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How to Integrate with OAuth

This tutorial will show you how to implement the OAuth workflow in an XD plugin, using the Dropbox API as an example.

info Auth workflows are necessarily complex, so this tutorial will be on the longer side and make use of some advanced concepts. Please read the each section carefully, especially the Prerequisites and Configuration sections.


Technology Used

  1. [Install required] Node.js and the npm package manager
  2. OAuth
  3. ngrok
  4. Dropbox API

Overview of the OAuth workflow

There are three parts of this workflow:

  • Your XD plugin
  • Your server endpoints (for this development example, we'll create a local Node.js server)
  • The service providers OAuth endpoints (for this example, the Dropbox API)

The high-level workflow is as follows:

  1. The XD plugin pings the server to get the session ID
  2. The server returns a unique ID for the user's XD session
  3. Plugin opens a tab in user's default browser with a URL pointing to an endpoint on the server
  4. The server handles the entire OAuth code grant workflow
  5. The user gives necessary permissions to the plugin
  6. The server saves the access token paired with the session ID
  7. The plugin polls the server to check if the access token is available for the session ID. If the token is available, the server sends the access token back
  8. The plugin uses the access token to make API calls to the service API


Info Complete code for this plugin can be found on GitHub.

The following steps will help you get the sample code from our GitHub repo up and running.

1. Install Node.js packages

Inside the sample repo's server folder, there is a package.json file that contains a list of dependencies. Run the following command from the top level directory of the repo to install the dependencies:

$ cd server
$ npm install

2. Use ngrok to create a public SSL URL

You can use either ngrok to create a public SSL endpoint, or use your own public URL.

To use ngrok, first download it to your machine.

You can run ngrok from anywhere on your machine, but since we're already in the server folder, we'll move ngrok there for convenience.

mv ~/Downloads/ngrok ./

Then we run it:

./ngrok http 8000

Now ngrok is forwarding all HTTP requests from port 8000 to a public SSL endpoint.

You can see the forwarding endpoint currently being used in the ngrok terminal output. Note the forwarding endpoint; we'll use it in the next step.

3. Set your API credentials and public URL

Enter the required credentials in public/config.js. You'll need:

  • Your Dropbox API key
  • Your Dropbox API secret
  • Your ngrok public URL
const dropboxApiKey = "YOUR-DROPBOX-API-KEY";
const dropboxApiSecret = "YOUR-DROPBOX-SECRET";
const publicUrl = "YOUR-PUBLIC-URL"; // e.g.

try {
	if (module) {
		module.exports = {
			dropboxApiKey: dropboxApiKey,
			dropboxApiSecret: dropboxApiSecret,
			publicUrl: publicUrl
catch (err) {

Our server will make use of these settings in a later step.

4. Start the server

After completing the configuration steps, start the server from the server folder:

$ npm start

Now you have a running server with an HTTPS endpoint and your Dropbox credentials ready to go.

Development Steps

Now we can get back to the XD plugin side of things!

1. Create plugin scaffold

First, edit the manifest file for the plugin you created in our Quick Start Tutorial.

Replace the uiEntryPoints field of the manifest with the following:

"uiEntryPoints": [
				"type": "menu",
				"label": "How to Integrate with OAuth (Must run Server first)",
				"commandId": "launchOAuth"

If you're curious about what each entry means, see the manifest documentation, where you can also learn about all manifest requirements for a plugin to be published in the XD Plugin Manager.

Then, update your main.js file, mapping the manifest's commandId to a handler function.

Replace the content of your main.js file with the following code (note the presence of the async keyword, which we'll look at in a later step):

async function launchOAuth(selection) {
    // The body of this function is added later

module.exports = {
    commands: {

The remaining steps in this tutorial describe additional edits to the main.js file.

2. Require in XD API dependencies

For this tutorial, we just need access to two XD scenegraph classes.

Add the following lines to the top of your plugin's top-level main.js file:

const { Text, Color } = require("scenegraph");

Now the Text and Color classes are required in and ready to be used.

3. Store the public URL

Your plugin will also need to know your public URL. Since we used ngrok earlier, we'll make a constant with that URL:

const publicUrl = "YOUR-PUBLIC-URL"; 	// e.g.

This url will be used to send requests to your server.

4. Create a variable to store the access token

Once you receive the access token from your server, you can use the token for API calls as long as the token is stored in memory and the XD session is alive.

let accessToken;

We'll assign the value later.

