The Morse code is transmitted via the LED for detection by the photocell of the recipient ( might be the same device - if the LED is shining back into the photocell ) ( Similar code exists for the Raspberry Pi written in Julia )
Will convert the Recvd morse ( from it's pair OR in Loopback ) and present it in characters. In the INPUT section of the monitor :- Type in your sentence 'HOW ARE YOU' which will get converted to Morse Code and transmitted at the end of the current TickerTape message OR Press 5 or 6 to turn OFF TickerTape then Tap out your morse using the Tapper on the breadboard In Tapper Mode if the last letter of the word FOX is received - it restarts TickerTape OR Press 9 to set the LED to permanently ON then use your finger or an object to block the LED light getting to the photocell thus creating Morse ( in reverse )
Use ONE space between Letters and TWO spaces between Words and THREE spaces at the end of a Sentence
Press :- 0 - To set Reporting Level 0 & Do an AutoTune ( normal ) 1 - To set Reporting Level 1 2 - To set Reporting Level 2 3 - To set Reporting Level 3 4 - To set Reporting Level 4 5 - To toggle TickerTape OFF ( immediately ) 6 - To toggle TickerTape ON and OFF ( after the end of the current message ) 7 - To Halve TickerTape Speed 8 - To Double TickerTape Speed 9 - To toggle the LED being permanently ON