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100 Days Of Code - Log

Day 0: August 22, 2023

Today's Progress: Fixed the Python program that I was simplifying, the task is from the CS50P course that I'm working through

Thoughts: The solution came to me as soon as I scanned through my previous code. I think this is because taking a break allowed me to look at the code with a new perspective

Link to work:

Day 1: August 23, 2023

Today's Progress: Worked on a Python program that prints the media type of an inputted file name.

Thoughts: I'm getting used to taking a methodical approach to coding problems. I had to research the operators and methods I used. I tested a couple of solutions logically before Solving it.

Day 2: August 24, 2023

Today's Progress: I continued working on a Python program that prints the media type of an inputted file name.

Thoughts: This task has made me work on my use of variables an learn how to carry them between functions, difficult but rewarding.

Day 3: August 25, 2023

Today's Progress: I focused on learning how to use 'in' and '.find( )' in condition statements

Thoughts: There were a lot of learning moments, Times when a new method just clicked and my code ran correctly. It was valuable for me at my stage of learning to explore several ways to solve this problem.

Link to work:

Day 4: August 26, 2023

Today's Progress: I started Using conditions in my program, specifically while loops. I saw a forum entry that was focused on using while loops to count substrings within a string. This could be done easily with '.count( )' but it was an interesting exercise.

Thoughts: Programming is becoming intuitive and enjoyable for me. I see its value as a versatile problem solving tool.

Day 5: August 27, 2023

Today's Progress: I focussed on correctly organising the functions I created. I also added a 'bool( )' function to complete my program.

Thoughts: I had problems solving my program. But it's all learning and I notice that I manage the problems I face better each time.

Link to work:

Day 6: August 28, 2023

Today's Progress: Continued to work on the freecodecamp HTML course in preparation for starting the "School of Code"

Thoughts: I'm looking forward to the "School of Code". I've done some HTML, Js, and CSS during the application process, as well as C and Python in my own time. So far I enjoyed learning different languages. It will be interesting to see what languages are best for the increasingly difficult tasks I solve in the future.

Link to work: FreeCodeCamp

Day 7: August 29, 2023

Today's Progress: I completed the first section of the freecodecamp responsive web design course "Learn HTML".

Thoughts: Focussing on a front-end language required me to adjust my approach. It was easy to adapt because freecodecamp's course format was straightforward.

Day 8: August 30, 2023

Today's Progress: I continued working on freecodecamp responsive web design course, today was the introduction to CSS.

Thoughts: This course was straightforward, just as yesterday was. I can see this course is designed to build foundational knowledge of web design. I'm looking forward to using it in projects.

Day 9: August 31, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I finished the introduction to CSS and started learning how to use colour markers.

Thoughts: I noticed that I was getting the hang of writing HTML and CSS. I read the prompts and was able to recall the syntax.

Day 10: Sept 1, 2023

Today's Progress: I continued with the FreeCodeCamp responsive web design course "learn CSS colors by building a set of colored markers"


Day 11: Sept 2, 2023

Today's Progress: I continued with the FreeCodeCamp responsive web design course "Learn CSS colors by building a set of colored markers". The part of the course I did today focused on using color gradients in CSS classes.


Day 12: Sept 3, 2023

Today's Progress: I continued with the FreeCodeCamp responsive web design course "Learn CSS colors by building a set of colored markers".

Thoughts: I am excited to start the School of code .bootcamp tomorrow

Day 13: Sept 4, 2023

Today's Progress: Today was the start of my School of Code journey. We did some group coding in CSS as well as focussing on methods to learn efficiently

Thoughts: I was slightly nervous this morning. Some exercise got rid of all the nerves, I was calm by the time I started. It was nice to meet people from different walks of life that had a common goal.

Day 14: Sept 5, 2023

Today's Progress: We practised using git commands to work from our team repositories. We used git clone, add, commit, push, pull, branch and switch. There were also some useful resources on W3Schools.

Thoughts: I'm getting increasingly more comfortable learning and coding in a team. It makes it possible to learn a subject from several perspectives because of the constant discussion.

Day 15: Sept 6, 2023

Today's Progress: Today at school of code we had a guest speaker that "Ira Rainey" that talked us through his journey in the tech industry. It was uplifting to hear the story of a successfull developer that didn't come from a degree background. We also did team excercises as several points in the day. In which we learned to use an agile aproach.

