- Import NTLM Hashes from .ntds output txt file (generated by CrackMapExec or secretsdump.py)
- Import NTLM Hashes from NTDS.dit and SYSTEM
- Import Cracked NTLM hashes from hashcat output file
- Import BloodHound ZIP or JSON file
- BloodHound importer (import JSON to Neo4J without BloodHound UI)
- Import Domain data from BloodHound
- Import User data from BloodHound
- Import Group data from BloodHound
- Import Domain data from Powershell MSOnline module
- Import User data from Powershell MSOnline module
- Import Group data from Powershell MSOnline module
- Import NTLM Hashes from CrackMapExec output file
- Import data from ldapsearch
- Import data from Sysinternals ADExplorer
- Import Cracked NTLM hashes from John the Ripper output file
- Analyse the quality of password (length , lower case, upper case, digit, special and latin)
- Analyse similarity of password with company name
- When added user as compromised, alert id this user may have a path to critical target
- Search for users
- Search for user password (Hash a clear-text)
- Search filter from cracked only passwords
- Generate Top 10 cracked passwords
- Generate Top 10 cracked passwords by domain
- Generate Top 10 cracked passwords by similarity with company name
- Export data to JSON file
- Export all cracked credentials to BloodHound Neo4j Database as 'owned object'
- Export all data to BloodHound Neo4j Database (much faster than BloodHound UI)
- Export data to Splunk
- Export data to ElasticSearch
- Export Password Spray list
- Module to clear sensitive data (Clear text passwords and hashes) keeping statistics
- Implement test script with one sample BloodHound importer