Contributors: Red Earth Design
Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 5.4.1
(Red WaaS description here)
-Added CSS class ".p-no-bottom-margin-last-child" that removes bottom margin from the last child
when applied to a parent container -Added a back to the top arrow
-Changed defaults on a, button, .fl-button, and .fl-button-text transition settings to support background, color, and border transition across several button configurations
-Removed default WP logo from /wp-login.php page
-Added theme settings for login page background and text color -Set up automated text hover colors for login page dependent on background color
-Removed validation on logo image sizes. -Images set as the logo with "@2x" in their file name will display at half size to support retina images. Any other logo file will display at full size.
-Name change to RED Waasabi
-Added some CSS to hide default Beaver Builder edit page. This directs a user to edit the themer layouts instead.
-Added Red_Install class which auto deletes the Main WP and Red WaaS Demo plugin when not on the demo site.
-Added template selector option -Automatically disable header and footer themer layouts of inactive templates -Added spot for Yelp in admin options
-Imported custom functionality for Beaver Builder Module "Icon Group" from Oasis -Added Business Hours admin options field
- Added new Beaver Builder Connection field named "Color - Highlight Hover (Dynamic Light or Dark Color)" for dynamic text when a background is set to ACF field "color_highlight_hover"
- Changed Beaver Builder Connection field name "Button Text Color" to "Color - Highlight (Dynamic Light or Dark Color)" to make connection field more generic and more easily used
- Changed Beaver Builder Connection field name "Text Against Secondary Background" to "Color - Secondary (Dynamic Light or Dark Color)" to make connection field more generic and more easily used
- Added new Beaver Builder Connection field named "Color - Main (Dynamic Light or Dark Color)" for dynamic text when a background is set to ACF field "color_main"