You are faced with a security door designed by Easter Bunny engineers that seem to have acquired most of their security knowledge by watching hacking movies.
The eight-character password for the door is generated one character at a time by finding the MD5 hash of some Door ID (your puzzle input) and an increasing integer index (starting with 0
A hash indicates the next character in the password if its hexadecimal representation starts with five zeroes. If it does, the sixth character in the hash is the next character of the password.
For example, if the Door ID is abc
- The first index which produces a hash that starts with five zeroes is
, which we find by hashingabc3231929
; the sixth character of the hash, and thus the first character of the password, is1
. 5017308
produces the next interesting hash, which starts with000008f82...
, so the second character of the password is8
.- The third time a hash starts with five zeroes is for
, discovering the characterf
In this example, after continuing this search a total of eight times, the password is 18f47a30
Given the actual Door ID, what is the password?
Complete for part 2.