- Impact factor:
- Mid week, June
- Final Paper due: Last Week, November
- Rebuttal:
- Notification: March, Next Year
- Camera-Ready Deadline: End of February
- Review: Double-Blind
- Paper limitation: maximum of 11 pages excluding references, single-spaced double- column
- Impact factor:
- Mid week, October
- Final Paper due: Mid April
- Rebuttal: Mid June
- Notification: Mid July
- Camera-Ready Deadline:
- Review: Double-Blind
- Paper limitation: maximum of 11 pages excluding references, single-spaced double-column
- Impact factor:
- Mid week, February
- Final Paper due: Last Week, July
- Rebuttal:
- Notification:
- Camera-Ready Deadline:
- Review: Double-Blind
- Paper limitation: maximum of 11 pages excluding references, single-spaced double-column
- Impact factor:
- Mid week, June
- Final Paper due: 1st week February
- Rebuttal: Mid week, March
- Notification: Last week, March
- Camera-Ready Deadline:
- Review: Double-Blind
- Paper limitation: maximum of 10 pages excluding references
- Impact factor:
- Mid April
- Final Paper due: Mid, February
- Reduttal:
- Notification:
- Camera-Ready Deadline: Mid week August
- Review:
- Paper limitation:
- Impact factor:
- 1st week, October
- Final Paper due: Last week, April
- Rebuttal: Fist week, June
- Notification: Last week, July
- Camera-Ready Dead line:
- Review:Double-Blind
- Paper limitation: maximum of 11 pages excluding references, single-spaced double-column
ASAP: The IEEE International Conference on Application-specific System, Architectures and Processors
- Impact factor:
- 2nd week, July
- Final Paper due: First week, April
- Reduttal:
- Notification: Mid week, May
- Camera-Ready deadline: mid week, June
- Review: Double-Blind
- Paper limitation: maximum of 8 pages including references, single-spaced double-column
- Impact factor:
- 1st week, December
- Final Paper due: Mid week, November
- Rebuttal:
- Notification: Third week, February
- Camera-Ready Dead line: Mid week, April
- Review:
- Paper limitation: maximum of 6 pages including references
- Impact factor:
- Mid week, August
- Final Paper due: First week, April
- Rebuttal:
- Notification: First week, May
- Camera-Ready Dead line: Mid week, July
- Review:
- Paper limitation:
CoolChips: The IEEE International Symposium on Performance on Low Power and High-Speed Chips and Systems
- Impact factor:
- Mid week, April
- Final Paper due: Mid week, February
- Rebuttal:
- Notification: Mid week, March
- Camera-Ready Dead line:
- Review:
- Paper limitation: maximum of 6 pages including references, single space double column
- Impact factor:
- Mid week, January
- Final Paper due:
- Rebuttal:
- Notification:
- Camera-Ready Dead line:
- Review:
- Paper limitation:
- Impact factor:
- Mid week, May
- Final Paper due: Mid week, October
- Rebuttal:
- Notification: Mid week, January
- Camera-Ready Dead line: Mid week, February
- Review:
- Paper limitation: maximum of 10 pages including references, single-spaced double-column
- Impact factor:
- Mid Week, May
- Final Paper due: Mid week, January
- Rebuttal: Mid week, February
- Notification: Last week, April
- Camera-Ready Dead line:
- Review:
- Paper limitation: maximum of 8 pages excluding references, single-spaced single-column
- Impact factor:
- Last Week, February
- Final Paper due: Mid week, September
- Rebuttal: Last week, October
- Notification: Last week November
- Camera-Ready Dead line: Mid week, December
- Review: Double-Blind
- Paper limitation: maximum of 10 pages excluding references, single-spaced double-column
- Impact factor:
- Final Paper due: Last week, May
- Camera-Ready Dead line:
- Notification: Last week, September
- Camera-Ready Deadline: Last week, October
- Review: Double-Blinded OpenReview
- Paper limitation: maximum of 9 pages excluding references