users can now mark all other users as spectator.
- Ignore negative card values in calculating the "numerical average" (#192)
- Dependencies updated
- Dependencies updated
- Fix link to manual in auto-generated story (thanks to @kratz00)
- Display story creation date in backlog
- UI tweaks: Wider Settings Panel on the right. Display own user's avatar in Top Bar. Custom (thin) scrollbars.
- Dependencies updated
- New feature "settle": if story is revealed but no consensus is reached, you can choose one card as the consensus value for the story
- Estimation Summary shows numerical average
- Small styling improvements in Estimation Summary
- Room export now contains consensus value explicitly
- Mark stories in backlog that were estimated, but without consensus
- Frontend refactoring of redux state + reducers
- Updated dependencies
- Estimation Summary: After a story is revealed, show how many users estimated, which cards were used and how often. (thanks to @gotdibbs for the suggestion)
- If a new room is created, a default sample story is already added automatically. This allows to start estimating right away. (thanks to @gotdibbs for the suggestion)
- Added additional sorting option in backlog: stories with consensus first vs. stories without consensus first
- Updated dependencies
- Sorting and filtering of stories in backlog
- Improvements for password protected rooms
- Optional password protection for rooms
- Updated dependencies
- Switched to node.js 14 LTS
- Support for old (non chromium) Windows Edge
- Updated dependencies (some fixes needed for new socket.IO version)
- Fetch backend room state on certain command rejections
- Rejoin room on socket re-connect
- Visual editor for card configuration
- Handle whitespace in custom room ids gracefully. They are now replaced with dashes.
- Updated dependencies
- Added "Help" view to the right-hand sidebar
- Extended user manual
- Clicking a story in the Backlog no longer selects the story for estimation!
- Introduced button to jump to the next story (i.e. select it for estimation).
- Added changelog
- Added user manual (first few use cases)
- Added option to disable auto reveal. This is a room-wide setting. Auto reveal is still "on" per default.
- Fixed a bug where the consensus badge was not correctly displayed if the card configuration had a card with value=0.
- Renamed "UserMenu" to "Settings": Split Settings into user-related and room-related configuration options.