The Template Method pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a base class and allows subclasses to provide specific implementation details without altering the algorithm's structure. This pattern is useful when you have a complex algorithm that can be divided into a series of smaller steps, and the steps' implementation may vary based on the context.
In the Template Method pattern, the base class provides a template method that calls other methods, which may be implemented in the subclass. The template method usually consists of a series of steps that need to be performed in order, and the subclass can provide custom implementations for each step.
direction LR
AbstractClass <|-- ConcreteClass1
AbstractClass <|-- ConcreteClass2
class AbstractClass {
class ConcreteClass1 {
class ConcreteClass2 {
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class Pizza(ABC):
def make_pizza(self):
def prepare_dough(self):
print("Preparing pizza dough")
def add_toppings(self):
def bake(self):
print("Baking pizza")
class MargheritaPizza(Pizza):
def add_toppings(self):
print("Adding tomato sauce and cheese")
class PepperoniPizza(Pizza):
def add_toppings(self):
print("Adding tomato sauce, cheese, and pepperoni")
if __name__ == '__main__':
margherita = MargheritaPizza()
pepperoni = PepperoniPizza()
// Abstract Class
class House {
build() {
buildFoundation() {
console.log('Building the foundation');
buildWalls() {
console.log('Building the walls');
buildRoof() {
console.log('Building the roof');
// Concrete Class
class WoodenHouse extends House {
buildFoundation() {
console.log('Building the wooden foundation');
buildWalls() {
console.log('Building the wooden walls');
buildRoof() {
console.log('Building the wooden roof');
// Client Code
const woodenHouse = new WoodenHouse();;