SwarmSight Antenna Tracking and Motion Analysis modules have been described in the following scientific works:
- Birgiolas, J., Jernigan, C. M., Gerkin, R. C., Smith, B. H., & Crook, S. (2017). SwarmSight: Real-Time Tracking of Insect Antenna Movements and Proboscis Extension Reflex using a Common Preparation and Conventional Hardware. BioRxiv, 183459. https://doi.org/10.1101/183459
- Birgiolas, J., Jernigan, C. M., Gerkin, R. C., Smith, B. H., & Crook, S. M. (2016b, November). SwarmSight: Real-Time Insect Antenna & Proboscis Tracking. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience 2016, San Diego, CA.
- Birgiolas, J., Jernigan, C. M., Gerkin, R. C., Smith, B. H., & Crook, S. M. (2016a). SwarmSight: Open-source software module for real-time, paint-free tracking of insect appendage movements using commodity hardware. Abstract in the Society for Neuroscience 2016, San Diego, CA.
- Jernigan, C. M., Birgiolas, J., McHugh, C., Roubik, D. W., Weislo, W. T., & Smith, B. H. (in review). Colony-level non-associative plasticity of alarm responses in the stingless bee, Tetragonisca angustula.
- Birgiolas, J., Jernigan, C. M., Smith, B. H., & Crook, S. M. (2016). SwarmSight: Measuring the temporal progression of animal group activity levels from natural-scene and laboratory videos. Behavior Research Methods, 1–12.