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How to Use Cortex4py

This document is a usage guide of the Cortex4py library for writing custom scripts that interact with the Cortex 2 APIs.

Cortex4py 2 requires Python 3. It does not work with Cortex 1.x.

Table of Contents


Cortex4py 2 is a new version of the library, that is only compatible with Cortex 2.x. It supports authentication and covers almost all the available APIs, including administration calls.

Library Architecture

Cortex4py 2 has the following structure:

├── cortex4py
│   ├── api
│   ├── controllers
│   │   ├── abstract
│   │   ├── analyzers
│   │   ├── jobs
│   │   ├── organizations
│   │   └── users
│   ├── exceptions
│   ├── models
│   │   ├── analyzer
│   │   ├── analyzer_definition
│   │   ├── job
│   │   ├── job_artifact
│   │   ├── model
│   │   ├── organization
│   │   └── user
│   └── query
  • The model classes represent the data objects and extend the cortex4py.models.Model that provides json() methods returning a JSON dict from every model object.
  • The controllers classes wrap the available methods that call Cortex APIs.
  • The api class is the main class giving access to the different controllers.
  • query.* are utility methods that allow building search queries.
  • exceptions.* are supported exceptions


If you have already written scripts using cortex4py 1.x (for Cortex 1), we tried to keep the already available methods. However, we recommend you adapt your code to leverage the new cortex4py 2 classes and methods as soon as feasible. Moreover, the existing scripts must be updated to support authentication if you intend to use them with Cortex 2.

To instantiate a Cortex 1 API object, developers used to write the following code:

from cortex4py.api import CortexApi

api = CortexApi('http://CORTEX_APP_URL.1:9000')

This code must be replaced with something like the example below for Cortex 2:

from cortex4py.api import Api

api = Api('http://CORTEX_APP_URL:9001', '**API_KEY**')

Proxy and Certificate Verification

Cortex4py 2 allows specifying a proxy configuration should your program requires one. The library also adds an option to enable or disable certificate verification.

from cortex4py.api import Api

api = Api('http://CORTEX_APP_URL:9001', '**API_KEY**', proxies={
    'http': 'http://PROXY_URL:PROXY_PORT',
    'https': 'http://PROXY_URL:PROXY_PORT'
}, verify_cert=False)

verify_cert can be:

  • True
  • False
  • String representing the path to the certificate file.

Note: verify_cert replaces the Cortex4py 1 cert argument which has been deprecated.

Backward Compatibility

Cortex4py 2 implements the methods that were available in the old version of the library:

from cortex4py.api import Api

api = Api('http://CORTEX_APP_URL:9001', '**API_KEY**')

analyzers = api.get_analyzers('ip')
job = api.run_analyzer('Abuse_Finder_2_0', 'domain', 2, '')
job_with_report = api.get_job_report('XXXXXX', timeout='Inf')        
job_deleted = api.delete_job('XXXXXX')

Note: These methods are now deprecated.

Exception Handling

All the operations supported by the library can raise errors that inherit a cortex4py.exceptions.CortexException exception class.

Possible errors are listed below:

Error Exception Error message Description
cortex.exceptions.NotFoundError Resource not found A 404 error occurred
cortex.exceptions.AuthenticationError Authentication error A 401 error occurred
cortex.exceptions.AuthorizationError Authorization error A 403 error occurred
cortex.exceptions.InvalidInputError Invalid input exception A 400 error occurred
cortex.exceptions.ServiceUnavailableError Cortex service is unavailable Connection issue. Cortex is not available
cortex.exceptions.ServerError Cortex request exception A 500 error occurred
cortex.exceptions.CortexError Unexpected exception An unhandled error occurred

Organization Operations

The OrganizationController class provides a set of methods to deal with Cortex organizations.


