- Money to item
- currency exchange
- Is only accessible when in the "plots" shard and in a container gui
LocationNotifier - Shows a notification when the player leaves/enter a defined location.
If there are any issues with certain locations (or want to add one/multiple to the list) then please open a pull request on here
Errors - When an error happens in the mod it's possible a notification will be shown to tell the user that something's gone wrong.
Uses texture - texture
Information about the player / where they are can be shown in the discord status. (can be disabled in the settings) the user can change one of the two lines of the discord rpc using custom values, that will be replaced when the discord rpc is updated
- Will show "In the Main menu"
Yeah, that's about it
- Similarly to main menu will show "In Singleplayer".
- Will show "Playing Multiplayer - <the server's entry name>"
- "{player}" will be replaced by the player's name
- "{shard}" will be replaced by the shard's name
- "{location}" will be replaced by the location the player's in (if no location found will act the same way as "{shard}").
- "{holding}" will be replaced by the held item's actual name (isn't affected by ItemNameSpoofer).
- "{class}" will be replaced by the player's class.
More information in the pull request
Effect Overlay
That overlay shows the custom effects in your tab list. It's also capable of condensing effects having the same type.
Chest Count Overlay
This overlay shows the current count of chests opened while being in a strike shard, If the shard also has a maximum amount of chests defined, it will show it as well and will change the text's color from gold to bright green.
Texture Spoofing
Allows the player to trick the game into thinking an item is another item, allowing it to render another texture. To make it work, I recommend just reading the [wiki page]