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137 lines (102 loc) · 4.73 KB

Dave Parr's DEV Profile .to.ol

Lifecycle: maturing

The goal of is to help R users publish to


You can install the from github with remotes:



Create your article

The create_new_article function will give you the front mattter boilerplate for an article .Rmd file. Optionally supplying a file name will create a new file with the front matter at the start.

create_new_article(title = "my title")

Write your article!

This is the fun bit. Mark your great ideas down in an .Rmd!

Post your article

Once the .Rmd is written, you can post it to with post_new_article


Check your articles

There are two functions to check the posted articles on, published and unpublished. Both will return a ‘tidy’ data set by default.


Using DEVTO in .Renviron
The API returned the expected success: 200
# A tibble: 27 x 20
   type_of     id title description published published_at slug  path  url  
   <chr>    <int> <chr> <chr>       <lgl>     <chr>        <chr> <chr> <chr>
 1 article 370013 Nati"I made an… TRUE      2020-06-26T… nati… /dav… http…
 2 article 367598 Inve… "Is the deTRUE      2020-06-26Tinve/davhttp3 article 367500 Why"Motivatio… TRUE      2020-06-25T… why-… /dav… http…
 4 article 345011 Buil… "I'm worki… TRUE      2020-06-25T… buil… /dav… http…
 5 article 357514 3 mi… "I’ve made… TRUE      2020-06-17T… 3-mi… /dav… http…
 6 article 357411 Is '"The langu… TRUE      2020-06-17T… is-r… /dav… http…
 7 article 357002 Webs… "library(tTRUE      2020-06-16Twebs/davhttp8 article 356940 Is i"I seem to… TRUE      2020-06-16T… is-i… /dav… http…
 9 article 354878 Reco… "I am writTRUE      2020-06-13Treco/davhttp10 article 354676 A re"So I have… TRUE      2020-06-13T… a-re… /dav… http…
# … with 17 more rows, and 11 more variables: comments_count <int>,
#   public_reactions_count <int>, page_views_count <int>,
#   published_timestamp <chr>, body_markdown <chr>,
#   positive_reactions_count <int>, tag_list <list>, canonical_url <chr>,
#   user <list>, flare_tag <list>, cover_image <chr>

Update your article

If you notice you’ve made a mistake, you can get the article id from get_users_articles(), and use that to send the new version of the .Rmd to

update_article(id = 151471, "./my-great-article.Rmd")

Authentication will check for an .Renviron file it can access that has a line like this:


If you use Rproj projects (and you should!), this is easily placed in the root directory. Alternatively it can be set at user level for the system.

You can set up a key on here

The easiest way to check if this has worked is to run the function to check your users details

Using DEVTO in .Renviron
The API returned the expected success: 200
# A tibble: 11 x 2
   key            value                                                      
   <chr>          <chr>                                                      
 1 type_of        user                                                       
 2 id             150692                                                     
 3 username       daveparr                                                   
 4 name           Dave Parr                                                  
 5 summary        Data-scientist who loves to use #datascienceforgood, espec…
 6 twitter_usernDaveParr                                                   
 7 github_usernaDaveParr                                                   
 8 website_url                                  
 9 location       Cardiff, Wales                                             
10 joined_at      Mar 29, 2019                                               
11 profile_image

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.