Once a release and corresponding tag have been created in GitHub, packages will be built using Travis and attached to the tag.
- Open an issue to track the release process
- Check changes since latest tag (using browser or CLI)
- Agree release version
- Prepare changelog
- Provide main changes, with related author(s)
- Document changes impacting deployment/configuration/usage
- Update AUTHORS as needed
- Merge a PR for updating CHANGELOG and any other needed
changes for the release
- Version should follow SemVer like 0.42.0
- Push a
event to GitHub- Requires a valid personal token that can be obtained as described here
- Merge PR created by the event
- Present release to EGI UMD Release Team
# Using GitHub CLI https://cli.github.com/
# And hub feature: https://hub.github.com/
# git must be an alias to hub
# Create a new issue
gh issue create -t "Release new package version"
# Synchronize fork with upstream
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/main main
git checkout main
# Check latest tag
git tag --list --sort version:refname
# Compare latest tag (0.8.3 here) with main
# Using GitHub
git compare EGI-Federation 0.8.3..main
# Using CLI
git log --abbrev-commit 0.8.3..main
# Prepare a PR to prepare version (0.9.0 here)
git checkout -b prepare-0.9.0
# Prepare the changelog and add it as a new entry to CHANGELOG
# Take care to changes in dependencies and configuration
# Depending on the changes update relevant packages
# Debian: dependencies in debian/control files
# Debian: debs/cloud-info-provider-opennebula/debian/changelog
# Debian: debs/cloud-info-provider-openstack/debian/changelog
# RHEL: change dependencies at the top
# RHEL: rpm/cloud-info-provider.spec
# RHEL: rpm/cloud-info-provider-opennebula.spec
# RHEL: rpm/cloud-info-provider-openstack.spec
# Update Zenodo configuration if needed
# Update AUTHORS file if needed
# Commit changes
git commit -am 'Prepare release 0.9.0'
# Create pull request
gh pr create
# After PR merging
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
-H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" \
https://api.github.com/repos/EGI-Federation/cloud-info-provider/dispatches \
-d '{"event_type":"release"}'
# Merge PR
gh pr merge --squash <pr number>
To distribute the cloud-info-provider
as part of
Cloud Middleware Distribution (CMD),
it's required to follow the
EGI Software provisioning process.
- Submitting a GGUS ticket to the
EGI Software provisioning support
Support Unit- Ticket category: release
- Type of issue: Middleware
- Assign to support unit:
EGI Software Provisioning Support
- Version number
- Link to release notes (GitHub release pages)
- List of packages to release in CMD