Thoughts: I enjoyed the challenge of communicating detailed information to team mates. It made us think as one. The team was strong because we elevated eachother

Day 16: Sept 7, 2023

Today's Progress: This morning we did group coding using HTML. one person was picked out of the cohort at a time to add a line. I also learned about MVP (Minimum viable product), this added to my knowledge of iterative design from previousse days. The focus is on building increasingly defined products, not parts of a project.

Thoughts: These subjects stretched my perseption of project planning and gave me new tools to use in a group build setting.

Day 17: Sept 8, 2023

Today's Progress: We had a guest talk from Site reliability engineer and School of Code alumni Dave Adams. He talked to us about his job progression after SoC. We spent the rest of the day in our first hackathon working in teams of 3 to create and execute an agile plan.

Thoughts: Today was challenging, the erge to make the project more complex or creative was always there. Regardless we stuck to the plan and built the funcional MVP first. After that we increased the specificity.

Day 18: Sept 9, 2023

Today's Progress: I worked through the Freecode camp Javascript tutorials to familiarise myself with the language. Then I looked on W3schools to read some examples of JS being used in HTML.

Thoughts: Reading code examples was a useful exercise. I like seeing JS's function in real applications.

Day 19: Sept 10, 2023

Today's Progress: I continued working through the Freecodecamp Javascript tutorials.

Thoughts: I think learning JavaScript is similar to learning Python. They are both straight forward languages to read

Day 20: Sept 11, 2023

Today's Progress: Today, we had a talk about giving feedback effectivly, some important pionts were raised. Then we got stuck into Javescript, we worked through the excersises set out for us in a GitHub repo, taking turns to share our screens and work through the problems.

Thoughts: I had underlying nerves in anticipation of meeting my group for this week It was less so than last week, which is progress. working with my new team was great. We had some good discussions and bounced ideas off of each other.

Day 21: Sept 12, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we went through two Javascript workshops one based on loops and the other functions.

Thoughts: It was a different experience working through logic based problems as a group because of the multiple solutions that we came to.

Day 22: Sept 13, 2023

Today's Progress: Today, we had a talk from two employees of an SoC partner company. One speaker was also an Soc alumni. It was reassuring to hear that the transition from the boot camp to a tech role was smooth and that the methods taught are used similarly in industry. We spent the rest of the day learning about and using arrays in JS.

Thoughts: Today's group coding clicked for me. Not solving every logical problem alone wasn't a disadvantage. I found I could follow the thought process of my teammates and use it to add to the next problem we faced.

Day 23: Sept 14, 2023

Today's Progress: We learned about objects today, we did things such as selecting a key value to log, changing an object keys value. Nesting objects in an object. Later on that day we tested out the skills we learnt.

Thoughts: I had some computer problems today so i didnt get the opportunity to pick up as much as I wanted. Regardless, it was valuable. I'll be able to fill in my knowledge over the next few days.

Day 24: Sept 15, 2023

Today's Progress: Today was our second hackathon. We were tasked with making a rock paper scissors game. We strictly focussed on our MVP then started adding some more desirable features. First we built a 2 player game that compares choice and displays a winner. We proceeded to add a score counter and computer opponent.

Thoughts: Today was challenging. Despite that, I felt more confident with the task and pace of work. I apreciete the oppertunity to present each week, I hope to improve throughout my time on this bootcamp.

Day 25: Sept 16, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I designed the front end of a personal project, in That way I'll have a clear understanding of what to code. I also worked through my team's Hackathon program, changing the code to find alternative solutions

Thoughts: It was fun to do some visual design work. My time management could have been better today I didnt have defined goals to work to.


Day 26: Sept 18, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we learnt how to debug code. This was familiar to me from debugging my CS50 assignments. It was new debugging from the browser and a valuable lesson because that's ultimately where my code will be run.

Thoughts: Mondays at the School of Code are always exciting, It's when you meet your group for the week and begin to learn each other's working/learning styles, in preparation for the hackathon.

Day 27: Sept 19, 2023

Today's Progress: We pair programmed through some kata in Code Wars. Our focus was breaking the problem down to its simplest form, in pseudo-code. So it equaled one line of code or a simple Google search. We spent the afternoon changing the DOM of a webpage with js string methods. tomorrow we'll put this into practical use.