An organization is represented by the following model class:

Field Description Type
id Organization's identifier readonly
name Organization's name, can be specified during creation only. readonly
description Organization's description writable
status Organization's status, Active or Locked writable
createdAt Creation date computed
createdBy User who created the org computed
updatedAt Last update computed
updatedBy User who last updated the org computed


Method Description Return type
count(query) Requires superadmin role, Returns the number of organizations corresponding to the query Number
find_all(query,**kwargs) Requires superadmin role, returns a list of Organization objects, based on query, range and sort parameters List[Organization]
find_one_by(query,**kwargs) Requires superadmin role, returns the first Organization object, based on query and sort parameters Organization
get_by_id(org_id) Requires orgadmin or superadmin roles, returns an Organization by its id Organization
get_users(org_id,query,**kwargs) Requires orgadmin role, returns the list of User objects remaining to the Organization identified by org_id List[User]
get_analyzers() Requires orgadmin role, returns the list of enabled Analyzer objects remaining to the Organization of the current user List[Analyzer]
create(data) Requires superadmin role, returns the create Organization object. data could be a JSON or Organization objects Organization
update(org_id,data,fields) Requires superadmin role, returns the updated Organization object. data can be a JSON or Organization object. fields parameter is an array of field names to update Organization
delete(org_id) Requires superadmin role, returns true if the delete completes successfully Boolean


The following example shows how to manipulate organizations as a superadmin user:

from cortex4py.api import Api
from cortex4py.query import *
from cortex4py.models import Organization

api = Api('http://CORTEX_APP_URL:9001', '**API_KEY**')

# Find how many locked organizations exist
count = api.organizations.count(Eq('status', 'Locked'))

# Fetch the last 10 created organizations
locked_orgs = api.organizations.find_all({}, range='0-10', sort='-createdAt')

# Display the name of the locked organizations
for org in locked_orgs:
  print('Organization {} is {}'.format(, org.status))

# Create a new organization
new_org = api.organizations.create(Organization({
    "name": "demo",
    "description": "This is a demo organization",
    "status": "Active"

# Display its id

# Update the newly created org
new_org = api.organizations.update(, {
  'description': 'This is an disabled organization'

# Delete the newly created org

The following example shows how to manipulate organizations as a orgadmin user:

import json

from cortex4py.api import Api
from cortex4py.query import *

api = Api('http://CORTEX_APP_URL:9001', '**API_KEY**')

# Get details of an organization
org = api.organizations.get_by_id('demo')

# Print the json representation of the Organization object
print(json.dumps(org.json(), indent=2))

# Fetch the last 5 created and active users
users = api.organizations.get_users(, Eq('status', 'Active'), range='0-5', sort='-createdAt')

# Display the usernames
for user in users:
  print('User {} has roles {}'.format(, user.roles))

# Fetch the organization analyzers
for a in api.organizations.get_analyzers():

User Operations

The UserController class provides a set of methods to handle users.


A user is represented by the following model class:

Field Description Type
id Users's identifier readonly
login User's login, can be specified during creation only. readonly
name User's full name writable
organization Users's organization. Can be specified during the creation of the user, or updated only by superadmin users writable
status User's status, Ok or Locked writable
createdAt Creation date computed
createdBy User who created the org computed
updatedAt Last update computed
updatedBy User who last updated the org computed
hasKey true when the user has an API key computed
hasPassword true if the user has a password computed


Method Description Return type
find_all(query,**kwargs) Returns a list of User objects, based on query, range and sort parameters List[User]
find_one_by(query,**kwargs) Returns the first User object, based on query and sort parameters User
get_by_id(user_id) Returns a User by its user_id User
create(data) Returns the create User object. data could be a JSON or User objects User
update(user_id,data,fields) Returns the updated User object. data can be a JSON or User object. fields parameter is an array of field names to update User
lock(user_id) Returns the locked user after setting its status to Locked User
set_password(user_id,password) Returns true if the update completes successfully Boolean
change_password(user_id,current,newpass) Returns true if the update completes successfully. Needs to be called by the user itself. Boolean
set_key(user_id) Returns the created API key String
renew_key(user_id) Returns the renewed API key String
get_key(user_id) Returns the API key of the user identified by user_id String
revoke_key(user_id) Returns true if the API key is revoked successfully Boolean


The following example shows how to manipulate users:

import json
import uuid

from cortex4py.api import Api
from cortex4py.query import *

api = Api('http://CORTEX_APP_URL:9001', '**API_KEY**')

# List the latest 10 active users
users = api.users.find_all(Eq('status', 'Ok'), range='0-10', sort='-createdAt')

# Display the users' logins and roles
for user in users:
  print('User {} has roles {}'.format(, user.roles))

# Create a new user
rand = str(uuid.uuid4())[:6]
new_user = api.users.create(User({
    'login': 'User-{}'.format(rand),
    'name': 'User {}'.format(rand),
    'roles': ['read', 'analyze'],
    'status': 'Ok',
    'organization': 'demo'

