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Wanted Recipes |
Here’s a list of recipes we think we need. Pick one, implement it, and remove it from the page. Alternately, add a quick note here for a recipe you’d like to see so someone else can add it.
In the notes below, “JS” means the recipe is just a simple passthrough to an existing JavaScript method.
- loops: for x in [1..10]
- loops: for x in [1..10] then do_one_thing
- list comprehensions: y*3 for y in (x*2 for x in [1,2,3]) # => [6, 12, 18]
- maps: Previous line might be better represented as ([1,2,3].map (x) → x*2).map (y) → y*3
- list comp gotcha: y = x for x in [1..3]; y # => 3; but y = (x for x in [1..3]); y # => [ 1, 2, 3 ]
- Ensuring variables are closed over # with “do”
- cloning an object (see ) — snag both the generic JS version, port to CS, also snag the jQuery version and port to CS+jQ.
- Find a substring in a string # not by regex! JS indexOf(), lastIndexOf()
- HTML methods # JS .sup(), .sub(), .blink(), .link(url), etc. May not exist in your JS impl!
- Splitting a string # JS “foo bar baz”.split ’ ’ # => [ ‘foo’, ‘bar’, ‘baz’ ]
- substr # str.substr(x,y) = str[x..x+y-1] = str[x…x+y]
- substring # str.substring(x,y) = str.slice(x,y) = str[x..y-1] === str[x…y]
- Uppercasing a string # JS toUpperCase()
- Lowercasing a string # JS toLowerCase()
- Replacing substrings
- Using Arrays to Swap Variables # [x,y] = [y,x]
- Mapping arrays to other arrays with map # [1,2,3].map (x) → x*2 # => [2, 4, 6]
- Reducing arrays to values (ruby inject) with reduce # [1..10].reduce (a,b) → a+b # 55
- Reducing arrays in reverse order # JS reduceRight
{% highlight coffeescript %}
[“example”, "contrived ", "pretty ", "a ", "is ", "here "].reduceRight (x,y) → x+y - => ‘here is a pretty contrived example’
{% endhighlight %} - Testing every element in an array
{% highlight coffeescript %}
evens = (x for x in [0..10] by 2)
even = (x) → x % 2 == 0
evens.every even - => true
{% endhighlight %} - Filtering arrays # [1..10.filter (x) → x % 2 == 0 # => [ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ]
- Detecting presence of matching items in an array # [1..10].some (x) → x % 2 == 0 # => true
- Processing an array item by item # [10..1].forEach (x) → console.log x # => nothing;, but a countdown is displayed on the console
- Calculating the phase of the moon
- Holidays: Calculating Easter
- Holidays: Calculating US Thanksgiving
- Holidays: Calculating CA Thanksgiving
- Converting between degrees and radians
- square root # JS Math.sqrt
- Constants # JS Math.PI, Math.E
- floor, ceil, round # JS Math.floor, Math.ceil, Math.round
- Raising a number to a power # JS Math.pow(x, y)
- Logarithms # Math.log
- Finding the base-n log # Math.log(num) / Math.log(base)
- Exponents # Math.exp
- Nested functions
{% highlight coffeescript %}
hypotenuse = (a, b) →
square = (x) → x * x
Math.sqrt(square(a) + square(b))
console.log hypotenuse 3, 4
- => 5
square 5
- ReferenceError: square is not defined
{% endhighlight %}
- Optional Arguments # use arg? to detect presence: if arg=0, arg? == true
{% highlight coffeescript %}
foo = (a, b=42, c) → if c? then a*b*c else a*b
foo 6
- => 252
foo 1, 2 - => 2
foo 1, 2, 3 - => 6
{% endhighlight %}
- Variable arguments with splats
- Recursion of unnamed functions with arguments.callee
{% highlight coffeescript %}
console.log [1,2,3,4,5].map (x) →
if x <= 1 then return 1
return x * arguments.callee(x-1)
- => [1, 2, 6, 24, 120 ]
{% endhighlight %}
- Callback bindings # using => instead of →
- jQuery AJAX from CS
- Searching for substrings # “foo bar baz”.match(/ba./) # => [ ‘bar’, index: 4, input: ‘foo bar baz’ ]
- Searching for substrings # “foo bar baz”.search(/ba./) # => 4
- Replacing substrings # “foo bar baz”.replace( /ba./, ‘foo’) # => “foo foo baz”
- Extended “heregexes”
- Getting data from a remote server # using raw XHTTPRequest instead of jQuery’s $.ajax