Thoughts: I enjoyed practising breaking down problems with pseudo code. I found changing the appearance of the DOM difficult to get the hang of. It will come with practice and understanding its purpose.

Day 28: Sept 20, 2023

Today's Progress: We focussed on using events in JS to interact with the DOM and create some functionality on our web pages. Today's content answered a lot of questions from yesterday's topics.

Thoughts: I found this challenging. On the bright side, there were a lot of learning moments.

Day 29: Sept 21, 2023

Today's Progress: We were introduced to APIs and were given the challenge of using an API in our program with the fetch method, asynchronous functions, and "await response"

Thoughts: Today was another difficult day. This evening I've done further practice on the subjects from this week and will add them to my weekend study.

Day 30: Sept 22, 2023

Today's Progress: Today was week 3's hackathon, we took on a lot of information. The challenge was implementing all of it in our project. We managed to use an API to display London's weather forecast on our web page.

Thoughts: I'm happy with the way I presented our team's project, preparation and reflection are what improved my presentation. I think we could have got further as a team if we thought collaboratively and built on each other's ideas.

Day 31: Sept 23, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I started building the HTML and CSS for a personal project. This will be the front end for a smart alarm product. It’s my first time building a mobile app. i’m looking forward to the process.

Thoughts: I spent some time Preparing for the weak a head by looking at some examples of front-end HTML and CSS for mobile apps. It was interesting to see all of the possibilities

Day 32: Sept 24, 2023

Today's Progress: Yesterday, I did a recap on the subjects we covered this week. Then I carried on working on my personal project I built a toggle from examples I found and read.

Thoughts: It was Encouraging to build front end programs which resembled parts of apps I use day to day.

Day 33: Sept 25, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we learnt about JSON files and Importing/exporting functions. We then did group coding in a workshop so we could practice. We made a function in a JS file that used an array of objects From a JSON file.

Thoughts: Today I was outside of my comfort zone just as the course intended. There were a lot of learning moments. For the first time, I used ChatGPT to clean up my code and explain it to me. It managed to pick up some of the simple mistakes I made. On this occasion, our code was not too far from the correct solution and I've had my knowledge of syntax rules reinforced.

Day 34: Sept 26, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we constructed a module with helper functions that handled CRUD operations for an inspirational quotes application.

Thoughts: The tickets in this workshop were challenging for me, I paid close attention to the wording of each step. We came to a dead end and decided to rewrite the pseudo-code. After paying closer attention we found some changes we could make.

Day 35: Sept 27, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we built CRUD functions that manipulated HTTP requests sent to the API. I found it difficult for this concept to sink in. After a day of talking through it with teammates and attempting the code, I understood it enough to write part of one.

Thoughts: This is a concept I need to be persistent with. I'll keep chipping away until the idea sinks in.

Day 36: Sept 28, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we learnt about and built route handlers with our REST API's, it's the first project we've done and built up over several days. The code calls the CRUD functions we created yesterday depending on the HTTP request it receives and responds with the function output.

Thoughts: It was rewarding to see a system we built over several days come together. I can't wait to use these Concepts in industry, as part of larger projects.

Day 37: Sept 29, 2023

Today's Progress: We completed our fourth hackathon. I noticed my presenting skills improving as well as my nerves. It's rewarding to refine a previously acquired skill and prove to myself I can still do it. Our goal was to make an API that could process CRUD requests.

Thoughts: Considering how incomplete my knowledge of APIs was at the start of the week, I'm happy with the progress.

Day 38: Sept 30, 2023

Today's Progress: I created and worked on my branch of Friday’s hackathon. I'm in the process of debugging. Doing this has given me a better understanding of the entire program.

Thoughts: I feel more confident coding because of the daily effort I’ve put in over the last month. Debugging is less of a chore to me and more of a helpful iterative process towards an improved product.

Day 39: Oct 1, 2023

Today's Progress: I did some work to develop the front end of my IoT smart alarm app. I'm unsure which side of software I enjoy more. I'm excited to start the back-end and hardware part of this project.

Thoughts: My confidence in team programming as well as individually has been improving since I started the Bootcamp.

Day 40: Oct 2, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we were introduced to Relational databases and SQL. We worked through some exercises on SQL BOLT to get familiar with the language. In contrast to the back-end software I've been working on this language was very accessible and read very similarly to English.

Thoughts: Today was enjoyable, it was nice to meet my team for the week. We got along really well and our learning styles complimented each other, I think we’ll learn a lot as a team.

Day 41: Oct 3, 2023

Today's Progress: We carried on working through exercises on SQL Bolt to get more familiar with navigating SQL.

Thoughts: Working in a team is very rewarding, this week so far I've noticed I have reinforced my knowledge by talking through concepts with teammates. It’s been useful for filling in our blind spots within a subject.

Day 42: Oct 4, 2023

Today's Progress: After learning about SQL over the past two days, we started working on a program in node.js using additional packages to manipulate the database from Are code editors. It was good to see the practical application of this technology and be shown how we can combine it with our recently acquired skills.

Thoughts: I felt very comfortable in the demos about the new Concepts we were learning, this would not have been the case two weeks ago so I'm glad to see personal growth. More recently I have noticed how challenging it can be to blend different working styles and also how rewarding it is to find commonalities and ways of working that we’re all happy with.

Day 43: Oct 5, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we built a database and API using elephantSQL and packages such as Express, Postgres and Dotenv. We tested by sending various requests using Thunder client. It was engaging to combine our SQL commands with awaited response variables.

Thoughts: We made good progress today and established that moving forward everything didn’t need to be learnt at once. Instead, our knowledge of a subject would be filled in throughout each project’s course rather than in a linear fashion.

Day 44: Oct 6, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we did our 5th hackathon. The brief was an evolution of the last hackathon, instead of making an API that read from a JSON file we made one that connected to a SQL database using the pooling connection method. Within a repo, we created a file with a script that creates database tables and populates them with content. We then started building functions and handler routes to manage requests sent from Thunder client

Thoughts: Today was the first Hackathon that I genuinely looked forward to. I enjoy the opportunity to measure my improvement each week.

Link to work: SQL database API

Day 45: Oct 7, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I reviewed my team's hackathon project and made some changes to better understand the code. I revisited SQL Bolt to practice SQL database manipulation and looked through this week’s school of code quizzes to strengthen my weak points.

Thoughts: I wasn't looking forward to coding today due to other life stresses. Just coding something brought me into the mindset and left me enjoying the rest of my time learning. I'm glad this habit is taking root.

Day 46: Oct 8, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I reinforced my knowledge of parameterized queries by writing code examples and depicting the concept visually in my notes. I also read the brief for the recap task I was set, we were introduced to the MVC design pattern and its advantages.

Thoughts: I'm becoming more confident with my methods of note-taking and breaking down the concepts that were initially complex, into small understandable pieces. I find drawing the concept in a memorable way to work for me. From my research, I’ve found that dyslexic learners remember images better than text.

Day 47: Oct 9, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we learn about writing test code, the different types, and their uses. We practice writing test code using the vitest package in “node.js.” I finished the day by writing some HTML and CSS for a project I’m building outside of the boot camp.

Thoughts: It’s another Monday so I met my team for the week, we got on well. It was nice to work with new people. On the first day, we are always adjusting to each other's learning styles.

Day 48: Oct 10, 2023

Today's Progress: Carried on with a workshop we started yesterday, it was focused on test-driven development. We followed the pattern of writing test code for the problem, then writing the minimal amount of code needed to pass that test, and finally refactoring our code meaning writing it more efficiently, while maintaining the same output/test results.

Thoughts: I find this workshop more challenging than previous ones. The school of code staff are deliberately giving us less help on these tasks because the Independent problem-solving that we're exposed to is what will make us effective developers in the future. It's a surprising change but I welcome it.

Day 49: Oct 11, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we learn how to write end-to-end tests. For this type of test understanding of the functional code isn’t needed because we're looking at how the user interacts with the front-end GUI. We made a test for a to-do list app that inputs a task. We checked the task had been added by using an assertion with a “.toHaveValue” method to check that our new value was stored.

Thoughts: Today was challenging for me, it's one of the subjects that I don’t understand very well right now. This one will take some work and several revisits.

Day 50: Oct 12, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we built test code for an API, it is also the first integrated test I’ve written. The tests for each endpoint were similar. The main structure was to set up a test skeleton, create a variable that stores a request to what we're testing and an assertion to compare the response to what we expected. As the endpoints we were testing became more complex we started to call the reset database function from a different folder so that we knew we were working from the same point each time.