# Display the created user details
print(json.dumps(new_user.json(), indent=2))

# Update the user's name and roles
api.users.update(, {
  'name': 'New User',
  'roles': ['read']

user_id =

# Set user's password
api.users.set_password(user_id, 'password')

# Set user's API Key
key1 = api.users.set_key(user_id)

# Get user's API Key
key = api.users.get_key(user_id)

# Renew user's API key
key2 = api.users.renew_key(user_id)

# Compare keys
print(key1 == key2)

# Revoke the user's API keu

# Lock the user

# Get the user details
user = api.users.get_by_id(user_id)

# check some assertions
print(user.hasKey == False)
print(user.hasPassword == True)
print(user.status == 'Locked')

Analyzer Operations

The AnalyzersController class provides a set of methods to handle analyzers.


An analyzer is an instance of an analyzer definition, and both models share the same fields.

An analyzer definition is represented by the following model class:

Field Description Type
id Analyzer ID once enabled within an organization readonly
analyzerDefinitionId Analyzer definition name readonly
name Name of the analyzer readonly
version Version of the analyzer readonly
description Description of the analyzer readonly
author Author of the analyzer readonly
url URL where the analyzer has been published readonly
license License of the analyzer readonly
dataTypeList Allowed datatypes readonly
configurationItems A list that describes the configuration options of the analyzer readonly
baseConfig Base configuration name. This identifies the shared set of configuration with all the analyzer's flavors readonly
createdBy User who enabled the analyzer computed
updatedAt Last update date computed
updatedBy User who last updated the analyzer computed

An analyzer is represented by the following model class:

Field Description Type
id Analyzer ID once enabled within an organization readonly
analyzerDefinitionId Analyzer definition name readonly
name Name of the analyzer readonly
version Version of the analyzer readonly
description Description of the analyzer readonly
author Author of the analyzer readonly
url URL where the analyzer has been published readonly
license License of the analyzer readonly
dataTypeList Allowed datatypes readonly
baseConfig Base configuration name. This identifies the shared set of configuration with all the analyzer's flavors readonly
jobCache Report cache timeout in minutes, visible for orgAdmin users only writable
jobTimeout Job timeout in minutes, visible for orgAdmin users only writable
rate Numeric amount of analyzer calls authorized for the specified rateUnit, visible for orgAdmin users only writable
rateUnit Period of availability of the rate limite: Day or Month, visible for orgAdmin users only writable
configuration A JSON object where key/value pairs represent the config names, and their values. It includes the default properties proxy_http, proxy_https, auto_extract_artifacts, check_tlp, and max_tlp, visible for orgAdmin users only writable
createdBy User who enabled the analyzer computed
updatedAt Last update date computed
updatedBy User who last updated the analyzer computed


Method Description Return type
find_all(query,**kwargs) Returns a list of Analyzer objects, based on query, range and sort parameters List[Analyzer]
find_one_by(query,**kwargs) Returns the first Analyzer object, based on query and sort parameters Analyzer
get_by_id(analyzer_id) Returns a Analyzer by its id Analyzer
get_by_name(name) Returns a Analyzer by its name Analyzer
get_by_type(data_type) Returns a list of available Analyzer applicable to the given data_type List[Analyzer]
enable(analyzer_name,config) Activate an analyzer and returns its Analyzer object Analyzer
update(analyzer_id) Update the configuration of an Analyzer and returns the updated version Analyzer
disable(analyzer_id) Removes an analyzer from an organization and returns true if it completes successfully Boolean
run_by_id(analyzer_id,observable,**kwargs) Returns a Job by its name Job
run_by_name(analyzer_name,observable,**kwargs) Runs an analyzer by its name and returns the resulting Job Job
definitions() Returns the list of all the analyzer definitions including the enabled and disabled analyzers List[AnalyzerDefinition]


The following example shows how to manipulate analyzers:

import json

from cortex4py.api import Api
from cortex4py.query import *

api = Api('http://CORTEX_APP_URL:9001', '**API_KEY**')

# Get enabled analyzers
analyzers = api.analyzers.find_all({}, range='all')

# Display enabled analyzers' names
for analyzer in analyzers:
  print('Analyzer {} is enabled'.format(

# Get enabled analyzers that can run against a domain
domain_analyzers = api.analyzers.get_by_type('domain')

# Enable the analyzer called Test_1_0
analyzer = api.analyzers.enable('Test_1_0', {
  "configuration": {
    "api_key": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXx",
    "proxy_http": "http://localhost:9999",
    "proxy_https": "http://localhost:9999",
    "auto_extract_artifacts": False,
    "check_tlp": True,
    "max_tlp": 2,
    "max_pap": 2
  "jobCache": 10,
  "jobTimeout": 30,
  "rate": 1000,
  "rateUnit": "Day"

# Print the details of the enaled analyzer
print(json.dumps(analyzer.json(), indent=2))
print(analyzer.workerDefinitionId == 'Test_1_0')

# Update the configuration
analyzer_id =
analyzer = api.analyzers.update(, {
  "rate": 100,
  "rateUnit": "Day",
  "jobCache": null,
  "configuration": {
    "api_key": "YYYYYYYYYYY",
    "proxy_http": null,
    "proxy_https": null,
    "auto_extract_artifacts": True,
    "check_tlp": false,
    "max_tlp": null,
    "max_pap": 2

# Run an analyzer against a domain
job1 = api.analyzers.run_by_name('Test_1_0', {
    'data': '',
    'dataType': 'domain',
    'tlp': 1,
    'message': 'custom message sent to analyzer',
    'parameters': {
        'key1': 'value1',
        'key2': True,
        'key3': 10
}, force=1)
print(json.dumps(job1.json(), indent=2))

# Run an analyzer against a file
job2 = api.analyzers.run_by_name('File_Info_2_0', {
    'data': '/tmp/sample.txt',
    'dataType': 'file',
    'tlp': 1
}, force=1)
print(json.dumps(job2.json(), indent=2))

# Disable an analyzer

Responder Operations

The RespondersController class provides a set of methods to handle responders.


A responder is an instance of a responder definition, and both models share the same fields.

A responder definition is represented by the following model class:

Field Description Type
id Responder ID once enabled within an organization readonly
workerDefinitionId Responder definition name readonly
name Name of the responder readonly
version Version of the responder readonly
description Description of the responder readonly
author Author of the responder readonly
url URL where the responder has been published readonly
license License of the responder readonly
dataTypeList Allowed datatypes readonly
configurationItems A list that describes the configuration options of the responder readonly
baseConfig Base configuration name. This identifies the shared set of configuration with all the responder's flavors readonly
createdBy User who enabled the responder computed
updatedAt Last update date computed
updatedBy User who last updated the responder computed

A responder is represented by the following model class:

Field Description Type
id Responder ID once enabled within an organization readonly
workerDefinitionId Responder definition name readonly
name Name of the responder readonly
version Version of the responder readonly
description Description of the responder readonly
author Author of the responder readonly
url URL where the responder has been published readonly
license License of the responder readonly
dataTypeList Allowed datatypes readonly
baseConfig Base configuration name. This identifies the shared set of configuration with all the responder's flavors readonly
jobCache Report cache timeout in minutes, visible for orgAdmin users only writable
rate Numeric amount of responder calls authorized for the specified rateUnit, visible for orgAdmin users only writable
rateUnit Period of availability of the rate limite: Day or Month, visible for orgAdmin users only writable
configuration A JSON object where key/value pairs represent the config names, and their values. It includes the default properties proxy_http, proxy_https, auto_extract_artifacts, check_tlp, and max_tlp, visible for orgAdmin users only writable
createdBy User who enabled the analyzer computed
updatedAt Last update date computed
updatedBy User who last updated the analyzer computed


Method Description Return type
find_all(query,**kwargs) Returns a list of Responder objects, based on query, range and sort parameters List[Responder]
find_one_by(query,**kwargs) Returns the first Responder object, based on query and sort parameters Responder
get_by_id(worker_id) Returns a Responder by its id Responder
get_by_name(name) Returns a Responder by its name Responder
get_by_type(data_type) Returns a list of available Responder applicable to the given data_type List[Responder]
enable(responder_name,config) Activate an responder and returns its Responder object Responder
update(worker_id) Update the configuration of an Responder and returns the updated version Responder
disable(worker_id) Removes a responder from an organization and returns true if it completes successfully Boolean
run_by_id(worker_id, data,**kwargs) Returns a Job by its name Job
run_by_name(responder_name, data,**kwargs) Runs a responder by its name and returns the resulting Job Job
definitions() Returns the list of all the responder definitions including the enabled and disabled responders List[ResponderDefinition]


The following example shows how to manipulate responders:

import json

from cortex4py.api import Api
from cortex4py.query import *

api = Api('http://CORTEX_APP_URL:9001', '**API_KEY**')

# Get enabled responders
responders = api.responders.find_all({}, range='all')

# Display enabled responders' names
for responder in responders:
  print('Responder {} is enabled'.format(

# Get enabled responders that available for TheHive cases
case_responders = api.responders.get_by_type('thehive:case')

# Display responders details
for responder in case_responders:  
  print(json.dumps(responder.json(), indent=2))

# Enable the responder called Test_1_0
responder = api.responders.enable('Test_1_0', {
  "configuration": {
    "api_key": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXx",
    "proxy_http": "http://localhost:9999",
    "proxy_https": "http://localhost:9999",    
    "check_tlp": True,
    "max_tlp": 2,
    "max_pap": 2
  "jobTimeout": 30,
  "rate": 1000,
  "rateUnit": "Day"

# Print the details of the enaled responder
print(json.dumps(responder.json(), indent=2))
print(responder.workerDefinitionId == 'Test_1_0')

# Run a responder
job = api.responders.run_by_name('File_Info_2_0', {
    'data': {
      'title': 'Sample case',
      'description': 'This is a sample case',
    'dataType': 'thehive:case',
    'tlp': 1
print(json.dumps(job.json(), indent=2))

# Disable a responder

Job Operations

The JobsController class provides a set of methods to handle jobs. A job is the execution of a specific worker (analyzer or responder).


A job is represented by the following model class:

Attribute Description Type
id Job ID computed
type Job type: responder or analyzer computed
workerDefinitionId Worker definition name readonly
workerId Instance ID of the worker to which the job is associated readonly
workerName Name of the worker to which the job is associated readonly
organization Organization to which the user belongs (set upon account creation) readonly
dataType the datatype of the worker's input data readonly
status Status of the job (Waiting, InProgress, Success, Failure, Deleted) computed
data Value of the worker's input (does not apply to file observables). Contains all the data of a Case if the job is a result of a case responder. readonly
attachment JSON object representing file observables (does not apply to non-file observables). It defines thename, hashes, size, contentType and id of the file observable readonly
parameters JSON object of key/value pairs set during job creation readonly
message A free text field to set additional text/context for a job readonly
tlp The TLP of the analyzed observable readonly
report The analysis report as a JSON object including success, full, summary and artifacts peoperties.
In case of failure, the resport contains a errorMessage property
startDate Start date computed
endDate End date computed
createdAt Creation date. Please note that a job can be requested but not immediately honored. The actual time at which it is started is the value of startDate computed
createdBy User who created the job computed
updatedAt Last update date (only Cortex updates a job when it finishes) computed
updatedBy User who submitted the job and which identity is used by Cortex to update the job once it is finished computed

A JobArtifact is represented by the following model class:

Attribute Description Type
id Artifact ID computed
dataType Artifact data type readonly
data Artifact value readonly
createdAt Creation date. computed
createdBy User who created the job that generated the artifact computed


Method Description Return type
find_all(query,**kwargs) Returns a list of Job objects, based on query, range and sort parameters List[Job]
find_one_by(query,**kwargs) Returns the first Job object, based on query and sort parameters Job
get_by_id(job_id) Returns a Job by its id Job
get_report(job_id) Returns synchronously the Job object including its analysis report even if the job is still running Job
get_report_async(job_id) Waits and returns the Job object including its analysis report Job
get_artifacts(job_id) Returns a list of the observables that have been extracted from the analysis report List[JobArtifact]
delete(job_id) Requires superadmin role, returns true if the delete completes successfully Boolean


import json

from cortex4py.api import Api
from cortex4py.query import *

api = Api('http://CORTEX_APP_URL:9001', '**API_KEY**')

# Fetch the last 10 successful jobs that have been executed against domain names
query = And(Eq('status', 'Success'), Eq('dataType', 'domain'))
jobs =, range='0-10', sort='-createdAt')

# Display summaries of the jobs above
for job in jobs:
  report =
  print('Job summary is {}'.format(json.dumps(report.get('summary', {}))))

  print('Job {} has generated the following artifacts:'.format(
  artifacts =
  for a in artifacts:
    print('- [{}]: {}'.format(a.dataType,