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File metadata and controls

175 lines (146 loc) · 8.9 KB


Benchmarking cases in scikit-learn_bench are defined by configuration files and stored in the configs directory of the repository.

The configuration file (config) defines:

  • Measurement and profiling parameters
  • Library and algorithm to use
  • Algorithm-specific parameters
  • Data to use as input of the algorithm

Configs are split into subdirectories and files by benchmark scope and algorithm.

Benchmarking Configs Specification

Config Structure

Benchmark config files are written in JSON format and have a few reserved keys:

  • INCLUDE - Other configuration files whose parameter sets to include
  • PARAMETERS_SETS - Benchmark parameters within each set
  • TEMPLATES - List different setups with parameters sets template-specific parameters
  • SETS - List parameters sets to include in the template

Configs heavily utilize lists of scalar values and dictionaries to avoid duplication of cases.

Formatting specification:

    "INCLUDE": [
        "parameters_set_name_0": Dict or List[Dict] of any JSON-serializable with any level of nesting,
    "TEMPLATES": {
        "template_name_0": {
            "SETS": ["parameters_set_name_0", ...],
            Dict of any JSON-serializable with any level of nesting overwriting parameter sets


        "estimator parameters": {
            "algorithm": {
                "estimator": "LinearRegression",
                "estimator_params": {
                    "fit_intercept": false
        "regression data": {
            "data": [
                { "source": "fetch_openml", "id": 1430 },
                { "dataset": "california_housing" }
    "TEMPLATES": {
        "linear regression": {
            "SETS": ["estimator parameters", "regression data"],
            "algorithm": {
                "library": ["sklearn", "sklearnex", "cuml"]

Common Parameters

Configs have the three highest parameter keys:

  • bench - Specifies a workflow of the benchmark, such as parameters of measurement or profiling
  • algorithm - Specifies measured entity parameters
  • data - Specifies data parameters to use
Parameter keys Default value Choices Description

Benchmark workflow parameters

bench:taskset None Value for -c argument of taskset utility used over benchmark subcommand.
bench:vtune_profiling None Analysis type for collect argument of Intel(R) VTune* Profiler tool. Linux* OS only.
bench:vtune_results_directory _vtune_results Directory path to store Intel(R) VTune* Profiler results.
bench:n_runs 10 Number of runs for measured entity.
bench:time_limit 3600 Time limit in seconds before the benchmark early stop.
bench:distributor None None, mpi Library used to handle distributed algorithm.
bench:mpi_params Empty dict Parameters for mpirun command of MPI library.

Data parameters

data:cache_directory data_cache Directory path to store cached datasets for fast loading.
data:raw_cache_directory data:cache_directory + "raw" Directory path to store downloaded raw datasets.
data:dataset None Name of dataset to use from implemented dataset loaders.
data:source None fetch_openml, make_regression, make_classification, make_blobs Data source to use for loading or synthetic generation.
data:id None OpenML data id for fetch_openml source.
data:preprocessing_kwargs:replace_nan median median, mean Value to replace NaNs in preprocessed data.
data:preprocessing_kwargs:category_encoding ordinal ordinal, onehot, drop, ignore How to encode categorical features in preprocessed data.
data:preprocessing_kwargs:normalize False Enables normalization of preprocessed data.
data:preprocessing_kwargs:force_for_sparse True Forces preprocessing for sparse data formats.
data:split_kwargs Empty dict or default split from dataset description Data split parameters for train_test_split function.
data:format pandas pandas, numpy, cudf Data format to use in benchmark.
data:order F C, F Data order to use in benchmark: contiguous(C) or Fortran.
data:dtype float64 Data type to use in benchmark.
data:distributed_split None None, rank_based Split type used to distribute data between machines in distributed algorithm. None type means usage of all data without split on all machines. rank_based type splits the data equally between machines with split sequence based on rank id from MPI.

Algorithm parameters

algorithm:library None Python module containing measured entity (class or function).
algorithm:device default default, cpu, gpu Device selected for computation.

Benchmark-Specific Parameters

Scikit-learn Estimator

Parameter keys Default value Choices Description
algorithm:estimator None Name of measured estimator.
algorithm:estimator_params Empty dict Parameters for estimator constructor.
algorithm:online_inference_mode False Enables online mode for inference methods of estimator (separate call for each sample).
algorithm:sklearn_context None Parameters for sklearn config_context used over estimator.
algorithm:sklearnex_context None Parameters for sklearnex config_context used over estimator. Updated by sklearn_context if set.
bench:ensure_sklearnex_patching True If True, warns about sklearnex patching failures.


Parameter keys Default value Choices Description
algorithm:function None Name of measured function.
algorithm:args_order x_train|y_train Any in format {subset_0}|..|{subset_n} Arguments order for measured function.
algorithm:kwargs Empty dict Named arguments for measured function.

Special Value

You can define some parameters as specific from other parameters or properties with [SPECIAL_VALUE] prefix in string value:

... "estimator_params": { "n_jobs": "[SPECIAL_VALUE]physical_cpus" } ...
... "generation_kwargs": { "n_informative": "[SPECIAL_VALUE]0.5" } ...

List of available special values:

Parameter keys Benchmark type[s] Special value Description
data:dataset all all_named Sets datasets to use as list of all named datasets available in loaders.
data:generation_kwargs:n_informative all float value in [0, 1] range Sets datasets to use as list of all named datasets available in loaders.
bench:taskset all Specification of numa nodes in numa:{numa_node_0}[|{numa_node_1}...] format Sets CPUs affinity using taskset utility.
algorithm:estimator_params:n_jobs sklearn_estimator physical_cpus, logical_cpus, or ratio of previous ones in format {type}_cpus:{ratio} where ratio is float Sets n_jobs parameter to a number of physical/logical CPUs or ratio of them for an estimator.
algorithm:estimator_params:scale_pos_weight sklearn_estimator auto Sets scale_pos_weight parameter to sum(negative instances) / sum(positive instances) value for estimator.
algorithm:estimator_params:n_clusters sklearn_estimator auto Sets n_clusters parameter to number of clusters or classes from dataset description for estimator.
algorithm:estimator_params:eps sklearn_estimator distances_quantile:{quantile} format where quantile is float value in [0, 1] range Computes eps parameter as quantile value of distances in x_train matrix for estimator.

Range of Values

You can define some parameters as a range of values with the [RANGE] prefix in string value:

... "generation_kwargs": {"n_features": "[RANGE]pow:2:5:6"} ...

Supported ranges:

  • add:start{int}:end{int}:step{int} - Arithmetic progression (Sequence: start + step * i <= end)
  • mul:current{int}:end{int}:step{int} - Geometric progression (Sequence: current * step <= end)
  • pow:base{int}:start{int}:end{int}[:step{int}=1] - Powers of base number

Removal of Values

You can remove specific parameter from subset of cases when stacking parameters sets using [REMOVE] parameter value:

... "estimator_params": { "n_jobs": "[REMOVE]" } ...

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