Thoughts: This was another difficult day. Still, I'm optimistic about this subject and coding in general because I didn't understand what we were working on yesterday anywhere near as much as I do now. My knowledge is growing with consistency and time.

Day 51: Oct 13, 2023

Today's Progress: School of code week 6 complete. For our hackathon this week we were tasked with writing integrated tests for the API of a To-do app and an end-to-end test for the whole app. This task allowed me to practice using expect() to assert between an expected test result and the actual result. I also used various dot-notations to navigate to the front-end features through html.

Thoughts: I found the structure of today's hackathon difficult as it was not like the other projects we'd built, we were solely testing. I found the group presentations to be helpful because we gained a deep understanding of the other group’s project and essentially compared notes.


Day 52: Oct 15, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I worked through exercises in js on exerism. It's not something I've been doing consistently. I will add it to my daily coding routine and see the benefit of consistent effort toward a single skill.

Thoughts: I have a lot I want to learn in software. So I'm embracing the struggle and taking one problem at a time.

Day 53: Oct 16, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we learnt about product-driven development and why it benefits companies and employees. I ended the Day by doing some more work on exercism, I like that it challenges my version of the solution and suggests alternative more optimal ones.

Thoughts: I've been thinking about what will drive me in this new profession once coding isn’t as challenging as it is right now. That's where the purpose of the projects I’m working on, their intention and impact, will be highlighted most.

Day 54: Oct 17, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we created surveys to aid in understanding a problem. We also built personas for the most likely individuals that would experience this problem. We were introduced to wireframe UI designs as a starting point for building a solution. I spent the evening working through katas on codeWars.

Thoughts: Code Wars is a good way for me to reinforce my JavaScript fundamentals knowledge using spaced repetition

Day 55: Oct 18, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we designed wireframes for our app ideas. We also had a demo about HTML and CSS design from the perspective of a UI designer. They built a low-fidelity wireframe with code and gradually refined the details Into a usable website. I continued with codewars this evening.

Thoughts: This week I've had to think a lot differently as we are not working on a lot of functional code. We’re focusing on user experience, getting people's perspective and designing an optimal product.

Day 56: Oct 19, 2023

Today's Progress: Our hackathon for this week spans over two days, We have been tasked with recreating the BBC sports page using HTML and CSS, As a stretch goal we can add functionality with JavaScript.

Thoughts: It's nice to use a different set of skills, observing in a slightly different way. After a few days of finding a solution and wire-framing ideas, I can see how to define the problem and start to create the solution.

Day 57: Oct 20, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we finished our two-day hackathon, We got to a point where our site looked not identical but similar to the BBC Sports home page. Most importantly we learned how to quickly build a wireframe and add detail with each scan over the page.

Thoughts: This week I experienced how effective it is to set guidelines for working practices within a team. It was harmonious because everybody agreed to the guidelines we set out for each other throughout the week.

Day 58: Oct 21, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I did some HTML and CSS on a project I’m working on outside of the school of code, it was nice to use the working style I practised in the week to build a wireframe for my idea. I also spent some time on codeWars.


Day 59: Oct 22, 2023

Today's Progress: I continued the HTML and CSS for the smart alarm project I’m working on. I focused on the circular slider today. I researched and tested two methods. Changing the appearance of a slider with CSS, and using CSS and JavaScript DOM minipilation. I want to further explore the former option because it is closest to my current knowledge.

Thoughts: Between the two types of programmig I definitely feel more comfortable with dynamic languages compared to markup languages. I like being able to test the logic of my code. I am starting to enjoy HTML and CSS more, the outcomes are impressive

Day 60: Oct 23, 2023

Today's Progress: We are in the planning stage of our mid-term projects so I didn't do any coding in the day. I spent the evening reworking the repos I did in previous weeks. I decided to focus on fetch and asynchronous functions.

Thoughts: It's nice to see the growth in my knowledge. I haven't made the time to revisit this subject since a couple of weeks after first learning it but the understanding I've gained in coding since has helped me to grasp these concepts.

Day 61: Oct 24, 2023

Today's Progress: We started building the MVP for our week-long project. It consisted of setting up our back-end repo, installing the dependencies, and testing our SQL commands. This evening, I researched and tested CORS on a previous repo.

Thoughts: Today went smoothly, as a team we found our groove. My intention is to maintain our healthy working practices.

Day 62: Oct 25, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I worked in the back-end team, for our week-long Project. We spent the day setting up our rest API, ready to connect with the front-end team’s repo, we will be using the CORS package.