5. Write a helper function for XHR requests

// XHR helper function
function xhrRequest(url, method) {
	return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // [1]
		const req = new XMLHttpRequest();
		req.timeout = 6000; // [2]
		req.onload = () => {
			if (req.status === 200) {
				try {
					resolve(req.response); // [3]
				} catch (err) {
					reject(`Couldn't parse response. ${err.message}, ${req.response}`);
			} else {
				reject(`Request had an error: ${req.status}`);
		req.ontimeout = () => {
			console.log("polling..") // [4]
			resolve(xhrRequest(url, method))
		req.onerror = (err) => {
		}, url, true); // [5]
		req.responseType = 'json';
  1. This helper function returns a promise object
  2. Request timeout is set to 6000 miliseconds
  3. On a successful request, the promise is resolved with req.response. In any other scenarios, the promise is rejected
  4. If the request was timed out after 6000 miliseconds, the function loops and keeps sending XHR request until the response is received
  5. The function sends the request to the specified url with the specified method

6. Get the session ID

We'll make an XHR request.

const rid = await xhrRequest(`${publicUrl}/getRequestId`, 'GET')
			.then(response => {

This part of the function sends a GET request to your server's getRequestId endpoint and returns

Let's take a look at the code on the server side:

/* Authorized Request IDs (simulating database) */
const requestIds = {}; // [1]

app.get('/getRequestId', function (req, res) {
	/* Simulating writing to a database */
	for (let i = 1; i < 100; i++) { // [2]
		if (!(i in requestIds)) {
			requestIds[i] = {};
			res.json({ id: i })
  1. Note that there is a global variable, requestIDs, which is an empty JavaScript object. For the sake of simplicity, we are using this object to simulate a database
  2. This loop function simulates writing to a database by creating a new id, save the id in the global object, and res.json with the id

7. Open the default browser with the URL pointing to your server

To open the machine's default browser from an XD plugin, we can use UXP's shell module:


This will open the browser with the url pointing to an endpoint on your server.

Let's take a look at the code on the server side.

app.get('/login', function (req, res) {
	let requestId = req.query.requestId; // [1]
	/* This will prompt user with the Dropbox auth screen */
	res.redirect(`${dropboxApiKey}&redirect_uri=${publicUrl}/callback&state=${requestId}`) // [2]

app.get('/callback', function (req, res) {
	/* Retrieve authorization code from request */
	let code = req.query.code; // [3]
	let requestId = req.query.state;

	/* Set options with required paramters */
	let requestOptions = { // [4]
		uri: `${code}&client_id=${dropboxApiKey}&client_secret=${dropboxApiSecret}&redirect_uri=${publicUrl}/callback`,
		method: 'POST',
		json: true

	/* Send a POST request using the request library */
	request(requestOptions) // [5]
		.then(function (response) {
			/* Store the token in req.session.token */
			req.session.token = response.access_token; // [6]

			/* Simulating writing to a database */
			requestIds[requestId]["accessToken"] = response.access_token; // [7]
		.catch(function (error) {
			res.json({ 'response': 'Log in failed!' });
  1. /login route grabs the requestId from the query parameter
  2. and redirects to the Dropbox's authorize endpoint and pass the requestId to the optional parameter, state. This redirect will prompt the login screen on the user's browser
  3. Once the dropbox API returns the code to the specified callback endpoint, /callback, which then parses the code and the requestId
  4. Set requestOptions object with Dropbox's token URI
  5. Use the request library to send the POST request
  6. Store the access token received from Dropbox in the session object
  7. Simulate writing to a database by paring the access token with requestId and storing it to requestIds global object

8. Poll the server until access token is received

accessToken = await xhrRequest(`${publicUrl}/getCredentials?requestId=${rid}`, 'GET')
			.then(tokenResponse => {
				return tokenResponse.accessToken;

As noted in step #4, the xhrRequest helper function is designed to poll the server if the initial request is not responded in 6000 miliseconds. Once the user completes the OAuth workflow in the browser, polling should stop and this request should be returned with the access token.

9. Show a dialog indicating the token has been received

// create the dialog
let dialog = document.createElement("dialog"); // [1]

// main container
let container = document.createElement("div"); // [2] = 400; = 40;

// add content
let title = document.createElement("h3"); // [3] = 20;
title.textContent = `XD and Dropbox are now connected`;

// close button
let closeButton = document.createElement("button"); // [4]
closeButton.textContent = "Got it!";

closeButton.onclick = (e) => { // [5]

document.body.appendChild(dialog); // [6]

Just like HTML DOM APIs, you can use document.createElement method to create UI objects. Elements have the style property which contains metrics properties you can set

  1. The dialog element is the modal window that pops down in XD
  2. Create a container div element
  3. Create a h3 element to let the user know the auth workflow has been completed
  4. You need at least one exit point. Create a close button and add it to the container
  5. Create a listener for the click event and close the dialog
  6. Attach the dialog to the document, add the container, and use showModal method to show the modal

10. Make an API call to Dropbox

const dropboxProfileUrl = `${accessToken}`; // [1]
const dropboxProfile = await xhrRequest(dropboxProfileUrl, 'POST'); // [2]
  1. Note that received accessToken is included in this Dropbox API call to retrieve the current account's profile
  2. xhrRequest helper function is used again to make this POST call

10. Create a text element to show the profile information inside the current artboard

const text = new Text(); // [1]
text.text = JSON.stringify(dropboxProfile); // [2]
text.styleRanges = [ // [3]
    length: text.text.length,
    fill: new Color("#0000ff"),
    fontSize: 10
selection.insertionParent.addChild(text); // [4]
text.moveInParentCoordinates(100, 100); // [5]
  1. Create a new Text instance in XD
  2. Populate the text with the stringified version of the profile json object
  3. Add the styleRanges for the text
  4. Insert the text
  5. Move the text inside the artboard to make it visible

Next Steps

Ready to explore further? Take a look at our other resources: