PowerShell tools for SVG.
PSSVG helps you create Scalable Vector Graphics using PowerShell.
There is a command for every tag of the SVG standard (and then some).
For example, this script generates the image below it.
svg (
svg.text -X 50% -Y 50% -Fontsize 36 "Hello World" -DominantBaseline middle -TextAnchor middle -Fill '#4488ff'
) -ViewBox 0,0, 200, 100
PSSVG has a lot cooler Examples than hello world:
$examplesRoot = Join-Path $pwd Examples
$files = Get-ChildItem -Filter *.PSSVG.ps1 -Path $examplesRoot
Table = $files |
Select-Object @{
Name='Example Name'
Expression = {
$file = $_
"[$($file.Name -replace '\.PSSVG\.ps1$')](https://github.com/StartAutomating/PSSVG/tree/main/Examples/$($file.Name))"
}, @{
Expression = {
$fileName = $_.Name -replace '\.PSSVG\.ps1$'
@(Get-ChildItem -Path $examplesRoot |
Where-Object {
$_.Name -match "$fileName\d{0,}\.svg$" -and
} |
Foreach-Object {
}) -join '<br/>'
PSSVG is designed to act as a fairly complete domain specific language: every aspect of the SVG standard should be reflected in the commands of PSSVG.
The following commands are supported:
$psSvgModule = Import-Module .\PSSVG.psd1 -Global -Passthru
$psSvgModuleRoot = $psSvgModule | Split-Path
Table = Get-Command -Module PSSVG -Name SVG.* -CommandType Function |
.Element {
$cmd = $_
$docLink = "docs/$($_.Name).md"
$elementName = $_.ScriptBlock.Attributes | Where-Object Key -eq 'SVG.ElementName' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
if (-not $elementName) { $elementName = $cmd.Name -replace '^SVG\.' }
} .Function {
$relPath = $_.ScriptBlock.File.Substring("$psSvgModuleRoot".Length) -replace '[\\/]'
} .Aliases {
$cmd = $_
$aliases = @(Get-Alias | Where-Object { $_.ResolvedCommand.Name -eq $cmd.Name } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) -join ' '
(elements marked deprecated are not supported)
PSSVG hopes to be a useful toolkit for generating SVG images from PowerShell.
SVG has many benefits as an image file format, for example:
- File Size
- Scalability
- Animations
- Clickability
- HTML/JavaScript/CSS integration
- OS Integration
However, it is not a complete programming language.
Thus the primary goal is to make SVG creation scriptable.
At current, PSSVG does not support aria attributes. Events can be generically specified with the parameter -On.
In order to provide an ideal PowerShell experience with rich help,
PSSVG is currently built by reading the contents of the Mozilla Developer Network's content repository.
It uses two PowerShell modules to read the repository and create the commands:
- Irregular is used to help parse the markdown contents of the repository
- PipeScript is used to create the functions from the parsed data.