Day 63: Oct 26, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we finished our POST request code in our API and familiarised ourselves with CORS middleware. The whole team came together at several points in the day to test the connection between the repos. There were some adjustments we needed to make so that our API could receive from and respond to the front end in the right format.

Thoughts: Working in a team of six has been more challenging. This is the first time we've needed to branch and merge to be able to work on a project simultaneously. To keep on top of people's changes is difficult. The time pressure of building our project in two days also adds some difficulty.

Day 64: Oct 27, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I started the morning by looking over the front-end team’s code to familiarize myself. This included making my own branch and trying to build additional features. I spent the rest of the day with my team at the School of Code preparing to present our midterm projects.

Thoughts: After an especially intense week of collaboration, I am happy with how the team came together and presented our finished MVP.

Link to work: mid-term project linked in post

Day 65: Oct 28, 2023

Today's Progress: After looking at the front-end team’s code from my midterm project, I used to understand and further build some code examples in HTML. Now I have a more rounded understanding of this week's Project


Day 66: Oct 29, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I solved an unfinished kata. I enjoy codewars as I learn a lot from comparing my solutions to others. For this kata, I had to find a letter grade for a number score. I understood the logic. The syntax is what tripped me up. Another kata solved


Day 67: Oct 30, 2023

Today's Progress: I ranked my understanding of the subjects covered in the last 7 weeks so I could practice my weak points. Our group found that we all wanted to Practice MVC design so we broke down the file structure then I wrote some code to fit each file's purpose.


Day 68: Oct 31, 2023

Today's Progress: For the last day and a half, I’ve been doing a learning audit. I recapped some of my learnings from the last 7 weeks, mainly timer APIs, DOM manipulation and testing. I spent some time after the boot camp on codewars. Lesson of the day, Keep It Simple.


Day 69: Nov 01, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we learnt about the history of deployment and how to deploy using host services like render and vercel. We then deployed our mid-term projects and altered our code by adding variables that store port and host information. I finished the day with some codewar kata.


Day 70: Nov 02, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we learned about AWS using their cloud quest game. We used S3 and EC2. Later on in the day, I managed to work on a kata in code wars. I am currently splitting my attention outside of the course between projects and codewars to prepare for Interviews.


Day 71: Nov 03, 2023

Today's Progress: We were set our toughest hackathon so far, make a full-stack app with CRUD functionality and a unique front-end. We decided to build a note-taking app with post and get requests. While doing this exercise we recognized how far we'd come from last week.


Day 72: Nov 04, 2023

Today's Progress: I made my own branch from this Friday’s hackathon and remade the UI so I could familiarize myself with grids in CSS and even listeners in JS. Next week we are being introduced to React.


Day 73: Nov 05, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I revised subjects I've learnt over the last 9 weeks by working through the previous Repo workshops. After that I started a Kata in codewars. It was more difficult than usual and took more research. These challenges let me know I’m progressing.


Day 74: Nov 06, 2023

Today's Progress: The boot camp was introduced to react. We designed our last code using DOM manipulation(a counting app) to see how efficient React is in comparison. I ended the day by learning the first steps of coding in React, exporting functions from the App.js file.

Thoughts: It was nice to meet my new team today, we are all very similar, all of us understand when we want to read independently and when we want to collaborate.

Day 75: Nov 07, 2023

Today's Progress: In teams, we used React to build a flashcard app, during which we learned about .jlx, fragment tags and how they aren’t reflected in the dom. They came in handy for grouping tags into one component. I'm looking forward to building more with React.


Day 76: Nov 08, 2023

Today's Progress: We were introduced to prop and state in React. I am in the process of building two states for flashcards in the flashcard app. Sates are something I need to understand how to use more effectively.


Day 77: Nov 09, 2023

Today's Progress: We spent the morning continuing to make our flashcard Apps. The rest of the day, we had an in-depth react fundamentals demo. After the boot camp, I designed a React UI and drew a component tree. From this, I made a low-fidelity wireframe as practice.


Day 78: Nov 10, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I continued building a REACT app. I started off by drawing another component tree. I read through the react documentation and applied the methods to my app, methods such as .map( ) and "require(' ')".



Day 79: Nov 12, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I reinforced my knowledge of React. Since class-based components are found in legacy code, I spent time understanding how they are different from function-based components. I also revisited a workshop to try other methods of displaying object data.


