List symbols from the specified project or solution.
roslynator list-symbols <PROJECT|SOLUTION>
The project or solution to analyze.
Defines a depth of a list of symbols. Allowed values are member, type or namespace. Default value is member.
Indicates whether an empty line should be added between two member definitions.
Defines file name/path to external assemblies that should be included.
Indicates whether symbols should be grouped by assembly.
Defines a list of attributes that should be ignored.
Defines parts of a symbol definition that should be excluded. Allowed values are containing-namespace, containing-namespace-in-type-hierarchy, attributes, assembly-attributes, attribute-arguments, accessibility, modifiers, parameter-name, parameter-default-value, base-type, base-interfaces, constraints, trailing-semicolon, trailing-comma.
Defines projects that should be skipped.
Defines a list of symbols that should be ignored. Namespace of types can be specified.
Indicates whether a documentation should be included.
Defines characters that should be used for indentation. Default value is four spaces.
Defines project language.
Defines layout of a list of symbol definitions. Allowed values are namespace-list, namespace-hierarchy or type-hierarchy. Default value is namespace-list.
Defines a path to MSBuild. This option must be specified if there are multiple locations of MSBuild (usually multiple installations of Visual Studio).
Defines path to file(s) that will store a list of symbol definitions.
Defines projects that should be analyzed.
Defines one or more MSBuild properties.
Defines the amount of information to display in the log.
Defines a visibility of a type or a member. Default value is public
Specifies syntax lists that should be wrapped. Allowed values are attributes, parameters, base-types and constraints.