shellfoundry allows creating new shells based on templates. The below command-line creates a directory nutshell and initializes a shell skeleton based on the base template. The structure of the base template is located at:
$ shellfoundry new nutshell
shellfoundry also allows creating a new shell based on a specific template. The below command-line creates a shell that is based on a specific template:
$ shellfoundry new nutshell --template networking/router
To create a new shell from different template version:
$ shellfoundry new nutshell --template networking/router --version <version_number>
To use the latest template, omit the --version option.
- To view all available versions of a given template, please refer to the show command. ** Please note that template versioning is only supported by tosca shells.
shellfoundry displays list of the available templates by executing the following command-line:
$ shellfoundry list
To view only relevant templates, use one of the available filter flags: --gen2, --gen1, --layer1 and --all Default view is configurable using the defaultview key set to one of the following: gen2, gen1, layer1 or all. To set a config key refer to the config command section
- To add a new template or modify an existing one, please refer to Contributing
shellfoundry displays list of the versions for a given template by executing the following command-line:
$ shellfoundry show <template_name>
The versions will dispay in a descending order from latest down to earliest.
shellfoundry allows packing the shell's source code, data model and configuration into a ZIP package. Use the pack command todo this:
$ shellfoundry pack
The pack command requires the presence of shell.yml file in the following structure:
name: nutshell
Pack should be executed from the shell root folder where the shell.yml is located. A ZIP package is created in the dist directory with the name "". If your shell was created using shellfoundry, the shell.yml file should exist.
The shell package can be installed into CloudShell using the install command. Please execute it from the shell's root folder
$ shellfoundry install
shellfoundry allows customization of a shells.
$ shellfoundy extend <URL/path-to-Shell-template>
This command downloads the source code of the Shell you wish to customize to your local machine and updates the Shell’s Author with the author specified in shellfoundry
To alter CloudShell connection information use the config command like so:
$ shellfoundry config <key> <value>
This will create a global configuration file inside %APPDATA%\Quali\shellfoundry (or equivilent on linux) and will act upon all shells to be installed other than those with local configuration file (cloudshell_config.yml).
For times that a local configuration file is more suitable please use this command from shell's root folder:
$ shellfoundry --local config <key> <value>
To remove a key from the configuration simply use:
$ shellfoundry config --remove <key>
To view install configuration use this:
$ shellfoundry config
(in order to switch to local use the --local flag on shell's root folder)
- Replace <key> and <value> with the desired key and value to save into the configuration file.
- Wrap <key> or <value> with quotes to allow spaces.
- Configuration files are created once shellfoundry config (--global/--local flag) is executed.
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