Day 80: Nov 13, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we were introduced to “useEffect” in React. We practised using it in a GitHub workshop. They mentioned reasons to use it such as rendering the page layout before retrieving any information like fetch which might take longer to load.


Day 81: Nov 14, 2023

Today's Progress: Today we were given 2 workshops. The first one was about custom hooks. We got to make Hooks with various functions like fetching from an API and (+)(-) from a counter app. Abstracting using the “use” function/hooks simplified the code. The second workshop focussed on “createContext” and “useContext”. Which will come in handy as our React apps start to contain more levels of child components. The method behind solving these workshops was explained to us in a demo. The clear and simple approach to writing functions prevented us from getting stuck in code we didn’t understand. We wrote a pseudo code goal for the function then we broke it down into input output and algorithm, adjusting the values based on the specific problem we needed to solve.


Day 82: Nov 15, 2023

Today's Progress: We revisited testing in React using jest. I focused on the parts specific to testing in React since they were new to me. Features like render and jest.fn( ). We wrote tests for the button and list item components on an app to familiarise ourselves.


Day 83: Nov 16, 2023

Today's Progress: We were challenged with learning Next.js on our own to develop and deploy an app in 2 days. Day 1, we looked through the Next.js docs, planned, and set up our react component structure in a team of 6, my team is great it was brilliant working together


Day 84: Nov 17, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I revisited some concepts in React such as state, passing down props and useEffect dependencies. As well as learning more about next.js. Particularly the custom error handling, which is something I've not come across before.


Day 85: Nov 18, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I refactored code in a previous React app with my mentor. I can see how this skill proves valuable when working on larger projects. Going through my code again helped me understand the project better. Here’s a function I refactored.


Day 86: Nov 19, 2023

Today's Progress: Today completed some parts of previous workshops so I could better retain what I learnt. My boot camp encourages learning techniques such as spaced repetition because we’re picking up so many concepts in a short time. still working in React


Day 87: Nov 20, 2023

Today's Progress: This morning in a React app I started writing some code to display the objects I have in an array, one at a time with buttons for navigating through the items. Right now they are all displayed on one page using the .map() method. Any suggestions?


Day 88: Nov 21, 2023

Today's Progress: I studied more React. My boot camp is fast-paced which I like. However this week I am studying independently. I wanted to spend more time on a subject that I needed to strengthen and work on one small part at a time.


Day 89: Nov 22, 2023

Today's Progress: I arranged a recap meeting with a teammate from the previous week. We talked about the different types of authentication(session and token). I then started a GitHub workshop on the subject to see how it works in practice.


Day 90: Nov 23, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I recapped with another bootcamper. They explained what they learnt about typescript(.ts) and authentication using supabase. We went through a GitHub workshop on .ts and built some examples of functions with different types declared


Day 91: Nov 24, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I focused on using state and custom hooks to advance my city facts app.

Thoughts: Coding is well and truly become a habit

Day 92: Nov 25, 2023

Today's Progress: On Saturday I practised using objects in .ts. I looked at a friend's project for guidance, It's written in .ts and heavily uses objects. Thoughts:

Day 93: Nov 26, 2023

Today's Progress: On Sunday I practice js fundamentals on codewars


Day 94: Nov 27, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I spent the morning working with my final project team to define a problem we can solve. I carried on learning React by adding to a previous app


Day 95: Nov 28, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I focused on building some CSS and researched how to create animations within React Apps


Day 96: Nov 29, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I used CSS to style buttons on a React app. Later in the day as a project team, we researched CSS libraries like Chakra to use as a way of achieving continuity within the UI design


Day 97: Nov 30, 2023

Today's Progress:


Day 98: Dec 01, 2023

Today's Progress: Today I worked through a repo I’ve been added to, it’s built with .ts, React, NEXT.js and chakra. I was able to scan the repo, manually testing the functions that I understood to familiarising myself with the logic and file structure.


Day 99: Dec 02, 2023

Today's Progress: For my final day, I researched the tech stack my team plans to use for our project, specifically Supabase and Firebase, as a boot camp we are less familiar with Firebase. I then did a kata on codewars to practice my js fundamentals.


100 Days of code complete 0 - 99. I started it on "0" because I had just learnt about loop and array indices. Steady progress has been made😆